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Valentino Bolognese

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Posts posted by Valentino Bolognese

  1. I am delighted that the guy who would seem to be our star striker and nailed-on starter, that we signed from the 7th tier of the English pyramid, has scored on his international debut - grabbing a critical 5th goal when his team were 3 to the good against the Seychelles (currently pushing up a couple of ranking points between the Cook Islands and East Timor).

    Can we get a fucking grip here? He's looked pretty good. Fast, has a bit of a touch, looks like he has improvement in him. I like him a lot.

    But top half English Championship next season? Nope.

  2. 11 minutes ago, The Master said:

    The referee wouldn’t be called to the monitor to check if the ball had crossed the line.

    But with o/side there are the lines that can be drawn to make it a VAR and not ref decision. I don't believe such lines exist for over the goal-line calls?

    Not disagreeing that the rules are that a ball over line decision is VAR only, I don't know enough about the implementation to say one way or the other. I'd be interested in what cameras etc they use to decide that though, especially if as you say they have the final decision and not the ref.

  3. 12 minutes ago, The Marly said:

    This is why I don't understand why people defend the use of pyrotechnics.  They are fucking danger in the wrong hands and the average football fan is definitely the wrong hands.  Couple of inches to the left and that wee laddie loses an eye. Punishment for having them on you inside the ground should be tougher.  A lot tougher. 

    Hope the wee lad is OK. 

    AFAIK that's the second kid injured just at McDairmid in the last couple of seasons (Celtic gamelast year).

    Also the debate about the disallowed goal. Maybe I've missed something obvious here but all the focus has been on whether it was a foul which resulted in the ball going over the line. From where I was sitting it looked like the ball had crossed the line in the keeper's hands before the supposed foul, and I assumed that's what the check was for. Of course having VAR instead of goal-line technology means it still comes down to someone's interpretation.

  4. 4 hours ago, The Real Saints said:

    We seem to be significantly less popular than I thought we were. Is this due to jealousy? 

    I think what this thread demonstrates is that the average fan sentiment towards clubs resembles, on average, a crudely rendered cock and balls viewed side-on with the bigot teams being everyone's right testicle, perhaps with a local rival as an additional swelling. Left ball smaller,  being the club one supports. 

    I'm not bothered or surprised that we form part of the shaft. 

  5. 1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Sprangler out for the season + Levein publicly saying Kucheriavyi/Connor Smith were shite v Dundee but have made up for it, gives me the fear that we'll see both start and the criticism was just a front to excuse it. "They're ready to prove a point" etc.

    Horrible feeling our dalliance with the back 4 is over too.


    Keltjens - McGowan - Gordon - Robinson - Gallacher

    C. Smith - Phillips - Carey - Kucheriavyi 


    Is what I fear.

    Think you might be right about C Smith and Max, but can't see a situation where neither M Smith or either of the two new strikers play, particularly Sidibeh.

    I think it's more likely we'll see Keltjens into Sprangler's holding position.


    McGowan - Gordon - Robinson -  Gallacher

    M. Smith - Keltjens - Phillips

    Clark - +1  -  Carey


    Not so sure he won't stick with Considine at LCB and Robinson at LFB, depends what you could consider less risky. Might depend on the opposition of course. But can easily see a situation where one of or possibly both midfielders are dropped to make way for the golden boys as I tend to agree that's next year's plan. I'd rather he wasn't trying to work out next year's team in the midst of a relegation fight though.

    Without giving Callum Davidson too much credit for his moaning, I think this year again we're seeing our garbage pitch cost us points. Being optimistic here, but while accpeting our basic passing has been absolutely honking lately I think the home surface has forced a type of play that the team and manager really don't want to play. It's an absolute disgrace of a pitch and not even in a way that gives us any advantage. IMO we do tend to play a wee bit better away from home on better (grass) surfaces.

    Its's small margins though, we're still pish.


  6. 14 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    70 fucking minutes, most of which was watching Livingston players stroll towards a ball and pull their socks up 8 times on the way, or watching Obileye roll about clutching his face before jumping up just before the physios were called.

