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    Inverness Caley Thistle

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  1. Caley club do temp membership for the day for £1 . reasonably priced drink-not sure if food back on
  2. Social club - greig street - £5 return. Service bus from bus station roughly 14.15/14.20 If I remember -bus pass accepted. both leave at end of game
  3. Historically we have recruited, often successfully, in the lower English leagues and in Ireland. If we continue this at all, we will require to provide accommodation in Fife instead of Inverness. Where's the saving?
  4. D U 3-0 Arbroath ICT 2 -0 Airdrie QP 1 -3 Partick Raith2-2 Dunfermline
  5. No justification - ever. Billy is a legend and even if he wasn't, there's no excuses- cowards and very embarrassing for genuine fans.
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