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Posts posted by BawWatchin

  1. 1 minute ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    Johnson is also a racist as well as islamophobic for what it’s worth.

    Or will Stormzy be along to tell us how “piccanninies” and “Watermelon smiles” is actually fine.

    It's ok, cause he's only voted for the tories twice in his life to stop his country gaining sovereignty or something lol

  2. Just now, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

    If I didn't want to be accused of defending islamaphobes, I would simply just not come on here and defend islamaphobes.

    Islamaphobes will defend islamaphobes. As will defenders of Israels atrocities.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

    Are we allowed to say the Pope wears a funny looking hat..?


    Asking for a friend. 

    Yes. You're also allowed to say that Muslim women look like letterboxes and bank robbers. In fact, it may just score you a job at the very top!

    It's all fair game as long as you don't criticise the murderous state of Israel.

  4. 1 minute ago, CambieBud said:

    So criticism of Israeli war crimes equates to antisemitism?

    Yes. See Corbyn and the Labour Party.

    1 minute ago, CambieBud said:

    Is criticism of Saudi or Iranian atrocities anti Islamic?

    No. See Boris and the Conservative Party.

  5. 2 hours ago, strichener said:

    You can call me anything you want. 

    One word covers yourself - Wrong.   The Scotland Act 1998 and Scotland Act 2012 both provided the Scottish Government the ability to borrow from the NLF for resource expenditure.  Here is the fiscal framework agreed between the UK and Scottish Governments.  Fiscal Framework.   I suggest you read it before posting more ignorant nonsense.  @BawWatchin You would do well to read it as well.

    As i've already pointed out to you, NLF borrowing has to be paid back within a year. The only exception to this rule is when devolved taxes are less than projection, which gives up to 4 years.

    It's not like Westminster borrowing where they can just pay it back when they feel like as long as they cover the interest payments.

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