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Valentino Bolognese

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Posts posted by Valentino Bolognese

  1. 12 minutes ago, SJFCtheTeamForMe said:

    Scott Brown is now second favourite with Macbookies. 6-1... He was waaaaaay higher than that this time yesterday. 

    Does that mean someone knows something we don't? 😢

    More likely weight of money shifting the book's exposure. This isn't a market that will attract a lot of action IMO. Would only take a couple of slightly larger bets to move the numbers I reckon.

    Saying that, I just sow a guy that looks a lot like him tucking into the buffet breakfast at Broxden Farm so who knows.

  2. 1 hour ago, tree house tam said:

    If he manages to turn this shower into a winning team then I'll give everyone a free week on my onlyfans.

    Does that mean I'd get a week's refund on my subscription?

    On the game, it's going to be another tanking. Absolutely no clue about the lineup other than the feeling that we'll see McGowan on the pitch in some capacity or other.  Only really going out af morbid curiosity. It's essentially the football equivalent of rubbernecking a car accident.

    Saints 0-3 Killie

    At least you lot will get to sample a decent pie.

  3. 1 hour ago, Coventry Saint said:

    This. All the pearl clutching over his past needs to get in the sea now. Can probably send yer Da's jokes about him dealing there as well.

    His past is immaterial IMO.

    There is however a legitimate concern that he's only ever managed at one club and to me that's a big risk given the task at hand. No issue with DM being given the gig at the end of a season with time to bed in, get to know the club setup etc. Someone with more breadth on the CV should be a bit more adaptable and more of a track record to judge what type of club they tend to do better in.

    Just can't get on the Martindale train.

    Reserve the right to change my mind when we're in Europe next year with wee Davie in the dugout of course.

  4. 30 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

    Have the club come out and publically said we will have someone experienced in place by the end of the week?

    Because if so, surely they had someone sounded out before today about the possibility. No way could you guarantee you’d get the right replacement in within such a tight timescale.

    And you wouldn’t come out with such a tight definitive timeframe with the risk of looking foolish, unless you were fairly confident of getting your man. 

    Just one more thing…  you wouldn’t be so eager to get rid and appoint the new guy unless it was someone who you actually wanted, as opposed to one of the usual out of work replacements.

    Which leads me to assume it’s David Martindale.



    You see I would take those facts and conclude Neilsen, rather than us being actively talking to a divisional rival manager.

    Also I don't agree that we'd hold back on making a fast appointment given where we are in the league and in performance terms. In fact someone currently out of work would be able to come straight in without any contract issues.

    I might be miles off but I just don't see DM at Saints. Gut feel.

  5. I think that the only way this goes ahead is if the ground staff worked miracles over the summer on the drainage - bearing in mind we're at the bottom of a hill and I don't think there's anywhere for water to go. The rain's been on since the early hours. Even if it's dry the wind will be a factor too and not sure we can open up stands during an amber alert. And I'd expect the trains to be off too.

    BUT if it does go ahead I'd expect a 0-0. We seem to have stopped using our training sessions to injure our players so a postponement might not be a disaster for us.

  6. 6 hours ago, Jamie_B said:

    Given the weather forecast between now and 3pm on Saturday it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if our game gets washed out.

    This is the reason I'm assuming none of the usual suspects have started a match thread.

    Not that it makes a difference to the thread topic. Our season won't be defined by home games against Motherwwell.





    Oh, hold on ...

  7. 1 hour ago, Widge said:

    I would agree to an extent; however it's worked for Motherwell this season, as the player is good enough and has embraced it. The difference being he's slotted into a stable side with a clear way of playing, whereas we're the polar opposite. 

    I wonder how much is tied to the club's recent commercial focus. Not only is the manager under pressure to cut the wage bill but perhaps also to get academy 'product' into the shop window for future sale.

  8. Just now, RandomGuy. said:

    Do Livingston not play with quite a narrow front line, almost a front 3?

    Our back 5 was a disaster for being ripped apart by that type of attack last season and if youre selecting Wright, Gordon and Considine then youre virtually playing the same defence. 

    Yeah that's true but options are pretty thin. Also 2 of the 3 started when we beat Livi at home at the end of last year - admittedly a bit of a dead rubber but still.

    Just looking for options really as it's just not really working at the moment and we just don't seem to have the squad for the shape and style the manager wants quite yet.

  9. 1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Aye. Changed to a back 4 at half time didnt we? And almost came back.

