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This Charming Man

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Posts posted by This Charming Man

  1. Really I kid you not, I promised myself recently (for good reasons) not to post again after pouring a 2nd measure of malt.

    However, I've just looked at our league table, 4 points from 9 with a GD of minus 3, only three clubs currently below us at this time, all on zero points, one of which has a game in hand for goodness sake!!!

    Oh dear Mr McPake and your good friend Mr MacKay, please go, our club demands and deserves a great deal better, regardless of financial restraints.


  2. I always liked the affection James McPake continuously displayed, and currently displays for OUR club during these difficult financial times.

    This affection however may be partially due to being constantly substandard within your company role whilst there being no apparent reproach to your level of performance.   

    Personally I always thought he was a lower to mid, bang average Premiership defender for us. Sort of a Mark Reynolds type, good for depth of pool and versatile coverage, however nowt else worthy of mention.

    However, to continue as our current manager will certainly plunge our club to depths I've never witnessed and I've now reached the mid 50 mark, lol.

    Approach Sir Tommy Wright of Perth, he'll predictably tell you to piss off, probably wrightly so, again lol . John Nelms next port of call would  predictably be dour Craig Levein, heaven then help us. 

    Applicants hereby invited, thanks in advance. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Shadow Play said:

    Yep, just reinforces the difference a decent experienced manager can make. 

    Agree Shadow my man, however with complete respect, for 'experienced manager' even substitute and replace with 'knowledgeable manager', regardless of previous experience.

    Dark Blue regards as always.


  4. 4 hours ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

    Rado was a clown of a goalkeeper imo but you are probably correct.

    I think Benji might be the best since that Polish goalie we had with the nickname The Mad Monk. Can't remember his real name...

    Your fellow Dundee United posters must really value and await your every thoughtful input.

    Is it a memory lapse tonight, or general lack of intelligence as usually displayed my good man?

    Or nowt better to do than red mark any Dark Blue postings above your natural operating level soft lad?

    Best regards as always to my other Dundee United respected friends. 


    Edit,  please display an intelligent response to explain your clear lack of whatever it is you actually are, in full display to your United friends.

    I'm sure they're on the edge of their seats awaiting it, rather than sending another cowardly, inert red mark soft lad.

    Best regards  



    2nd edit, it's now after 11pm, shall we reconvene  tomorrow soft lad to await an intelligent response or call it a day as your obviously reluctant to remove any doubt as to your actual operating level by making any further comment.

    Sadly pathetic, although understanding of your position, best regards my man.


    Apologies again to my respected friends on this thread.  

  5. 35 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

    We can bin Sow, no need to have him at all.


    Spot on Johnny, I'm not convinced watching the game the feller was even totally awake last night before he made his 'excuse me' early in the second half and retired.

    'Pay as you play contract' so we're led to believe, I assume then the man's now due the club money.

    Get rid asap please. Poor, questionable, desperate recruitment as highlighted in fairness on p&b from day one from more than one poster. Including also Arab posters passing comment.

    We do not have any salaries to waste at this time.





  6. 33 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Hamilton, Forster, Ashcroft & Sow are the players that need to be fired into the sun. McPake, Mackay and f**k it, Geddes as well should join those aforementioned players.

    Picking on McGowan when there's that list of candidates is ridiculous.

    Add Marshall and McDaid also to the player list imho and let's agree at least on one thing, John Nelm's does not make the next forthcoming managerial appointment.

    Losing a half dozen to a Robbie Neilson team again, what an extremely harsh public humiliation, there really is no coming back this time.

    PS, I seem to have attracted a soft-lad DAB troll for some reason, will have to request Stumigoo upgrade the chaps medication if at all possible.


  7. 6 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Yep. I like to consider myself one of those, but no accounting for that. Don't give a f**k if it's one game into the season - Shown zero improvement from last season.

    A spine of Hamilton, Forster, Ashcroft (Who looked brutal) and Sow is utterly fucking dreadful.

    I've backed and backed him and even defended the line-up tonight but without Berra, the defence is back to square one.

    Gee whizz Sherlock, you don't say, we never noticed.

    I've never red marked even the thickest DAB on here, however thanks for red marking a fellow Dee's opinion on the match thread.

