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Everything posted by HGG

  1. I bet there isn't you know. I bet it was particularly cheap so someone brought it along to a party and then drank someone else's beer, leaving the Skol behind for you to drink!
  2. He's trying to *grow* trees, not cut them down. Plus I'd worry that if you sold him a chainsaw he may make his way down here with it simply to dash my hopes of helping my fruit trees to flourish .
  3. Good stuff? The guy's just pulling the wotsit here! So rude. A Rochdale loon turned up today for the garage. My email advertising it said that I'd had the power disconnected and the roof isn't here because it blew off last winter. We arranged last night for him to collect it today. He turned up late, in a car smaller than a Punto. Then he said he couldn't collect the garage till tomorrow but wanted to have a look at it. First thing he said then was "is there a roof on it, yeah?". Then he went inside, saw the light bulbs attached to the roof beams and asked "is there electric in here?". Um, yeah - the roof's hiding where we can't see it and the electrician just sat around for half an hour not disconnecting anything yesterday! Anyhoo, he's due back here at 1pm tomorrow to take the thing away. I really hope this goes better than I anticipate after today's visit.
  4. So you think people would see me on their screen and instantly want to reach out and slap me? Or turn my face the right way up? Thanks a bunch. Pal! Oh... and also... I answer questions when asked!
  5. It's possible to fall out with people you know! Garage is now being collected tomorrow. They came round to look at it today and said they'll be back at 1pm tomorrow to take it away. :bounce I hope the weather's nice tomorrow afternoon as I want to try and erect a big plastic climbing frame type thing for the kids. There are lots of pieces, no instructions and I don't even know what it's supposed to look like. Bring it on!
  6. I reckon he's growing fruit trees on the sly and trying to keep it from us after his previous posts on this thread.
  7. Electrician came round tonight and disconnected the power from my garage. I've posted on my local Freecycle group in the hope that someone will want the garage and take it away soon to leave me some space to work with in my garden. Here's hoping! Edit: Just spoken to a guy now who's been looking for a garage and is coming over to pick mine up tomorrow, despite the fact that the roof blew off last winter. Yay Freecycle! I've just been out to take a photo before it goes so I can have before and after shots when the garden's sorted!
  8. I can't wear many of my tops now which I still wore with confidence right up to being pregnant with Scott. There's no way I can allow anyone to be subject to even the merest glimpse of the atlas which is my stomach!
  9. I didn't get any stretch marks till my third full pregnancy. I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere . Only leaking milk incident was a couple of droplets once at about 20 weeks pregnant with my first. Didn't even leak after they were born or whilst feeding. No swollen ankles for me either until pregnant with my youngest and even then it was only marginal. I did, however, feel nauseous till about 14 weeks each time and with my first had to take a new pathway through Manchester city centre to work to avoid any McDonalds as the smell knocked me sick!
  10. No no no no no no no! It's all lies! Pregnancy's fab! Like LM says, get over any sickness and to the bit where you have a bump and start to feel/see things going on. Amazing stuff! Xbl - you're back! Get out to the shop for your crap. I get those cravings too and know how awful it is to ignore them. Get yourself a treat for being good all week, eat it, enjoy it and then get back on the wagon a happy man - it's the only way! B)
  11. I have mine onions to put outside too. I'm also about to order one each of these apple, pear and plum trees for £25 + £5p&p . In fact, my self-sufficiency mission all began because a friend told me she'd ordered these - when I looked into it I decided to wait till her order arrived to make sure all was well but I got caught up with other veg and stuff in the meantime! Bring on the fruit!
  12. I doubt very much that the driver would let you on without a full valid ticket. It's also a bit unfair to put him/her in that position. As you say, the email is very specific about you being unable to do just that. Best to phone the company you booked the tickets through. You may be able to collect replacement tickets if they've been lost in the post. Otherwise they might refund the cost if you were to buy new ones when you travel and produce them as confirmation.
  13. If you find the feed and weed leaves bald patches which you then reseed, look out for the seed which includes ryegrass. It might seem like a good idea at the time that it's quick-growing so you get your new lawn sooner, but remember that it will continue to grow quickly and need frequent mowing! (Edit: Buy the Flymo. At that price it's well worth it to keep your lawn looking pleasant once you've fixed it!) I went out to check on my produce today and am amazed by the rate at which everything's growing. It's enough to satisfy even my impatient nature! Honestly, I went out Monday morning and had no visible growth in my Brussels Sprouts pot - by that evening there were loads of seedlings there. They're already half an inch tall. Lots of growth in my other stuff too. Although I'm concerned that I may have overcrowded my strawberries - too many plants in too small a tub! It's great how quickly my kids have got the hang of it. Elise is almost four and keeps going out to check on things in the garden, passing comment if a plant is looking a bit sad because of wanting support/water/etc. Scott's 17 months old now and when we were all out there yesterday he suddenly appeared beside the rest of us with the watering can in his hand, stood there all serious looking at the carrot seedlings and waited so patiently till I took the hint and got him some water to use! Sam's often straight out there after school now too - especially if his sister has breaking news of new growth for him on his return. This is great. A fab idea and it's keeping us well entertained for ages. Certainly beats that lull after school once dinner's finished but when it's not quite bath/bedtime.
  14. Clicky Down to £28 now.
  15. Yay! It's ok - I won't confiscate your sweeties. Enjoy them though - you now know they're Nestle and that anti-Nestle conscience has kicked in. This is how it all begins. Welcome to my life!
