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Lang Toon Saintee

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Everything posted by Lang Toon Saintee

  1. Nah I think his agent is Davie Moyes brother... Correct I was talking to them when they were up golfing a few months ago..I mentioned Ali to Davie Moyes and his brother said "I'm his Agent "
  2. Wow ! Yet another team "Out of Sorts today " when playing against St Johnstone, It's becoming the opposition mantra...Mind you its easier on the ego than actually admitting that your team was second best and lucky to get a point I suppose
  3. You are not forced to explain anything..You ( as a compulsive responder ) choose to respond.
  4. I said earlier that I'm starting to get an uneasy feeling about him
  5. I don't know why but I've got an uneasy feeling about Melamed...I hope I'm wrong
  6. Were you at the game today mate ? Aye I was..How did the Saints play ? Eh I dunno I haven't seen the charts yet?
  7. How are we robbing b*****ds? You still havent explained that It's " Why " not " how "you semi-literate dayglow coagie twat.
  8. " From a random website on the St Mirren thread " Just Gonnie no !
  9. The guy is renowned for being a bit of a twat.Just ignore it it's not important in the least.
  10. I wouldn't say there was a "Mass Seethe". A few people on social media having a bit of a grumpy maybe.
  11. With the lack of cover in central defence I think we may experiment with Rooney or Booth as part of a back three
  12. I don't think many, if any on here were looking for a target man in the traditional sense...We have had enough bad experiences in signing Big Haddies over the years
  13. Just signed a new striker, got rid of our weakest player, one more signing to come, held Celtic to 0-0 until the 90th minute and only four points off fifth place..What a great day so far.
  14. I'm very positive about this move but he has played all his football in the heat of Israeli and it will be interesting to see how he adapts to a Scottish winter.
  15. Only 37 and a free agent after leaving Hurlford..Sounds like he would be a a good addition right enough.
  16. My understanding is that he was ideally wanting three more. Bryson was one and he wanted another defender and striker. Duffy was to go out on a seasons loan which would free up some money and one other was also leaving.This would allow another signing to come in.
  17. I was told at the weekend that two senior players may be going on loan shortly and the names I got were Duffy and Kane..If this does happen there may be one more loan signing.
  18. For a couple of failures who we were glad to see the back of Zippy and Bombscare sure talk a good game.
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