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  1. A managers second season is always the most difficult and considering our overachieving of last season and the big changes in personnel close season,no need for panic yet. I think our squad is capable of a mid table finish. I am quite surprised at even the mild criticism of Tony Doc.We did alright at Ibrox and with a bit of luck, which everyone knows you don’t get at Ibrox or Parkhead,we should have scored our three gilt edged chances.At an intimidating stadium with a low average age team no one deserves criticism. Onward and upward.
  2. It’s the same old craic every pre season. Almost every poster seems to be displeased about the squad we have at the present time after a kick about at Gayfield, our first game leading up to the seasons kick off. The result means nothing,,it’s all about players,, new and experienced, getting to know about each other and the managers system of playing. Promising youngsters going home chuffed to mum and dad with stories about being with the older experienced guys and getting 45 minutes playing in front of over 1000 people! Todays team,completely different first and second half, gives the manager a fair idea of of how the players will react when the real shit kicks off. We, as punters have no influence on team selection, only the manager has that privilege,and may I say that our manager signing a new contract,will be the most important signing of the season. He’s obviously no mug and extremely knowledgeable about Scottish football. He now knows which of the youngsters has the heart of a lion,which one likes a tackle,which one is a shirker, etc, etc.Todays team and todays systems mean nothing to us terracing Tams,but a helluva lot to manager and staff. It’s fascinating to read different opinions about what’s missing and what’s needed for our team for the coming season,some sensible and some ridiculous. I always look forward to this particular time,laughing at some posts and learning from others. Great to live in a land of free speech and post on a forum that encourages it. My opinion is that a managers second season is his most important,and although our guy made a few blunders last season, as did a few players,they have learned from their errors,and I wish everyone at Dens Park (sorry Scotfoam) Stadium a crowd pleasing and fantastic season. Born Dundee Bred Dundee and when I did I’ll be dead Dundee
  3. Dominated first half and most of second half, Tactics good, shape and formation good, confidence high, guys playing for each other, stands bouncing and then………..WTF were those substitutions about. Nothing wrong with the geezers who came on, but WTF was wrong with the geezers who came off? Then to compound this we change tactics. Why? We never looked like losing until this happened. I admire Mr Docherty and his back room staff with his aim to improve our club and can see vast improvement from last season and immense improvement from two seasons ago, but todays draw (which feels like a defeat) is not down to player failure, but due to the tactics change and pointless substitutions. Sorry Tony but you gotta hold your hands up on this one. Born Dundee, bred Dundee, and when I die I,ll be dead Dundee
  4. FAO Fifespud and Johnnydun especially,who mentioned Deeman not having posted recently. I’m his long suffering old man and can tell you he is safe and well in Perth, Australia, but is the same loony he always was, but became pissed off at the number of posts on here laced with negativity and decided to call it a day, rather than fall out with the posters concerned. I,ve only posted on here once before, when I was in shock during Mr McCanns tenure when we were beaten at home by Ayr United, went home with the right hump and posted a negative loaded rant influenced by more than a few Glenmorangies. Deeman aka my third eldest didn’t talk to me for weeks! Although the tactics, team selection and substitutions that day were a joke to my way of thinking,he thought my negativity was wrong. He came home February for a three week holiday, but didnt realise he needed a visa to get back into Aussie even with dual citizenship, and ended up being here for seven weeks waiting for his visa being processed. He loved it, never missed a game, the last one being our 7-0 win against Accies. To those who don’t know Deeman nothing I have mentioned might seem unusual but he, like his two younger brothers were born in Bellshill Lanarkshire and were brought up in Blantyre after I left Lochee to live there. They all have West Coast accents and I do too, having lived in Lanarkshire 51 years and it’s not unusual for us to be questioned on our allegiance by Dee fans. Believe me, there are not many diehards of DFC in this neck of the woods but there are about twenty who are regulars home and away which surprises a lot of people. I first went to Dens Park when I was 6 years old and am now 79. My three youngest boys all went from the same age sorrounded by mates who were Gers or Tics. Caused a few probs but they overcame it to become diehard Dees. We travel home and away,went to Perugia as a family, two sons went to Albania, and now Deeman watches crap like Mandurah in Oz with our old number 9 playing for them. Not like the good old days in the 60s and 70s I will never forget. I’m Dundee born, Dundee bred, and when I die I’ll be Dundee dead. Mon the Dees
  5. 74 years old, first game at Dens, sorry now Kilmac Stadium at Dens was 1950, 6 years old with two mates from Liff Road school and we walked to and from Lochee along the Strathie. This is my first post on any site, and I am moved to do this because of the utter shite I have just watched today on the hallowed turf. I have seen the ultimate of winning the league, getting to the semi of the European cup (against all the odds), Texaco cup exploits, now called the UEFA cup etc, etc, etc. All the highs,and I thought,all the lows, which are too many to mention.However,tonight I am so upset at today’s display and the humiliation of losing to a Championship team who played us off the park in one on one battles,team tactics,spirit,and effort,I have to say that I have NEVER seen such a disjointed or uninspired display by any Dundee FC team I have seen.I have never booed or criticised or given grief to any DFC player home or away. I have always given encouragement and will continue to do so because I believe they are doing their best and I know this ( even having a bad game) will raise their game. Today’s shambles is down to the manager. I will not criticise any player because they are playing to our managers instruction which are so obviously flawed. I will criticise Mr McCann because I think he has it so wrong. So wrong. Please rethink it Mr McCann. Are you the only one not to see it.
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