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Posts posted by Detournement

  1. 1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

    Regulatory alignment means accepting EU regulations without input. Customs union means continuing freedom of movement. Corbyn has clearly stated that neither is acceptable. There is nothing between his position and May's.

    Customs union doesn't mean freedom of movement. Look at Turkey.

  2. 56 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

    You mean they've shat out of taking a position on the biggest issue affecting voters for 100 years for fear of offending racists.

    They have a position. Customs union and regulatory allignment. Which is where the government is about to end up after 18 months of bluster. Labour doesn't want to join the EEA or have a second vote. They were in favour of a meaningful vote in parliament. Those are positions.

    There are very legitimate reasons for left wingers to be against EU membership.



  3. Labour have a clear strategy of focusing on issues that directly effect voters. Housing, transport, health (especially mental health), education etc.

    Brexit is still fairly abstract to the vast majority and is essentially constant background noise. It wasn't a factor in the 2017 GE and by the next GE it'll be done.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

    As someone who doesn't understand the fine detail of NI politics, can anyone help?  If the DUP end up supporting a position that results in a hard border, is there any other political party that some of the DUP vote will go to in the event of a GE?  I can't see it going to Sinn Fein but maybe one of the more moderate alternatives.


    Is a hard border less popular than an internal UK border amongst Unionists?

    Both surely violate the GFA.

  5. They don't have a grassroots. They have some young oddballs, a few careerists and a load of coffin dodgers. 

    America has a genuine conservative culture. We have a load of bores who are only relevant because the Barclay Brothers are happy to lose millions on the Spectator every single year.

  6. 8 hours ago, Granny Danger said:


    IMO it would be pretty easy for Revenue and Customs to crack down on multi national corporation tax dodgers.  Actually really easy.  



    Not while we are in the EU.

    Post Brexit they have no excuse.

  7. 3 hours ago, Suspect Device said:

    I don't think that NI is used for the NHS, I believe it's just stuck in the treasury purse like all other taxes. Which begs the question why not just abolish it and add it to income tax for employees. Employers contributions would have to be recouped as well. Preferably from a tax which is not so easily dodged like corporation tax seems to be.

    Higher rate payers pay a lower percentage of their wages in NI than basic rate payers.

    It's regressive and favours the rich therefore it's left alone despite being an anachronism.

  8. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jun/29/nhs-wields-the-axe-on-17-unnecessary-procedures

    Hunt's attack on the NHS continues.

    They can't get rid of the NHS so they are restricting it to purposefully push people towards private health care. The next step is creating a direct NHS tax which they have been talking about for a while. And after that I predict that calls will start for people to be allowed to opt of the NHS entirely firstly by allowing private health insurance to be deducted from the NHS tax then probably making the NHS opt in.

  9. The Irish border issue almost guarantees no deal imo.

    The DUP and the Brexiters will never vote for a customs border in the Irish sea. Agreeing to a deal which includes a sea border reliant on Labour votes ends May's tenure and brings on a GE as well a Tory leadership election.  And it's possible the Tory members would vote for a leader who would promise to scrap the deal anyway.

  10. 1 hour ago, JamieThomas said:

    And there, Detournement, is why Roe v Wade will be overturned lickety split.

    The Kochs, Waltons, Adelson, Fords etc don't give a f**k about religion.

    These decisions were made by the court - and the cases only made it to the court - because public opinion swung behind them. It would be unprecedented for the court to make an unpopular ruling that directly takes rights away from people. Citizens United or gutting the voting rights act doesn't directly impact individuals.  Reversing Roe vs Wade would be a political earthquake, why would the Oligarchs and their puppets do that when they already have everything they want?

  11. Just now, Peppino Impastato said:

    This post tells me youre flapping.  Labour are f**k all use to anyone.  Independence it is.

    The SNP have no interest in calling another referendum. They purposefully killed it off with their RBS economic plan. 

    Austerity is ruining lives and universal credit is going to be an unprecedented disaster. Think seriously about finding concrete solutions to the crisis we are living through rather than fantasising about independence when it's not on offer.

  12. 1 hour ago, jupe1407 said:

    Corbyn emoji38.png

    He, and Labour are utterly fucking shite. Imagine repeatedly losing ground to the worst PM and most vicious Tory party in living memory.

    He is the Scotland international football team of politics.

    Labour went fron 26% in the polls to 40% in the GE in three months last year.

    This suggests to me that (i) polls are a load of shite (ii) the people that decide elections pay zero attention to politics other than during elections.

  13. 21 hours ago, madwullie said:

    If a big hitting donor fancies chucking a few hundred k at the republicans they'll be quite happy to challenge roe vs wade. Plus it it would  be ditching something Obama supported and would own the libs so its a win win win for the fat orange c**t 

    A few hundred K? Right wing donors are spending hundreds of millions every single year to shape the political system to their will.  


  14. 1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

    That’s pretty naive.  

    There is nothing to be gained from reversing Roe vs Wade for the people actually control the American right. Abortion and gay rights are useful for the powerful as issues which can be used to manipulate religious nutters but as issues themselves they are irrelevant to the Oligarchy.

    The issues the Oligarchs care about are their rights to exploit workers, manipulate elections, buy politicians and destroy the environment for profit. Reversing Roe vs Wade and Gay Marriage would radicalise large sections of the electorate, it's not going to happen without a huge shift in social attitudes.

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