    Was the start of a brief moment where it looked like Davidson had finally realised the back 5 was a dud.

    Played a back 4 v Rangers the next game and looked decent with full backs and wingers working well.

    Then he never started with it again until his last game.

    Think ditching a promising set up to return to the back 5, after seeing the difference within the Livi game, finished him off for some.

    Weirdly to me we're sort of in the opposite position now in that I'd be happy enough to see a back 5 tomorrow. Something like;


                            Dare Gordon Considine
         Wright     Phillips    Sven   Smith    Gallacher               
                                   May    Striker#2


    After Hibs I think we need to drop Brown until he's back up to speed and even then he's got to be a bench option, and Robinson to me is miles off this league. The issue with the back 4 is that we just don't have the full-backs to play it. At FB Dare might be a bombscare but I expect he'll step out the line and help Wright out.

    Up front is the perennial issue. Assuming we're Kaneless, options are fairly limited. I guess we could try Costello in there, his energy might cause the type of chaos that Livi seemed to struggle with against Hibs the other night.


  10. Eternal optimism strikes again because it's close to the weekend.

    Weather looks OK for the time of year. We've probably just been unlucky this season. Great result at Celtic eh?

    That Sprangler guy looks good, and Remi's the best keeper ever to pull on a pair of gloves. What do you mean we've signed a fat striker that the manager's called out as a lazy fucker in the press? Great motivation! Stevie May up front on his own? No problem - he's had 2 years of practice now.

    James Brown vs Joel Nouble? No contest!

    The season starts on Saturday.

    Saints 0 - 3 Livingston

  11. 7 hours ago, Ray Patterson said:

    Well, that's the pitch sorted.

    Given the Walter Mitty types that have been involved in various Scottish clubs - Livi included - over the years, a Scottish investor who is Managing Director of a pretty well known company seems like a pretty decent person to come in, on the face of at least.

    The carpeting business went bust a couple of years after that interview. The retail part of the business seems to be tiny, but limping along although it's appealing a compulsory strike-off.

    The connection to Mortons is, for anyone that knows anything about that business, interesting.


  12. 1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

    I dont think 3-5-2 solves anything apart from getting two up front.

    We neither have the CBs or LWB to play it effectively.

    But 'solving' having 2 up front is actually a really big thing.

    We don't have the CBs OR the FB's to play a back 4 either. We'd be no worse off IMO.

    FWIW Considine to my eye had a pretty decent game yesterday. Our full-back however are an abolute disaster.

    I'm all aboard the 5-3-2 train too, until and unless we deal the FB issue.

  13. 4 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Gallacher has been useless in attack virtually every time hes played, hes very much someone who seems to be better the less he plays. Id say theres almost no difference between him and Robinson in terms of what they give us. Is Booth still at the club too?

    Not sure of his status but Booth was in the crowd with the away fans yesterday. So was Chris Kane.

    Though that it was very odd that Kane was there and not with the team, even if injured. He didn't look injured in any way.

  14. 1 hour ago, PSJ.84 said:

    Ive probably had issues with entry at Easter Road more times than not. It did mean I missed that weird opera singer (or something along those lines), so not all bad. 

    The problem I always had was that the gap you had to fit your phone into to scan the QR code was the wrong size, or had the scanner in the wrong place, or maybe the scanner was just rubbish. What they seem to have done is move the scanner to the front of the unit so that should in theory sort that out. I'm hopeful.


    Then again I'm thinking 3-1 Saints so clealry optimistic to the point of fooliishess and we'll still be in the queue at half time. And 2 down.

  15. 1 hour ago, PSJ.84 said:

    Expected more of a pile-on once the figures had been released tbh. 

    Nah, every single one of us expected it and just want to move on now. We'll be living with the consequences for a while but it does feel that we've turned a corner in terms of attitude at least. Who knows if that will translate to the pitch but at least we seem to be heading in the right direction, or at least as best we can.

  16. 45 minutes ago, PSJ.84 said:

    Back to this shite then. Woo hoo. 

    Indeed. It's one of 'those games' where if I bothered to do the sums I'd probably figure out that I was losing money buying a season ticket.

    Although if Sprangler passes his exams and gets private-jetted in to cause midfield havok, I might just change my mind and head down to McDairmid ...

    Saints 2 - 0 Sevco, Kane and Clark. Entire Saints coaching staff red carded for booting water bottles at the main stand linesman.

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