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Posts posted by Vimto90

  1. Stenny been better amalgamating with East Stirling don’t you think [emoji848] 
    mind you if they do get playoffs and go up its 12 points for Kelty straight away 
    East Stenhousemuir does have a ring to it. Might help us attract a successful patio designer who is a multi multi millionaire (or a hard working committee as it's known in Kelty) world would be our oyster

  2. Great day out and we had a decent support up with us. Thought we were comfy enough but the second half we invited them on & thankfully we got the second and then just seen it out comfortably.

    Nat Wedderburn is superb, so consistent and I hope we get him signed up for next year, same goes for Corbett, excellent player.

  3. Hello lads - blast from the (recent) past time.
    Clyde have had a lad called Liam Scullion on trial as of late, playing in our recent Glasgow Cup games. He had a 6-month loan with Stenny from Hamilton, where he was part of the group that done well in the UEFA Youth League.
    For some reason with my tenuous Stenny connection I seem to remember some excitement about him, although he would have been fairly young at the time - am I right or did he not turn up too well?
    Either way he's a wee bit older now, so here's hoping if we give him a deal he'll do well.
    He was fast & put a shift in but was a mile off the quality required when he was with us. I'd be amazed if he got a deal at a League 1 side but that said players improve so he has maybe came on. Salim Koudier-Aissa being a good example of that.
  4. We are floundering these chances to really press home our play off credentials. It's very frustrating. The bottom line is though we won't be unlucky to miss out, the season has thus far been very up n down with a lot of inconsistency. I thought after Forfar we were looking really strong but again we have let ourselves down when the opportunity has arisen.

    The point could however still be important as it's a 2pt gap but if we lose next week which we likely will at Kelty and Edinburgh beat elgin I doubt very much we turn around 5pts which was why 3 pts were so crucial today. A lot of if's & maybe's there though & plenty football to be played. The last 2 promotions were as 4th placed in quite uneventful seasons so you never know eh.

  5. Unless Dumbarton are different from any other club I know of, even though the manager has a 2 year deal etc the notice period to pay is not more than 90 days. It begs the question what's the point then in 2/3 year deals & am not sure. Maybe just for public stability.

    But the point is the pay offs are not as much as what people may think.

  6. When we came up from the Lowland League we noticed just about every team in the Division knew the "dark arts" which City had to quickly learn. I can't say I particularly like "shitfesting" but if everyone else does it then why should my team be the patsies?
    Anyway we could have played 120 minutes and Stenny wouldn't have scored. It would have been sweet to have nicked a goal at the end but earning a point with 10 men away from home is pretty good. 
    And while you're moaning about the ref he missed a stonewall penalty for City in the first half so it cuts both ways. 
    I thought that was a stonewall too but there seemed to be very little reaction from either the EC fans who were very close to it or the players so assumed they had the better view and it wasn't.
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