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Posts posted by Curmudgeon

  1. 1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

    This year I expect to receive cans of Budweiser (even though I don't like it) and Star Wars stuff (even though I'm not a big fan of Star Wars). 

    Maybe you need to be more open about your favourite science fiction franchise rather than hoping your kids pick up the tiniest of subtle clues.

  2. Curmudgeon beats redVtop by resignation

    A thoroughly entertaining game with a knife-edge ending. I put a lot of pressure on, but couldn't find a decisive move for a material advantage. Instead it turned into a race for promotion which ended with the slightly unusual position of a resignation despite having two queens on the board.

  3. 15 minutes ago, ancientnoise said:

    P&B Cup - The Final

    .....and the winner is...


    The reigning Cup holder has his name etched onto the trophy once again, and does so with an expert performance.

    A tight final, as expected. All the way into the middle game that is, when Curmudegon - already a pawn up - took the onus with a nifty central pawn move. All hell broke loose after that.

    In the end game I was just chasing shadows, trying to avoid the inevitable. My opponent didn't put a foot wrong.

    Well played @Curmudgeon.

    A well deserved victory, and thank you again for the game!



    Thanks Ancientnoise. A tight game indeed, although you had me staring blankly at the screen at move 1 with no idea to to respond.

    Fresh Off The Boat Reaction GIF

  4. Aimhere beats Curmudgeon by resignation

    It felt I didn't do an awful lot wrong in this one, but that highlights how good a game Aimhere had.

    Curmudgeon beats Kendeans by resignation

    I got off to a good start, picking up a pawn in the opening, but Ken managed to pull level shortly after. Not being able to castle was probably the critical factor.

  5. The reduction in the value of tangible assets is unrelated to the hospitality suite or the new construction.

    It's mainly the annual depreciation charge (about £26k) which is just an accounting entry to spread the cost of assets over multiple years.

    There were also disposals of a vehicle and some plant and equipment, but that was only about £3.5k.

    I'd expect the value of the hospitality suite would have been eliminated in the previous year's accounts as the decision had already been made to demolish at that stage (and therefore effectively worthless). There was a revaluation carried out in 21/22 and the value of the assets did reduce.


    The Simpsons Work GIF


  6. An Arab double header for me to start the season.

    Curmudgeon beats Invergowrie by resignation.

    At the end game I had bishop and knight v rook which was quite the tactical battle, but the extra piece was going to be enough to get a pawn promotion.

    Curmudgeon beats Arabjoe by resignation.

    Managed to get a piece up and was left at the end game with bishop and pawns v pawns which was enough to overwhelm Joe.

    Good game both of you.

  7. 3 hours ago, pleslie99 said:

    Cup semi final result

    @Curmudgeonbeats pleslie999 by timeout (again)

    my apologies again, been really snowed under and lost track of the game. Well played and good luck in the final

    Much like the first game, you played really well, there was really nothing in it. You seem to have improved hugely since the last time you were in this league. If you can keep on top of your time you could have a pretty good season.

    For anyone else in the league, don't believe his small fish in a big pond claims.


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