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Everything posted by HonestAl

  1. Charlie scored a first half hat trick on debut away to Ayr United
  2. I was there that night, and Lamont set us up defensively and only in the lat 10 minutes did we look to equalise. I’d forgotten the lad’s (Henderson) name - tall, blond headed - but he did play well - on debut at Ibrox. For a couple of seasons, often thought, like you, how could he just disappear?
  3. Paddy Martin looks an excellent signing for us. Really the type we’d be pleased about in other areas (central defence, upfront, etc.). Luke Holt looks a filler for the bench of the development team, as someone mentioned, couldn’t be costing us much of a wage and will be out on loan to a Junior Team (if such things exist anymore). I’m inclined to give Sheerin the benefit of the doubt regarding Wilson as a squad player especially as we haven’t yet allocated the #9 shirt. Reading between the lines I think there is a striker coming in on a seasons loan. Keena, Dowds, Wilson plus 1 for 1, maybe 2 of the 3 places upfront looks about right.
  4. I’ve probably written my post badly Rocco, because I couldn’t agree more with you!
  5. Well presented argument, BinE. Of course, when renting if you require roof repairs, there’s no liability upon yourself. The view of property ownership varies from country to country. I believe in Germany, renting (albeit long term) is the norm. Just what that’s got to do with anything though, is neither here nor there.
  6. Is it too late in a footballer’s career to improve? Or at least try to improve technique? I mean, it’s not all about fitness and pace surely. Morrison is 22 ffs. Spend 30 minutes of your precious time, just crossing the ball (to a couple of barrels), then progressing to doing so on the run, then introduce some cones to dribble through prior to crossing. Not a matter of days but after a few months there will be improvements…..
  7. Reminds of the tale of 2 Actuaries on a train journey. Gazing out the window, one says “Did you see those black and white cows over in that field” To which the other responds ”Well…..they were black and white on this side”
  8. Thanks for the reply, and to Duncan F too. Just taking a couple of points from your response. a. Whether it comes to fruition or not, the BoD stated that there will be a share issue to raise capital. And they are open to fans investment too - just not of the sort that would stipulate removal of current board / members of staff. b. I wasn’t aware of your understanding regarding a company being set up. I do feel if NB wish the backing of 99% of the fan base who are not “in the know”, far more detail is required. Oh, and has been stated previously, can’t see how this could be achieved without the expense of £200 an hour lawyers - on both sides.
  9. ‘Arsehole’ Apologies, I’ll rephrase my response. ”Attention seeking imbecile”
  10. Navy Blue group? I’m very wary tbh. I feel the current BoD have a project plan for the next 5 years and, quite rightly, want the opportunity to complete this. There are checkpoint review dates in place, and a summary of one of these was shared to fans the other evening. I, for one, was impressed by the (admittedly fairly basic) bullet points presented but it did show remarkable progress. I want to see this continue NOT further disruption and change that the Navy Blue are striving for. But, back to Navy Blue. 11 anonymous members with a total of £550k to invest. Requesting 2 seats on the board……11 into 2 doesn’t go, and this would only lead to in-fighting amongst Navy Blue. I mean, I wouldn’t invest £50k, say, to place others on the board and have no say in running the club. Would anyone?
  11. Bottom left is Gordon Colborn. My thoughts? 1. I was enthralled by the whole couple of hours, especially having read (and re-read) postings on here about Navy Blue and CI. 2. Apart from the criminal mistake of not introducing the participants to the audience at the start, Lewis did a fine job. Perhaps a journalist would have followed up a few of the answers with more probing, rather than move onto the next question but. 3. I’ve done a 180 degree turn on my opinion of Holt. He should now be able to concentrate on the Sporting Director job (rather than cover for poor football managers). We’ve a good’un there. I continue to be optimistic as regards Sheerin. 4. 16 players signed (I paused and listed them) and surmised Paton would not be joining as they want a more established goal scorer. As they say, good luck with that one. Goslkeeper plus one other and 3 or 4 loanees. 5. Lots more. Infrastructure, Player Profiling, High Intensity Training, Fluid 4-3-3, 3-legged stools. Oh, and as with most single, middle aged men, I’m in love with Carrie….
  12. I guess we’d all like to see a flood of (er, 3 or 4) signings this week, but a young squad player is all so far. Mentioned this earlier but with the “Shadwell” lads - Ndaba & Paton - I’d start to feel more optimistic. McGuffie and Nesbitt have the look of a pair of sand dancers to me - may start well but come December will drive us to despair. I do think Sheerin and his staff will do very well though even though that may rely on the quality of his loanees. Can’t see how we can succeed without this supply as this is now the norm with Championship/Seaside league squads.
  13. Yes another spot on signing first mentioned by Ewan Fife - and not just for us. I reckon he’s a Soccer Agent
  14. Haggis RIP……. If this is the jovial guy I remember, was it not like 25 - 30 years ago? Or am I mistaken. Used to frequent The Wheatsheaf?
  15. As an Irishman once said....”Well, if I wanted to be a Top 6 Premier team, I wouldn’t start from here”
  16. Half a dozen of last years team joining (mainly) teams that were playing a league above us or laterally had us by the balls. Are we so sure we’re right and they are wrong? I’m really concerned with our recruitment, not least in just why any decent Under 25 year old would want to sign on.
  17. Was just thinking….. Gomis - 2 year deal at League 1 club (corrected) Alston - 2 year deal at Championship Club Connolly - 2 year deal at Championship Club Durnan - mooted to be joining a last season Championship Club ….. Leitch - 2 year deal at League 1 club that finished above us Mercer - 2 year deal at League 1 club So just what was our problem? (Rhetorical question)
  18. The re-signing of Ben Hall has definitely put a dampener on things. We are now relying on confirmation of 2 out of the 3 ‘Shadwell signings’ to restore confidence in the squad - Ndaba, McCann, Paton. Only then would Liam Brown be regarded as a promising type. Maybe Sheerin has 3 or 4 loan signing targets in mind (from Aberdeen?) - a common route for League 1 clubs - but they won’t come on board until after League Cup group games. Worrying times, actually.
  19. No, I think under Jim Duffy reign, Murphy was a New Zealander who was in Scotland for a few months. Trained with Falkirk pre season and played up front in a pre season friendly before returning home. Can’t recall exactly (I was there though) but he might have appeared as a second half sub and stayed on to finish. No, I still can’t fathom that one out.
  20. Fine players but the bunch I mentioned had Falkirk as their first senior club (possibly excepting Martin)
  21. Nostalgia is all we have at the moment. Someone mentioned ‘Budgie’ Setterington but the late 70s / 80s was a boom time for young centre backs at Falkirk. Brian Irvine, Roddy Manley, Gary Gillespie, Brian Martin. Even Stewart Wheatley and John Kennedy for gods sake!
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