    Genuinely think its the worst game of football ive ever sat through.

    Struggling to think of a worse game live or not. Even the 38or so minutes the ball was in play most of that it was 30 foot in the air.

    That's why I'm struggling to be too down on the (saints) players tbh.

  7. Not a lot to add really. We were poor but I'm struggling to blame the players, or even the manager, entirely. Hard to know what you can do when it seems you're playing a team whose entire philosophy seems to be sign players that are as big as possible that can shitfest a game and just keep the ball in the air so the opposition can't win second balls. It's like under-16s pish where all the big lads make up the teams. First to admit we didn't help ourselves as we didn't seem to have the quality on that surface today to play with the ball on the ground.

    Thank f**k we've hardly any games in the next month.

  8. 3 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Sidibeh still out, and Clark/Keltjens to be assessed due to injury issues and the game being midweek.

    Olufunwa the obvious RB replacement?

    Then its about how you set up midfield/attack. Carey the obvious one to come in to replace Clark?

    But then how do you set up midfield. Phillips/Sprangler sit, then you have Jaiyesimi, Matt Smith, and Carey, to fit in behind Kimpioka. 

    Sidibeh is a genuine worry, unless it's just ultra caution (which would be fair). Even if he's fine and it was just, say, exhaustion, I'd be shitting it going back into a game.

    Hope it's nothing serious / underlying.

    As for the game agree with everyone else. Same team and same approach as Aberdeen. Any other opposition manager I'd be worried that it's far to predictable and set up against it, but Davey will twist himself in knots overthinking it. Should be an absolute stroll for Saints.


  9. 3 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

    Yo yo club that always flirts with administrative drama. Deluded into thinking they're actually one of Scotland's relevant clubs by mouthpieces like that slaverer George Foulkes. 

    They're basically the no righter that stands outside nightclubs shouting at lamposts while every c**t else pulls burds.

    Don't knock it till you've tried it Tam

  10. 7 hours ago, GorbalsMags said:

    Tell you what, that Benji header to set himself up for the finish was fantastic, really good vision and technique to go with his pace. Really, really impressive technical play.

    Also the outside of the foot through ball from DJ. Great technique and vision.

    As I said upthread I've been reasonable impressed with him in an underperforming team, more so than others seem to have been. Not sure if he has massive improvement in him but he might, and it seems he's out of favour at Charlton and not sure he'll be offered a contract by them. I'd not be upset if we gave him a year if he's affordable.

  11. 8 minutes ago, The Real Saints said:

    Is this Jaiyesimi's second game in his favoured position? Either way, this is the second time that Jaiyesimi has looked decent. Football can be quite a simple game sometimes.

    I'll be honest, I've quite liked DJ when I've seen him other than he looks slow. Suspect he was maybe unfit when he joined though, looks a lot leaner now.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Jamie_B said:

    I remember under Davidson there was a growing backlash against the constant three at the back, so he changed it to a four one week and we got fairly comprehensively beaten by Livingston. That was the end of that experiment for Davidson.

    I actually think it's more a 4-3-1-2 type of thing with Clark sitting a bit deeper. He's not above moving Clarke to midfield either.

    Not sure I'll be 'watching' or 'rubbernecking' this one but that lineup gives me the tiniest glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, we might try to score a goal.

    It's the hope etc etc

  13. 37 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:


    Aye, this. 

    We'll probably give away 30 fouls but theyll all be out of position players frantically trying to win the ball and getting it wrong rather us asserting any dominance.

    If we play Smith (either), Kucheriavyi, and Carey, then its one of the most powderpuff midfields in the league.

    Oddly enough when Smith (M) joined I'm fairly sure I remember him getting fairly stuck into tackles, but he seems much softer now. Same with Dan Phillips but that's possibly a good thing. Although he still picks up a card a game.

    Can we please, please play a back 4 tomorrow for the love of god. If nothting else just to see us getting beat in a slightly different way.

