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Genuine Hibs Fan

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Posts posted by Genuine Hibs Fan

  1. 1 minute ago, John Lambies Doos said:
    31 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:
    Zimbabwean by all accounts.
    Looking through these squads, the problem seems a lot more specific than I remembered. 2007-2010 our pack was probably as strong, at least, as it is now. Three top class scrum halves, and no one of the class of Hogg or Graham in the back three but the Lamont's, Paterson, Nikki Walker, the Evans brothers were all solid enough back three players. 
    Problem really seems to have been specifically in the midfield, hence the Simon Webster at 13 fun as mentioned previously. And I say that as someone who is a Dan Parks fan

    We had no creative out half, that was the main problem

    I dunno, teams have managed without those and been more relatively successful than we were. I'd say not having one with the absolute dross we had at centre was more specifically the problem. I think we could have had Finn Russell at fly half in those days and he'd have struggled to get much going with Graeme Morrison and Nick de Luca outside him

  2. 4 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


    I’m guessing he was an under-the-radar Kilted Kiwi? That’s not a Peebles tan.


    Zimbabwean by all accounts.


    Looking through these squads, the problem seems a lot more specific than I remembered. 2007-2010 our pack was probably as strong, at least, as it is now. Three top class scrum halves, and no one of the class of Hogg or Graham in the back three but the Lamont's, Paterson, Nikki Walker, the Evans brothers were all solid enough back three players. 

    Problem really seems to have been specifically in the midfield, hence the Simon Webster at 13 fun as mentioned previously. And I say that as someone who is a Dan Parks fan

  3. 1 hour ago, Bohemian said:

    There was another one on the motherwell thread in the prem section, any c**t left there?😄

    Ach I know man. Only left one game early (Malmo after the 7th) 😬 and I find it difficult to understand when folk do quite so early. Ten minutes to go 4-0 down fair enough, before half time? Nah not for me 

  4. 9 minutes ago, MJC said:

    I walked out of Fir Park as soon as St.Mirren scored tonight. In the fourteenth minute. Then I heard we'd equalised and momentarily regretted it. Now I know it's the best decision I've ever made.

    Utter fucking shite from Robinson and Motherwell. No doubt we'll squeeze a win against them in the league a week tonight to keep kicking the can down the road but tonight should honestly see Robinson get his jotters.

    This should honestly be framed. A rare case where it is equally funny if you are trolling or being serious. Beautiful

  5. 3 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

    Is that before or after the boat episode? I've heard Glenn Howerton say the "implication" scene in that was when they realised Dennis was a monster.

    A quick google says The Gang Buys a boat is 6.03, and the episode I'm thinking of is "Mac is a Serial Killer", 3.10. Tbh I feel like there was probably a tipping point where it went from Dennis is ambiguously a creep/deviant  to  Dennis is a monster but it could really be any of those moments in the first 5 or 6 seasons 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Snobot said:

    Feels a bit like late era Hadden when he insisted on ignoring the Evans brothers and played Simon Webster at 13 just to be contrary. 

    I think Harris is decent enough but surely Hutchison is worth a start.

    oooooooft thinking of those backline options gives me the boak. Was just looking through the 2009 Six nations results and answers on a postcard who scored our second try in a victory over Italy. 

  7. Looking through some of these lovely contributions reminds me that: 

    1. While Perth (my home town) is a nice place, we are struggling for proper block busters building wise. Couple of nice churches, St Johns and St Leonards, and the new Horsecross and Concert Hall aren't for everyone but a bit interesting at least.  There's a couple of disused and semi-derelict old buildings that could be great assets for the city but the less said about that the better. 

    2. How many less well thought-of places (in Perth anyway) have some absolute belters, Paisley and Kilmarnock specifically from looking through the thread

  8. 2 hours ago, Pet Jeden said:

    It will be the same. We’ll have to negotiate separation terms with England first. If they want to play silly buggers and make a big deal about the exact same issues as the EU is pumping up then it will be even more tricky for totty wee Scotland than it is for little England

    I mean it would be if things were exactly as they are now. But considering any referendum is unlikely in this parliament, the number of variables which could change is pretty high. Again though, if Scotland voted to leave the UK and the UK (not England as you keep writing) decided to pursue a firm line of negotiations, why would that be playing "silly buggers"? 

    We have a right to vote in a referendum, and right to expect the result to be respected by the power who set the question. We don't have a right to get the wet-dream, consequence-free version of what that vote entails. Regardless of whether I disagree with the issue (Brexit) or agree with it (Indy), I think it's important to be mature enough to know that making me and the people who support the same thing as me happy isn't everyone's priority. 

  9. 35 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

    Ideally some kind of EU-UK deal is reached next year (probably after some extension). Deal no doubt with a few tariffs/quotas in each direction but allows EU to have shown remaining members that leaving hurts and allows UK to be seen to be sovereign again. Let that bed in for a couple years. Indyref 2 with a decisive vote (please not a 52-48 with consequent whingeing) followed by a civil negotiation with rUK with an England feeling confident and good about itself. Independence late in this decade. As relaxed a border as possible - not just for social ties, but because  Scotland's economic ties with England are even greater than the UK's with the EU. Whether the Scots then feel a need to get back into EU pffft. I'm not over fussed either way.