    Best Dark Blue regards as always 

  8. 2 hours ago, Spikethedee said:

    So, highest attendance for a match in Belgium with a Belgian team playing then.... :thumsup2

    Recall reading a Kenny Ross article on the Dundee website a few months ago, think it was titled, 'Record Breakers'.

    That's where I saw the comments re the Anderlecht away game in '63.

    Happy days.

  9. 1 hour ago, Mr. Alli said:


    Nice one Dele my man.

    Worth mentioning fact regarding Belgium, the current No.1 international rated footballing nation.

    The largest ever attendance for any match in Belgium was recorded at the Heysel Stadium 6th March 1963.

    Anderlecht 1 Dundee 4, European Cup Quarter Final 1st leg, attendance 60,000.

    How humble are we?



  10. 7 hours ago, Fifespud said:

    Adams is much taller than I thought.


    Recall seeing Charlie Adam outside the Overgate Centre a few years back whilst he was still at Stoke City. He was up here apparently for the Dave MacKay Testimonial.

    I'm over 6 foot tall, however the bugger looked pretty imposing to me height wise in his training gear.  Mrs TCM, Stoke City die-hard was well impressed, me I just saw another kindred Dark Blue spirit.

    Remarkable coincidence that day really as we're never in the city centre together or otherwise, this was only due to our last house sale and having to sign contracts that day at Thorntons iirc. 

    Charlie Adam imho, has a massive future role to fulfil at our club, and not just as a player.

    Merely my opinion. 

  11. 35 minutes ago, Mvondo_the_great said:

    DUNDEE FC have announced a stunning 6.4% price drop for the most loyal fans today. 


    The audaious manoeuvre, a product of the famous " DEEFI*NT" algorithym which saved the club from immediate and complete erasement from the space time continuam until they could meet with historic SPL requirements. Crucially, the urinary essence  which has plagued dens for generations has been partially removed and upcycled to local nightclub Club Tropicana. Rules aldo state all grounds must incorporate at least 3,446 seats before the review date. However the club's project to let fans bring there own bus shelter did not work as hoped. The reconditioned  monolith was much sought after following a comprehensive nationwide scouting mission and the culmination of a 5 year study into how to pay in instalments.

    oving onto this season, it's safe to say that Dundee have it all to play for. The aim is to solidify theyre position at the foot of the Grubusters championship and to go deep in what will no doubt prove to be an enthralling cup competition, for the first time completely digital. Developers Konami have worked in conjunction with the Neil Doncaster and co to produce a seamless transition which offers never seen before features such as special derry fire drill finisher move and "the making of a legend mode" which takes the player round kirkton to try and get a line of credit to finance the newly crowned saviour til a week or two later.

    A monorail is the reward on completion of a successful season in the lower leagues which will have special emotional ties with supporters. You can board and attend a cremation beforehand and get back in your seat before conceding early in the second half.


    When Mummy's mitten awakens you tomorrow around 3.30pm my good fellow, please check your content and spellings and resubmit with corrections tomorrow evening.

    Preferably post also before taking your mind altering chemicals. Afterwards, the weekend is all yours my good soft DAB boy.

    Thank you.

  12. 1 hour ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

    Any idea who the other Dee is?

    1 hour ago, Shadow Play said:

    Looks like either Billy Williamson or Willie Miller.  I can’t remember Miller playing for us, so I’m going for Williamson...

    1 hour ago, Three Dee said:

    Thats definitely Billy Williamson.


    Slightly out of focus to be certain, first impression Billy Williamson for sure. Or is it Iain Phillip on a good hair day?

    Regards from the 70's, aka childhood.


  13. 1 hour ago, Fifespud said:

    Piss on them, I like it. Even if we get gubbed, let’s just piss on them.


    With Charlie Adam enlisted and Graham Dorrans hopefully finally re-ignited again, it's all about leadership and believe on the park, something that didn't clearly exist on or off the park last season, imho. Main issue remaining is who operates up top, or is indeed registered and fit to do so at the moment.

    Positive thoughts only for next Friday evening however, let's set a marker.

    Why not? Let's have em!!



    Edit, Jack Hamilton, prove us all wrong young man.

