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This Charming Man

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Posts posted by This Charming Man

  1. 23 minutes ago, Liam899 said:

    Sign him on a part-time deal then. That’s mental if true though, but fair play to him. 

    Yep ignore the very talented Mr Cameron on a full time contract, let's sign up more on-field non contributing bluffing players like Mr Hannant, with nowt or very little between their ears it would appear from their very own social media contributions.

    You guys out there have never had to manage people, have you? Clearly not, from your comments on this very forum.

    Before red dotting my professional opinion, I've never as yet issued one red dot in four years on P&B, always respecting all alternative opinions, however off-piste they may appear.

    Regards and thank you.  

  2. 11 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

    Used to go in the Old Bank Bar Reform St. late eighties/early nineties load The Smiths on the jukebox.

    Happy times.

    Thank you.

    Nice one Biggie, "I was (also) happy in the haze of a drunken hour" when I used to proudly plug on the same juke-box Morrissey's 'Alsation Cousin' to an overcrowded Saturday night Old Bank Bar, lol.

    Happy days indeed whilst a vibrant young man.     :wub:              :guinness   

  3. 48 minutes ago, Yenitit said:

    16 points we’ve dropped to the bottom 3 sides. That’s piss poor, should’ve been long out of sight

    Agree totally my man, next Friday should be a cigar and slippers evening with our collective feet up.

    Looking at our current league position of 60 points from 35 games, that equates to a 57.1% points return!

    Piss poor indeed in this standard of football, imho.

    Comments welcome on a postcard Messrs. Nelms and Strachan.

    Thank you

  4. 33 minutes ago, Dundee-FC92 said:

    Legzdins(slow as f**k off his line), Marshall eyebleedingly bad, Sweeney in possession, McCowan off day, McMullens deliveries and Jakubiak poor.

    All when it mattered. Where have we seen this all before. I said last week we shouldn't even be in a title race with the season we've had.

    If these players can't go to Queens and win for the league title then it'll sum up many of their reigns of failure in Dark Blue. I'd like to say I was sitting there gutted after the game tonight but I simply sat in acceptance much of the second half that we're rotten and have hardly won a game in weeks.

    Thank you.


    Poorest standard of Dundee team and indeed league for that matter I can recall.

    In fairness I missed out on the Kernaghan and Rae experiment due to work commitments, however this has been six years of constant pish now if I'm honest.

    Prove us all wrong next Friday.

    Thank you.


  5. 8 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

    Dundee owner or whoever he is looks like some weird hybrid of Craig Levein and Martin o Neill

    Yep, looks really interested does Tim Keyes.

    Obviously used to and likes watching paint dry in his spare time.

    Shocking, although not unexpected performance tonight, imho.

    Three of these clowns under contract next season, one of which currently on loan at Perth, ffs.

    Shite team in a shite league.


  6. Thank you @Ludo*1 for your informed Alan Kernaghan era reply. Back in 2005, not renewing my season ticket at that time I honestly thought I would pick and choose my games, work permitting that was. The reality being and casting my mind back, I attended I think 4 games that season, ffs. Very poor fare on display.

    This current season, if I'm really being perfectly honest and it does pain me. Not sure I'd open the lounge blinds and submit Mrs TCM to Dundee FC, Paul McMullan and co playing outside our house, jeezi-peeps. This is without doubt, 'a shite state of affairs', to quote Renton from 'Trainspotting'.

    I, much like our current club owner Tim Keyes', am not sure of the way ahead I'm afraid. However to empty the inept John Nelms and the leech that is Gordon Strachan, that'd certainly be a positive constructive start, imho.

    Hopefully any comment from Tim Keyes regarding our club within the next 12 months would be most welcome.

    If not, name your price, sell to a party who may genuinely be interested and off you pop my good man. Show some decorum and class Mr Keyes if the Dundee Crematorium project is not going to happen.

    Plans to build a new stadium with 3 players under contract, holy shit, waken up everyone.

    Thank you.






  7. In my mind, the obvious issue is the playing pool in the main is clearly not of the standard expected by any of us to represent our club, regardless of which league we compete in next season.