    I suppose that one of the reasons I get pissed off with people cheering on every spiteful act, or potential act,by the EU is that I can see this goading hard line English nationalists to take precisely the same bullying approach to future negotiations with Scotland. A good test is every time you hear that The EU wants this or the UK wants that, just switch the names with England and Scotland and then take a view on what is and is not reasonable.

    Oh, and I hope O'Kelly  eventually manages to patch things up with his estranged wife

    See there's almost nothing I disagree with here in terms of your hopes for what happens. I think where we'll never disagree is I just don't see the EU's approach as being spiteful or bullying. I think, like most others on here, I don't see the EU as benevolent and the UK as malevolent. I just have a hard time blaming them for looking after themselves in a situation we have thrown ourselves head first into and assumed we could bully whatever we wanted out of them.

    You say yourself that our economic ties with rUK are different to UK-EU, and an Indy Scot would simultaneously be likely negotiating entry to the EU. So while I see the point of your "replace x with y" litmus test I don't think it's a particularly relevant comparison, as the power dynamics and relative positions at time of negotiation are unlikely to be the same.

  10. 1 hour ago, Shandon Par said:

    My brother got sent to work on a porn film by the job centre. He didn’t do any snagging but had to play the role of a photographer, photographing the shagging.

    Managed to avoid getting it caught in the curtains did he? 

  11. 2 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:
    43 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:
    Agreed on the quality of that episode, although I always find "Bottle" episodes in new locations a little unsettling. 
    I think what has always sold the Dennis is a maniac arc of the show is the way he falls apart when he interacts with people outside the group, especially when trying to impress folk or when his ego is threatened. The reunion episode being another example obviously 

    People are disposable to Dennis. They are all horrible to outsiders though which is always pretty comical. The way they have ruined other people's lives cracks me up.

    I mean more in the way he will slowly melt down from a calm and cool, everyone is embarrassing me sort of vibe to a screaming mess/writhing on the floor by the end of the episode. 

    What's the first episode that implies the serial killer thing? Is it when they're following the waitress dressed as clowns? 

  12. Just now, Pet Jeden said:

    No. You can try to dress it up however you want. But your first reaction was very telling. “Because they are in a position of strength”.

    Throughout history, countries (incl. UK) doing things just “because they are in a position of strength” has resulted in all sorts of problems. Not a great philosophy.

    I mean, sure, you can do your best and try to compare the EU  looking after its own interests with the actions of nation state colonial powers in the 19th and 20th Centuries if you like. It's very obviously not a good comparison, it has little to no basis in historical fact, and it's pretty distasteful. 

    In case you had forgotten, it was the UK who voted to leave the EU (just as they voted and were not coerced into joining), and whose government have been consistently bullish about holding feet to the fire and getting the best possible deal from trade negotiations. Why should the EU not take a hard line with such a party and get the best deal for their members? 

  13. 35 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

    I think 'The Gang Goes on Family Fight' from Season 10 is a bit underrated. 

    I especially enjoy Dennis's slow walk followed by the deadpan, 'No... no. No, my shoes are fine, I assure you. They're made of the finest Italian leather; the fit is perfect, therefore there would be no room for lead.' 

    Agreed on the quality of that episode, although I always find "Bottle" episodes in new locations a little unsettling. 

    I think what has always sold the Dennis is a maniac arc of the show is the way he falls apart when he interacts with people outside the group, especially when trying to impress folk or when his ego is threatened. The reunion episode being another example obviously 

  14. 27 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

    So you accept that they are being unreasonable - but because they are strong it’s alright? Sort of gun boat diplomacy. The international version of “what you gonnae dae aboot it, ya radge”? That kind of thinking belongs back in the colonial era.

    And you want to stay close to an organisation that behaves like that? 


    I don't think I've ever said anything pro-EU on here to be honest with you, so it's strange that you assume so. 

    But sidestepping your silly comments re colonialism the answer would have  to be yes. I would like to be part of an organisation that tries to get the best possible terms for itself and its members, as well as being sensible in protecting its own internal integrity, rather than making unnecessary allowances to a former member who left acrimoniously and wants everything its own way.  So to answer the bit in bold - I don't accept that it is an unreasonable, unethical or even questionable position. 

  15. 30 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

    Reasoning - apart from spite - for demanding tax and standards and legal controls that they don't demand in their trade deals with Korea, Japan and Canada? From whom they get almost zero intelligence and defence help. Fire away Dave. We're all ears.

    "but, but, but we're on their doorstep..." LMFAO before you even concoct your reply.

    Because they are in a position of strength, and as such would be stupid to not push for the most advantageous terms possible. And there's the very obvious motivation of showing other member states that there is no easy rosy get everything you want decoupling.

    But I'm sure you already know this. 

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