  14. 13 minutes ago, Fifespud said:

    Watching Hearts v ICT. Hearts look half decent. Especially the right winger (Joneli?). Think he’ll need a sore one early on. Maybe Charlie can accidentally cripple him.

    My main fear Spud tbh, is next Friday the Jam Farts bold Robbie man-child focuses one or more of his knuckle-draggers, similar to that Calum Butcher creature, to target our Charlie and try influence our ongoing season by inflicting injury.

    I truly hope not, I personally think we'll piss on them.


  15. 3 minutes ago, Crawford said:

    Don't think Charlie will make the wall, but he is more than welcome to try.


    Simply awesome Crawford, that IS priceless.  Closest I've achieved was an XL Argentinian DFC away strip!! Which is good.

    Charlie in fairness has time on his side for you though I trust.

    Deepest Dark Blue regards my man.  

  16. 40 minutes ago, Crawford said:

    Any whispers?

    Santa's already answered my letter from late last year with the magnificent signing of Sir Charles of Adam.  Biggest signing for various different reasons since CC 33, imho.

    With the young lads who are highly rated now being signed on longer contracts plus a 15 year old in Ewan Murray dominating the friendly with Peterhead last week, what's not to like?

    The real praise though at the moment should rest with our owners' continuous financial support to our club, considering the other additions already added to the squad.

    Real hope now for this season, priceless to us all.



  17. 21 minutes ago, Crawford said:

    But crucially we have lots of space for our *cough* post vote loans.

    Yeah, I agree Crawford, lol.

    Re-sign Conor Hazard either outright or on loan, his Celtic contract expires next Sept anyway and he is after all a known improvement on who we currently have available.

    Aged 22, you have to play real football constantly at some point and if your current club allocates you with a squad number of 65, well what does that say?

    Merely an opinion. 

  18. 21 minutes ago, This Charming Man said:

    Feedback freely available on this very recently current subject from Heart of Midlothian FC, Tynecastle Park, Edinburgh, EH11 2NL.

    All the very best ArabianKnight, congratulations to you both.


    6 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

    No one cares what Heart of Midlothian think.

    They will do what they are told.


    Best regards


    Best regards as always my man. 

  19. 11 hours ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

    It's hardly fair to relegate a club after a gruelling 38 game season to be replaced by another which only had to play 27 games. With the best will in the world, I can't see top flight clubs being happy with that.

    Feedback freely available on this very recently current subject from Heart of Midlothian FC, Tynecastle Park, Edinburgh, EH11 2NL.

    9 hours ago, ArabianKnight said:

    Got married yesterday so glad I avoided this seemingly catastrofuck of a performance from United. 

    Fucking c***s couldn't even pull a win out the bag for my big day 😳

    All the very best ArabianKnight, congratulations to you both.


  20. 15 minutes ago, Fifespud said:

    They’ve started talking about reconstruction to save them. If they wouldn’t save Hearts they’ve got no chance. Be good to see the Saints pick up a couple of wins now. (Not Sainties though, keep those cunters down near the bottom too)


    Their only possible salvation this season with the extremely limited player and management resources currently available is retaining Shankland and his goals.

    If they accept an offer and sell, well that would enter the realms of a Jim McIntyre type season. 


    Affirmative Doctor McCoy, especially when we're entering our own iconic Charlie Adam era. 

  21. 7 minutes ago, Fifespud said:

    Great result at Tannadump!

    May well have been a potential 4 or 5 if Lawrence Shankland was lining up for Livingston instead.

    15 shots to 1 and then 11 corners to 3 in favour of Livingston, the old stats are always the best, lol.

    Still, let the lad run about for 92 minutes in the forlorn hope something will come good eventually.

    Their whole season collapses in a flash if they sell Shankland in this window, superb potential meltdown and good viewing for months on end.

    Anyway, enough of that crap, roll on the real thing two weeks tonight.

    :guinness     Regards


  22. 5 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

    Think he's churning this shite out in his back bedroom. Best avoided. IMO.

    Thank you.

    Now then young man, I'm even tempted to purchase one myself and I'm as tight as a ducks arse. However it would only serve to hide my smile after signing Sir Charles of Adam. 1259639117_OIP(3).jpg.7cbcb3a0acc69f30a73ae380c9abf1d4.jpg Two metre regards as always. 


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