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Posts posted by ATB1961

  1. 39 minutes ago, Stainrod said:

    My Ratings 

    FASAN - No chance with the goals but distribution is slow and he makes the defence nervous _ 2

    MUIR HEAD - Poor but his low standard  "but  tries 3

    DALLISON - Looks like a player but isn't 1 

    HARRISON - Too Slow and losing interest - 1

    BROUGH - Cant get forward effectively bug not a disaster 2

    IRVINE  - Has some skill but at his age he should be expected to lead the midfield. - 3

    McKee-   Shocking didn't see him do anything - 0

    PETRA - did nothing today but did try. - 1

    McGhee - Started well but faded a lit more  effort than football - 3

    Lewis - Did nothing and that seems likely to what he has to offer. 1

    Rudden-Reminds me of a giraffe. He was poor today but again he's very young Tried his best - 2

    Subs Robson - average with poorer players around him. 1

    Haber the hut -hardly won a header and that's all he can do. -0

    SAMUT,- Like a well laddie playing  mens football would be good if there was no physical contact - 1







    I can disagree with none of your ratings

  2. 54 minutes ago, Kyle said:

    Nope - Falkirk hold their registrations until January as they held them when the window shut. Hartley surely can’t get another management  job in Scottish football after the mess he’s left at Falkirk. 

    I hope your right regarding Hartley but stranger things happen, Had to laugh when he was an 'Expert' on BBC Radio and managed to get the the line up of the team he was talking about wrong!!

  3. 7 hours ago, knee jerk reaction said:

    Not me, if the bairns for life scheme had an option, so say half goes to fund players and half goes to buy shares in the club, I'd put in more than a tenner a month anytime! As it is, we could quite easily have been giving Hartley more cash for new players in January with the bairns for life cash. The heart of the scheme is in the right place but i can't buy into it the way it is, cash from the scheme should be buying shares and giving fans a bigger stake and say in the club

    I can't understand why the money raised by B4L isn't used to buy newly issued shares in the Club. In turn that cash generated could be used to buy players as well as providing a voice for fans which is sadly missing presently.  Our current structure, remember the Henderson debacle at a recent AGM, means that there is effectively no oversight of the BoD; given what has gone on in recent months this is not a good thing. 


  4. 3 hours ago, AL-FFC said:

    McKinnon has already spoke out on that subject and has pretty much said the reason those players are without a club is for a number of reasons, injury prone, not match fit, or just generally poor in quality/attributes.

    I agree in principle but wasn't there a lad called Will Vaulks that pitched up at the club without a contract ......and the rest is history.  But  for goodness sake make sure we have a thorough look at any potential out of contract players before putting pen to paper. It may sound obvious but I wish someone on the BOD had suggested it to Hartley before he went mad with his pen!

  5. 6 hours ago, Harry Kinnear said:

    Rogers is with us for a month. Good idea, give him a month see how he does and if he's shite punt him. If only Hartley had thought of that.

    I have a solution to the problem of how we get rid of the dross. The only issue is Hartley needs to gets another job first (unlikely I know). We then get the players to change their names (even he might remember who he signed) then get someone to tell him that the newly renamed players are magic. Bingo, he never sees them until they have signed on the bottom line and Ray can build a decent team.....

  6. 1 minute ago, Duncan Freemason said:

    Paton would have to retire. Harrison would go back down south with glowing references from FFC. TOE? Who knows. I think he would just go amateur. Dallison.........if he could physically compete, he might make it low level back down south.

    There’s certainly none of them going to be sought out by any club that does even the most basic of checks.

    How unsporting to check players before you sign them.

  7. 27 minutes ago, RC55 FFC said:

    This BOD (inc CEO) have allowed Hartley to sign multiple players he hadn’t physically seen (Chair confirmed this) which is unheard of by most football managers. They are as much to blame as he was for our current plight. They sacked him when asked as they fucked up & knew it.



    IMO an effective BoD makes sure checks and balances are in place; constructively question the decisions of Management to ensure they aligned to strategy  and are not just a rubber stamp.  I have attended Board Meeting where the non-executives ask Management the difficult questions and address the elephants in the room. Non executives are not necessarily subject matter experts  but bring to an organisation their experience of matters impacting the business. Did our BOD demonstrate any of these functions?

  8. Now, Now have you people not read the Chairs Statement. The board is totally blameless; they  did everything on the advise of others. They did nothing at all wrong: in the appointment of Hartley and his cohorts, the appointment of the 'scout' or indeed allowing the signing of the diddies we now have as a team.  We are so fortunate to have such an illustrious CEO and Chair to take our Club to the next level.

    Well reality check; I for one don't believe it. Have they never heard of the 'Buck Stops Here' ethos? They got us into this state; now accept responsibility for your mistake, apologise and leave.  And the next level is more likely to be league 1 rather than the Premiership

  9. 7 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:


    I was at hospitality yesterday and outside KK not one director came near any of the boxes or the main lounge to speak to people.

    CC was opposite to me across the aisle. He didn’t attempt to speak to me or anyone else for that matter.

    Hospitality was very good by the way.......a bit too good emoji23.png


    Shameful; I'm afraid you can't expect anything else from the Teflon Army

  10. 6 minutes ago, GMBairn said:

    According to my extensive football manager experience it is the assistant manager that organises and handles friendlies so we can only assume he does nothing but put out pishy statements and argue with fans about the badge.

    Good point, making sure club assets like trademarks are protected......

  11. 52 minutes ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:

    CC will be possibly the highest wage at the club and I can’t see the point in him being here at all.

    Does anyone have a clue what he does if he isn't involved in anyway in strategy, recruitment or player selection?  Maybe he organises friendlies?

  12. I was there yesterday; I suffered in the South Stand with so many others.

    Is it not time for a total clean out before Paul Hartley, his useless coaching team, the CEO and the rest of the Board drive this club in to the abyss of part-time football and  Scottish League Division 1. 

    Has anyone ever heard of a Championship club ever bringing in 16 new players for a season before? Maybe that's because it doesn't work  Then Hartley has the cheek to blame his wholly maverick strategy for our predicament!! I'm afraid there is a worrying dis-junction between what he does and what he says; I wonder if he talks about himself in the third person?

    Itis his team, his strategy, his tactics. HIS FAILURE and the failure of the shirts and blouses that gave him free reign to adopt this bizarre approach to winning a championship. Go now the lot of you PLEASE. 




  13. 17 minutes ago, ATB1961 said:

    Just looking at the SFA website and came across this link:-


    It seems that they think the game against Cove Rangers will take place at Montrose at 3pm on 10th February. As its their Cup I would think they know what they are talking about. It seems odd that the Club hasn't confirmed this; mind you communications isn't really our strongest area....



    The SFA site is now saying Harlaw Park Inverurie.....Maybe they don't know what they are talking about after all!

  14. Just looking at the SFA website and came across this link:-


    It seems that they think the game against Cove Rangers will take place at Montrose at 3pm on 10th February. As its their Cup I would think they know what they are talking about. It seems odd that the Club hasn't confirmed this; mind you communications isn't really our strongest area....



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