  14. On 25/02/2024 at 17:30, Jacksgranda said:

    Need to win this, Neil. 

    Thing is though, he doesn't. Much like our manager.

    Win lose or draw, nobody is getting sacked and fans on both sides are probably past caring given the way our respective seasons have panned out.  No real sense of jeopardy. We're at the stage where we're looking at other team's results before our own.


  15. If we play wingers I'd have Carey on the left and DJ on the right, personally. On his debut against St Mirren DJ looked pretty good as a winger, where he's played most of his career apparently. Despite being so slow. Adama not a bad shout either.

    Thing is, no matter what we do we still need full backs that can get up and down or we just leave space behind the wingers for opposition to run into, as we don't have pace anywhere except the new strikers. 

  16. 2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    I dont know with Cleland, his one game this season arguably the best but you cant judge based on that. Im sure he said he wasnt interested this time though, and they wanted someone used to running an entire football department, not just the first team, which is why Martindale and Levein were targeted. 

    I dont think you write the back 4 off because it didnt work with MacLean.

    Its "profiles not positions" that you need to think of really. So a back 5 works if youve got attacking wing backs etc., we dont so surely you play a back 4 with wingers in front who can play high instead?

    But we have managed obsessed with how they stop teams rather than how we hurt them, so a defensive back 5 it is.

    Agree with both points. The strength of the operational team will have been a major part of the selling offer. Having a highly experienced, high profile ex-national manager at the club is as much about our valuation and viability as the football IMO.

    Whether it's back 3, 4, 5 or even 6 as we've looked close to at times makes no difference if you have no players capable of playing wide with pace that can over/underlap, beat a man, cut inside or cross. Just look at Killie for how you can build a team to play that way in this division that works without breaking the bank.  

  17. 22 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

    I know our own fans give themselves ample rope to hang themselves with on this singing of offensive and unacceptable songs but if this is the predominant - actually so far seemingly the only - train of thought from the St Johnstone boys on Sunday’s game then it just will not go away. 

    They’re singing, you’re getting worked up about it. They get the reaction they’re after. 

    Just deny them the oxygen of attention. Please. 

    You know what - I really, really hate bigots and the way they poision or game and indeed society. This is a wild take and in any case you'll be very well aware that St Johnstone fans aren't the target, and they won't get a 'reaction' - home fans just stay away and our lowered gate reciepts are just collateral damage in the ongoing tedium of these ghouls giving their existence meaning by hating folk for reasons that have zero relevance to their lives. 'Just shut up about it and it might go away' is apologist shite.

    To talk about the football ... routine 2 or 3-goal away win unless we can shitfest a 1-1 (can't see us preventing at least one goal so will have to score to get a draw). I'd be staggered if we start with 2 strikers like last week, and I'd think Max will be back in as a starter.

  18. 17 minutes ago, Irrational Behaviour said:


    That's two league games in a row where Miovski has been given offside by the linesman despite being onside. 

    Don't see other example of this elsewhere. 

    This is what happens when all the officials come from the central belt. 

    User name checks out.

    Linesman flags offside. VAR checks it. Confirms it was (marginally) offside.

    Of all the VAR nonsense we put up with, this one is straightforward.

    Decent game to watch last night and probably the best result from a Saints point of view.

  19. 3 minutes ago, The Toun Clock said:

    Good evening Saints! Wee rumour that we’re bringing in Chris Kane on loan. James McPake did an interview after our 0-3 deafest to Queens Park to say hopefully some experience would be sorted in the next week. Likely story or very much part of the plans in Perth? But 

    If it is true, what kinda guy are we getting?

    For the 11-a-side team or the fives?

  20. 13 hours ago, Clangers said:

    Wow that would be crazy, actually love the idea. We are looking like a Down-Up-Down as it is!

    For all but the top 6 in the Premiership it would mean compulsory promotion or relegation every year, rollercoaster stuff as teams would go down and up constantly and with a few execeptions you'd end up playing a variety of teams over the years. Fun for fans, does nothing to solve the duopoly though.

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