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    Queen of the South

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  1. After a few decent initial signings it's all starting to go a bit "Marvin Bartley" again.
  2. Thought that as well. Decent player but terrible attitude.
  3. ""If"" Ben Johnstone is a player to come under the clubs "youth player development" category then I'm ok with that.
  4. Would rather it was Cochrane or McKechnie leaving but not too disappointed with Todd although depends who we sign to replace him. He was a steady hand even if the legs had gone a bit.
  5. If we are targeting promotion then the last thing we need is signing a batch of Annan players to mix with last year's flops topped with youth. Geezz aim higher..
  6. Got to look back at our history; Stagnant part time team going no where. Put a bit of money in, got promoted, went full time, got to a cup final, played in Europe. None of that success would have happened without the initial investment. Ok we nearly went under later on but that was due to spending money completely unnecessary and at the wrong time plus no additional income streams. We have the arena and other additional income generators now but due to bad decisions we find ourselves practically back where we were all those years ago. If we want to guarantee competing at the right end of this division it's either because we've brought in the quality needed or the manager has got a squad together that just clicks. The latter is just the stuff of dreams tbh which doesn't happen very often , eg Hartley / Alloa, Brian Reid Ayr / United etc
  7. The realism is unless we get some investment on the playing front then we'll be down in league 1 for a very long time and the noise about cutting back and utilising youth hardly fills with confidence. There's 1600 + home fans waiting to come to Palmerston every week.. Just got to give them something worth viewing!
  8. It's looking like a bomb scare before it's even started being brutally honest. Apart from Brydon the rest who are signed on are not exactly promotion winning material.
  9. If we sign the names not mentioned back on it's looking like 3-4 new players coming in at best.
  10. I just hope we have some new board members joining who will be happy to put a little investment in to get the quality we need because If we are having a budget cut, reduction in playing staff to 20 of which includes young players who by the sounds of it aren't ready yet then it could be a very long season (again).
  11. That was another level spending money we didn't have BUT remember we didn't have the Arena then. There's nothing wrong with a board putting money in. That's their job but sensible levels. If we don't back Murphy and give him funds then he's going to have a serious challenge.
  12. We know what the appeal is, comes cheap and can hopefully work with nothing. Until we start spending some money and bringing in quality then we are going no where fast. I find it bizarre we haven't given a new board and chairman the decision.
  13. A journeyman is exactly what we needed given how we've already had two rookie manages flop on the bounce and now have signed Murphy as manger who is very much in the same vain as Gibson and Bartley. Only hope is a decent budget to give him a chance
  14. Here we go again going for the cheap option. He did well at Annan working with not much so il guarantee that's why we signed him hoping he can perform miracles with "not much"..
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