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Posts posted by Navallion

  1. 1 hour ago, NJ2 said:

    Dikamona, Sibbick and Langer are the only ones I’d keep. Not seen enough from the latter two to make me hate them yet and thought Clevid done a job when he played. Bozanic
    Meshino would be nice to get back in loan but we’ll see. Bozanic I wouldn’t be annoyed if we kept but if we kept Langer, Sibbick, Haring can play again, still have Irving then I’m not too worried if he goes.
    There’s a lot of junk still with time left on their contracts.

    Dikamoma left the club entirely, would keep Sibbick if we can but Langer didn’t look so good whenever I’ve seen him play. Would love if Bozanic stays seems like he’d be good in the championship as he was only average in the premiership. With Meshino only god knows what will happen but his effort was appreciated I guess. And Irving will grow to be a decent player for us I reckon.

  2. On 07/05/2020 at 19:21, Aidan said:

    Just incase anyone, like me, was considering buying this, it's just been added to Xbox Game Pass.

    Bit of a joke in my opinion, mind paying sixty quid odd when it first came out.

  3. 1 hour ago, 19QOS19 said:
    2 hours ago, Navallion said:
    Used a cheat at the start of chapter 3 played it all day and was just about to get to chapter 4 I reckon when I realised I can’t save it.
    karma is an absolute c**t 

    Are cheats still a thing? What was it? I think the only game I've used a cheat in since PS2 days is GTA just to quickly get guns. I never used to use the lower wanted level because you could outrun them in the new ones.

    Cheats are still a thing, I think they’ve just died down due to using them doesn’t allow you to actually progress within the game which isn’t a bad thing I suppose. I used one to get a better horse since a horse’s stamina can go down very quickly making it very tedious to get to places sometimes. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Vancouver_Don said:

    I actually think JKB is a decent forum and I pop in from time to time however of late there has been some truly incredible posts. I'm honestly not sure if 'RasberryJam' and 'HardcoreJambo' are Hearts fans or on the wind up! either way you've gotta God Damn wonder whats going on with them lol. The following was posted on JKB today!


    "Are you all smoking crack? or just plain idiots? Are there seriously only a few true hearts fans who see that "boycotting" every away game is a bloody retarded idea. We are Hearts of god damn Midlothian ! You support your team no matter what ! I am so tired of all the shite im reading, including the shite Rangers are spraffing. You sound like a bunch of wee babies with there nappies full of shite throwing their toys out the pram! 

    It sucks, it feels like complete garbage that we are being relegated. I get it! Could we have not been if the league continued ? I dont bloody know but it sure as hell wasnt looking good for us. I dont care how hopeful or glass full you might be. The matter is, it doesnt matter anymore! 

    We best not take legal action either. We dont need to make every other bloody team our enemy. Hearts would be in a even worse situation if we try suing all the member clubs. Honestly is no one thinking with the heads? Or are they just too far up their own arse to see? We do this we tarnish our name. The risk and the financial hit that Hearts would have with a legal case like this. It is honestly high risk and low reward, a true lose lose situation.

    There are worse things going on right now, so put your goddamn egos aside and suck it up! Act like a real Hearts supporter, act like a real man and bloody accept this shite and support your team, support your players! So that when we come back to the SPL we can kick some heads in!"


    f**k no

  5. 19 hours ago, staggy1929 said:

    Only just realised you have sent Olly Lee away on loan, I was a bit surprised as whenever I've seen Hearts play he has a bit of quality about him. What was the reasoning behind it? I may be totally wrong in my opinion as I don't see him play every week.

    Wasn't very mobile, played too many safe passes and just didn't have much of an impact in most games. Scoring the winner against Hibs at Easter road can't save him from the fact he's average as hell.

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