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Lang Toun Lad

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Posts posted by Lang Toun Lad

  1. The way things are going I would hope for atleast 4 points from the next two games. A lot will depend on us keeping Casilinuovo but we should have enough in the teams to get goals. Neither game will be easy so it would be great to remain unbeaten.

    The Inverness game will be harder but I suppose losing 1 game a quarter isn't too bad. ;)

    Also, anyone else think it's worth offering McGlynn a new contract? If he's signed up till the end of next season I suppose it isn't needed but if it's just till the end of the current campaign then we should be looking into it. I'm sure a few teams will start sniffing around if we continue on this good run.

  2. Not the best of games tonight anyway!

    The team generally seemed content to doddle about without making any sort of runs or movement off the ball and once they recieved the pass they stood still while everyone got marked. Ferry was dire but it was a really poor show from some at the back to go off their heads and a few boos rang out once or twice. We only got going when the youngsters came on.

    Tade is still looking good and was getting marked by three defenders at one point. Start him up front with Bryce and we should be fine or Saturday.

  3. Couldn't make the game tonight but sounds like we're playing pretty well. Hope Tade can find him scoring boots soon.

    McGlynns fitness stuff really seems to be working as well. The man has worked wonders at the club.

    Will be at the Spartans tournament on Saturday (and maybe Sunday) and am currently looking for a bald cap for it. Do the chicken shop sell them as they don't have them on their website?

  4. Just got back the other day from holiday.

    New home kit looks decent but don't think I'll be getting it. Away is pretty plain but I will buy that as last years home will do for this season.

    Good to hear we played well on Saturday. Won't make tonights game but should be a good test for the team. Will be there on Saturday - on what is hopefully a sunny afternoon - to watch us pump Accies.

    Sad to hear Marv may be away as I didn't think any SPL clubs would risk him and didn't think he would go to another 1st Div team. Murray (was it?) and Hill sound decent from what I've been told so hopefully they can do a job for us if signed. Just another striker and some loans should do for now with strengthening in January if required.

    Looking forward to next season now! :)

  5. Ah, never knew he was on a f/t 2 year contract. Always presumed it would be a p/t 1 year. Really makes you wish the club would divulge a tad more information on the website but that is one of few (if important) weaknesses.

    Speaking of the website, how good is the video service getting? We've moved onto very good quality highlights, informative interviews and now we have the season reviews. Very well done and the team deserve all the praise they get. :)

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