  16. Yay! It's ok - I won't confiscate your sweeties. Enjoy them though - you now know they're Nestle and that anti-Nestle conscience has kicked in. This is how it all begins. Welcome to my life!
  17. Rowntrees are owned by Nestle. I'm still impressed that your conscience was p***ked enough to stop you though! Baby wee will be proud of you! There's also Nescafe and Buxton Water amongst loads of other stuff. The Body Shop is also 40% owned by L'Oreal who are also part of Nestle. Read the labels, girl!
  18. Did you refrain from buying them then? Did that wee voice I planted at the back of your mind stop you? If it helps, I miss Rolos, Jelly Tots and Toffee Crisps . Just has to be done though. Last time I bought anything Nestle was when I gave Adam some money to get stuff for my kids when he went to the shop and I was too lazy to go - I never thought to tell him about the boycott before he went! It's just as embarrassing having them here! Our trams have been stopped through the city centre for safety reasons - apparently they were completely blocking all the lines by standing on them! I believe they completely took over Albert Square too!
  19. Let me at your garden! You can keep the concrete. A few attractive tubs with nice plants like a pieris, lilies and others which will add a bit of colour and basically look after themselves - sorted! You don't have to make work for yourself by having some green stuff out there.
  20. Touch of bitterness there, I feel. Her carrots would shit all over your carrots. Hmph. Well, how do you like that?! You're a very, VERY rude man! *Takes ball in.* There are loads of "Weed and Feed" type products out there. You could try one of those. If the weedy areas are raelly bad you could end up reseeding. Personally I'm too impatient for all that and when that happened to my garden I got extreme about it - took the lot up, sorted the weeds issue and started again with new lawn (got turf as it was instant - see my previous impatience comment!). Maybe others can be more constructive for you! Valor. Late maincrop variety and versatile with a good yield I believe. I'm led to believe the chits were white because they were light-deprived which isn't great. Some info I read recommended just leaving four chits on when they went into the ground - presumably to increase the quality of the ones that were there. I'd have thought if the others chits were going to grow then they'd grow anyway once it was in the ground? I know you don't *have* to wait for the chits but understand that cultivating them like this first can increase the yield?
  21. Yes, yes he is! Thank you. He'll be sorry when I'm eating my tasty home-grown produce and not giving him any! B) Seriously, LM, you should join in and grow some stuff on your window sills inside. You wouldn't want to be all left out while the rest of us are busy sharing anecdotes of compost, seedlings, harvesting and tasty meals would you? Just make sure you label them properly so Adam doesn't try and smoke your plants! Fantastic, you can spare me a small corner to grow produce on then! Cheers for that. Oh... and Partick's worse. Definitely Partick! Yup. There's someone else not sharing their produce with you. Chancing your neck a little with your cheek on this thread, aren't you? Just ban him Debbie! Or at least delete his posts from this thread. You have the power! B) Congratulations and welcome to the clique! Hebs isn't invited. In fact, he's already banned!!!
  22. From the site I linked to earlier in this thread:- "Rhubarb can be grown either from seed or as plants purchased from your garden centre. The problem with rhubarb grown from seed is that it takes a year longer to produce stalks and even then, the plants are not guaranteed to be true to type - it's a gamble which takes three years before you know if you have succeeded or failed. For this reason, GardenAction do not recommend the 'seed' route. Rhubarb plants are available all year round at some garden centres, although by far the best time to plant rhubarb is late autumn to early winter - December is a good month."
  23. Potatoes aren't supposed to be grown in the same ground for more than a year or two (or even where certain other produce were the year before) - do you rotate them with other things? I can't do anything at all in the ground here without a massive upheaval to my "garden". There is no grass, no soil - well, unless you count the stuff way down under the concrete! There's decking from the house to just past the end of my conservatory and then it's concrete all the way to the back gate, with a garage on a concrete hardstanding thrown in for good measure. Not so many things growing out there, hence all the pots! I've seen the grow bags for potatoes but really want everything I'm growing in tubs - just my personal preference. Good idea to do the tomatoes in the conservatory though - mine is used as the children's playroom so if I can find a way of getting the plants out of the children's reach I might give that a go. Shame about the brocolli. No way of knowing whether it was just timing or whether something had got to it while it was growing I guess?
  24. I'm hoping I won't do too bad for slugs etc with having everything in pots. I'll be keeping a close watch on my strawberries but they'd be difficult to net where they are - I will if it becomes necessary, assuming it's not just closing the stable door after the horse has bolted by then! As if HGGland wasn't exciting enough with all these seedlings appearing, my seed potatoes just arrived about an hour ago! I've rubbed off the white chits and they're now sat in an egg box in my kitchen awaiting the growth of some nice new green ones . While they do that it'll give me chance to figure out what size and type of pot to grow them in. I feel more trips to B&Q and garden centres coming on after school this week. The kids are going to be so chuffed. Not only that, but we got sent onions free to plant with the potatoes so that's added to my crop unexpectedly! As has just been pointed out to me by Mr HGG, I have a rather small garden - not a farm! I'm going to have to slow down a bit on this.
  25. Nothing to do with any of these brocolli diseases then? Me too! I tend to go in fits and starts with it but when I remember about it and start doing things in the garden I always remember how much I enjoy it. I believe tomato plants can be grown in hanging baskets. Anyone done it or know what needs to be done with them? So far my tomato seedlings are only an inch tall so I have time to work out what I'll be doing with them!
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