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  1. It's worth remarking that the installation of the CRM in 2022 came after a proposal to the board, which was accepted. It wasn't done solely at staff level - it was an investment that was approved by the executive board.
  2. The club had one of the industry-leading sports CRMs installed in 2022. I can't speak to how it has been used, if at all, but it was cost-effective. As I've said elsewhere, it was zero upfront cost. Without getting into commercial specifics, the annual cost was drastically less than is being proposed. The key is hiring staff to operate it. That's where you get the value from it. That is seriously all that's lacking here from the club in its present form. Invest a bit in people on the marketing side. You don't need to sell the family silver.
  3. "Some wrongs to right" was supposed to be the errors acknowledged by Trevor that were made by the team... but I get how that's not come across as intended.
  4. I get it. Definitely. Please don't feel like I am having a pop back either. Simply trying to put my head above the parapet and answer what's being said. That and nobody got me Inspirational Quotes Volume Two for Christmas, so we're stuck. For what it's worth, we're all trying hard to bring extra stuff aside from what's happening on the pitch. Inside Motherwell, for example. The wait to get back into the stadium is infuriating, I know.
  5. Come on now! The "live, laugh, love" remark makes me chuckle. But actually, the line that goes out by and large actually comes from what someone is saying in the associated video. It's not taken from some self-help book... Our job is to reflect what the feeling in the club is. That's what we're doing. I get that might contradict how people feel. I get it may be frustrating just now. But don't take it out on staff. Of course what we do can always be better. But everything being done is earnest.
  6. On engagement - we use various tools to see what people are liking and sharing. It shapes our thinking in a lot of respects so we can focus the attentions of a small team, to make sure we're doing the things that are most effective. All of that said, however, there are also moments we disregard "engagement" because, as I said above, our social media channels are also a source of information for supporters that you'll read, find important but not "engage" with. That's obviously important to provide that, and we'll never move away from it. We might tweak things so we get to a stage where we think you're getting the information the best way you can. And building on that - no, it's not exclusively a marketing tool. If anything, it's a marketing tool only by extension of whether people like what we are doing. Our intention is to show the best moments we can from matches, highlight our players and their personalities so that supporters feel closer connections with them, tell our stories and also tell the stories of our town and its people. Amongst many other things. I would say none of those are intentionally "marketing". They tell the world what our club is all about, and you might be attracted to it as a result, or enjoy it as a supporter. That's what we use social media for. It isn't to blatantly sell things (except for the odd moment we might say buy a ticket, or come to our hospitality event).
  7. Hello! There seems to be a little bit of confusion over what the plan actually is. Mainly because we didn't even intend to announce anything. We were going to experiment, see what sticks and then... a third party commented on it and it all blew up. With regards to the match updates, we want to scale back the pointless updates for a good few reasons. We don't think Twitter is the correct platform to be posting that we have a corner that came to nothing, and so on. There's quite a few reasons for that. One big one is our research showed the updates aren't being followed "live" in great volume. So if you're coming online at 5pm and get the "see what you've missed", chances are you'll get served one thing from MFC and it will be "63 | Liam Grimshaw hits a shot but it's blocked". That's just pointless, I'm sure you'll agree. So we're trying to combat that and make it about the big moments, pictures and more. We will continue to provide the more detailed updates shortly through our website because we recognise there's still an audience there to have these updates and that will serve them better. What we want to try and do with Twitter is make it more meaningful updates from a game. There will still be a reasonable volume. We are still trying to figure out what that balance is. That'll take us some time. Queen of the South wasn't a good example. As for the Guardian piece, some context. That article is very much on how we do social media from the marketing side of things. We see how we do social media as a two-part thing. One is to build our club's image, tell stories, make us look appealing. The other is to be a strong information service for our supporters. That isn't going to go away. Feel free to drop me an email or a Twitter DM or whatever any time. Some things grow arms and legs without any clarity. I'm always happy to provide it.
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