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Chicken George

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Posts posted by Chicken George

  1. I kinda though Moyes would be the man for the job but 4 weeks ago I heard him give the biggest load of shyte soundbite regarding the availability of the Scotland job, basically what I am saying is he sounded like a nugget and not the sort players would run through walls for. 

     had never thought of Billic other than thinking he resembles a werewolf bit some people on here are making a compelling case for him 

  2. 12 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

    Craig Brown or Bertie Vogts for me.

    Just heard Craig Brown on the radio saying his 'friend' McLeish was unfairly treated and sacked 'too early' after 'one or two bad results'. 

    (Insert Iraqi Information Minister meme circa Second Iraq war)

  3. Jimmy Calderwood and John 'Yogi' Hughes seen dining together in South Queensferry. They both had pints of fizzy piss Peroni, served in those ridiculous tall glasses, and house burgers. 

    With such similar tastes they may be devising a strategy for a joint application if (when) McLeish gets the sack. 

  4. Heard Moyes interviewed on the radio the other day and he didn't come across well, namechecking Rangers and Celtic only and generally sounding meh. 

    That's not to say he wouldn't be successful. 

    I think there is something honest and unassuming about Steve Clarke that players like and respond to. 

    I think Jack Ross and Alec O'Neill are worth consideration as much, if not more than Moyes. 

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