    Due to the majority of playing staff being recruited by James Mistake, this will come as no great surprise to anyone on here. However, how do you motivate employees to go that 'extra special' distance and clinch a league, who the majority of which are clearly not going to be retained in the summer?

    Six or seven seasons of utter rancid pish now and counting, primarily due to John Nelms' ineptitude in managerial recruitment. Kindred charming polite man he is, I include Gary Bowyer in this equation.  

    I recall in 2005 (after relegation) due to work commitments not renewing my season ticket and missing out on the Alan Kernaghan experience. Surely this current level of performance must be worse?

    Genuine question.  



  8. Thinking back about some of our great players at Dens Park when I first started attending as a Dark Blue, may I just say very young fledgling in the mid 70's.

    To be honest if I was in John Nelms' current, clearly uneducated/qualified and awkward position of the past 10 years, I would have enlisted as a sounding board and advisor to the club one Jocky Scott every day of the week. Certainly before inviting a certain Gordon Strachan anywhere near the club again.

    Mr Strachan has already pissed off to Celtic in an advisory position at the very first phone-call last year, whilst overseeing the pension-pot appointment of his very good friend Mark McGhee, already at that point banned from the dugout for half his games in charge and arguably dragged our club's national exposure to a joke level not seen since Angus Cook's embarrassing tenure.

    Appears, as expected we've not a pot to piss in judging by the season ticket begging bowl out by mid March and the ludicrous prices being asked for an as yet, unknown commodity next season.

    As a previous, latterly self employed person, I shit you not, in a business sense none of this bodes well, imho.

    As usual, merely my opinionated concerned opinion, lol.         :unsure: 





  9. Signing midfielder Charlie Reilly from Albion Rovers is a must this Summer, regardless of which league we are in next season, imho.

    Turned 21 last December and albeit performing in League Two, however 33 appearances so far with 20 goals and 12 assists from midfield is something very special in any league.

    Under Archie Knox, the young man would already have been signed.

    Make it so, thank you. 

  10. Feel for Gary Bowyer trying to work some magic with the absolute miss-shaped nonsense recruited by James Mistake. Not an easy task it would appear, as we already knew.

    However he's not exactly covered himself in plaudits with his own managerial skills, be it pre or in-game for that matter. So like @Bigmouth Strikes Again, I'm far from convinced Mr Bowyer is the feller to take us forward. In fairness, far more sense comes from our very own P&B thread regarding proposed team selection and in-game management.

    We've also only to look at the downtrodden state of our once proud stadium, not forgetting the current playing surface to see, John Nelms' is not shitting us when he intimates minimal maintenance or very little at best is being carried out.

    Originally in 2018 Mr Nelms' said the new stadium would be completed by 2020, then last year he said by 2024.  'Septic tank' is not always just Cockney slang for 'Yank', it sometimes just merely means 'full of shit', imho.

    Now March 2023, tick fucking tock gentlemen. That includes you Gordon Strachan.


    PS, all the best Cammy Kerr.





  11. Think our team would struggle on a pleasant summer evening on Carnoustie beach against a motivated outfit, never mind a cold night in Stoke against a professional club!

    What says you, Sir Charles of Adam?

    Do not in general appear to have the stomach for it in games like these, however I do like the look of the new number 11.

    Reality check, poor team in a likewise poor standard of league.

    Apologies for my honesty as always, yet still think we'll clinch this league. 

    48 years of following all things Dens Park in my defence, lol. 




  12. Hi folks, I knew nowt of this thread until this morning. To be honest I usually only post with comments regarding all things Dundee FC.

    Our world changed direction for the worst on Saturday when our beautiful companion, a fourteen and a half year old Shih Tzu named Bailey died after a short illness with a quite aggressive cancer Lymphona.

    Such a gentle personality, beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside, difficult to measure or explain the grief we are experiencing.

    Anyway, felt the need to celebrate her by posting a few snaps as reading the posts on here really brightened my day.

    Thank you for reading, all the best.




  13. On sale currently via the ebay platform, very rare indeed. The actual auction ends on Sunday evening.

    Price, as of this evening at a low £224 bid, plus £6.50 delivery.

    Just shows the interest and affection towards our club. Tim Keyes and John Nelms', we truly love our club and thank you very much for your continued commitment this week.






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