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Posts posted by southernrover

  1. 5 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    I don’t really know, but my opinion is that it’s because the area is packed with middle class liberals who don’t want to vote Tory but are essentially Tories. 


    5 minutes ago, renton said:

    Place is full of well off folk who are natural Tories but don't want to be seen to be Tories.

    Who was it on here who said 'A Lib Dem is someone who hasn't the heart to vote Tory but is delighted others do'? It has always stuck with me!

  2. 35 minutes ago, Groundhopping Adventures said:

    Good to see a good Railway Town Derby in the play offs. Makes up for the hilarity of Crawley being called off

    All railway towns are inferior to Swindon and the genius of Brunel. Unfortunately their football team is dreadful.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    I was at Bromley when they lost to Bristol Rovers in the cup, I thought it was good. It was hoaching that night and some Rovers supporters got in the Bromley end, so the atmosphere got a bit heated.

    Aye in fairness it isn't dreadful, I would have just preferred the prospect of Halifax, Solihull or Alty going up for various reasons. Bromley are thoroughly inoffensive as a team mind and have come from relatively nothing over the decades.

    I think I was at that Bristol Rovers v. Bromley tie in the first match at the Mem. As I recall Rovers battered them and really should have finished them on the day.

  4. Bromley is probably the most insipid of the teams who made the play offs (along with Barnet). Drab town, relatively drab ground since they got shot of the old Bench end, another trek southeastward for all concerned.

    Lived in Solihull for a few years and have always kept half an eye on Moors. Would have loved them up but wasn't to be. Third time lucky next year hopefully (or finish top!). Hopefully next weekend's trip to Wembley proves more fruitful.

  5. 1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

    I think most do.

    Unsure who they all think it fools, unless they claim a potential audience for sponsors.

    Yeah I always assumed it was to look good for marketing and perhaps some manner of ease of accounting. More of a "Tickets issued" than clicks of the turnstile.

    1 hour ago, Nightmare said:

    It certainly seems to be commonplace in the top flight these days, but below that I'd say that most teams still declare the attendance based on, well, the attendance.

    At Championship level, Dunfermline and ICT are the only ones who I would say for certain use the "tickets sold" metric instead of the actual number of people in the ground. Your reply seems to suggest it might be something that Rovers have started doing as well? The attendances seem to have improved significantly at Starks since last year, but I just assumed that was down to a much better team on the park plus Dundee United and Dunfermline back in the league and bringing much large away supports than anything you would have had last year.

    Haha apologies for any confusion - I'm not a Raith fan, nor Albion, nor Peebles nor any other - southernrover is a play on me being English and my big team down here (Blackburn) 😁 I joined here way back when as an outsider to Scottish football with a passing interest and have never bothered to update the name... ended up adopting Ayr somehow and was up at Somerset last night for my annual visit. Hoping to be back more often next season when life settles down a bit. Can't wait for a day in Livingston!

    For what it's worth, I'd say 2,748 for us v. Pars was fair last night!

  6. Was at Crossgates today. I didn't see Dunbar's first goal properly but it seemed like a keeper error. After their second it was all Crossgates and they pulled one back through a smart header, but then for all their huffing and puffing an equaliser eluded them. One or two of their chances will have haunt them should it transpire they go down by a point.

    Pleasant little place was Humbug Park, though the best feature of the village itself was the ease of exit Halbeath offers...!

  7. 2 hours ago, Fullerene said:

    Although I do like Rock Music, I have never understood the appeal of Kiss.  I don't like their stage show, all the heavy make-up and most of all I don't really like any of their songs with the exception of "Beth".  Beth was a ballad written by their drummer, it doesn't sound like any of their other songs and worse of all for them - it was their most successful song.  There is an acoustic version (i.e. unplugged) and an orchestral version.  After they sacked the drummer - Peter Criss - they re-recorded with their new drummer.

    Having said all that, Gene Simmons was entertaining with his Rock School series - especially in Series 2 where he goes to a comprehensive in Lowestoft and they show him no respect at all.

    My abiding memory of that Lowestoft series was the good 30 seconds of footage of Simmons trying to scan his staff ID to open a locked door and failing with every attempt.

  8. Bit of an odd one but in a pub at the moment and three old boys are sat in the corner having come out for one of their birthdays. Just three friends sat over a pint having a chat about the old days and all manner of this and that. So lovely. Must have known each other decades but after all this time, still together having a chat in the local.

  9. Ban all form of noise in pubs. Children, quizzes, dogs, live music, friends, the lot. When I go for my despressing late night drinking sessions I want to stare blankly into the distance over a pint of stout in perfect silence please.

  10. 9 hours ago, Derry Alli said:

    Minesweepin' is the ultimate fun bar game.

    Only ever done that once, at kicking out time in the pub where we'd watched England v. Scotland at Euro 2020. I was smashed and then some. Threw up all over a Premier Inn that night and somehow got off scot free. I am eternally grateful for their grey carpets being the perfect colour to hide vomit stains in.

  11. Sorry for being thick but why do people consider Fraserburgh favourites when Brechin have three points and a (slightly) better GD? I presume the combination of momentum from the 4-2 the other week and the fact that playing Strathspey twice is a given six points and considerable +GD?

  12. 14 hours ago, ICTChris said:

    Nice of the owner to give his dog a turn of his necklace.



    Every part of the story just gets better.

    Quote from the owner

    also, the owner


    I think I am reading it right (underneath the gold chain), but why is it people with 'Only God can judge me' tattoos are nearly always utter cretins that any self-respecting deity would detest?

  13. On 01/04/2024 at 12:30, 19QOS19 said:

    Did that with the Queen's death. Wouldn't have stood up for a minutes silence for her so decided to enter once it was done on the off chance someone had a go at me for staying seated. Not worththe agro.

    I went to rugby (league) at Whitehaven that Saturday when football was in mourning. There was a minute's silence there but given both the demographic of the sport and that part of the world it didn't feel forced at all. I stayed sat on the terrace and wasn't the only one. Nobody batted an eyelid.

  14. 9 hours ago, 2426255 said:

    quick, get your questions in to BBC chief football writer and hanger on Phil McNulty. He's doing a Q&A on the English Premier League and the title race etc. Some insightful replies already - post your question and don't miss out!


    Hopefully someone digs something up on McNulty and we can 'cancel' him, or more preferably launch him into orbit.

  15. On 17/03/2024 at 12:27, southernrover said:

    Enroute to Glasgow for Stiff Little Fingers at Barrowlands tonight. My first time at the venue but certainly not my first Fingers gig! 

    Can't wait. Methinks a little bit of a Subcrawl may be due beforehand too 😄

    SLF never need a review but what a venue Barrowlands is. Wonderful place. There and Rock City in Nottingham need protecting at all cost!


    Birmi tonight for Priest/Saxon/Heep. Just the 1840 start time for this one. Good job I took the day off! 🙃


  16. 12 hours ago, tamthebam said:

    I wonder if there can be some differential between Groundhoppers like there is between "Trekkies" and "Trekkers".

    I like to go around different grounds, I usually pay for a raffle ticket and a pie, buy a programme and often a badge if they have one. And I enjoy watching the game. The Hoppers can't say they didn't see a decent game last night at Armadale but some of them looked bloody miserable. We once had a Hopper turn up to an Edinburgh City game back in the East of Scotland days and the bugger looked on the verge of tears when told there wasn't a teamsheet and he could (gasp) part with a couple of quid for a programme and note down the team on that. If you'd travelled up from England it wasn't too much to ask considering we were run on not even a shoestring budget back then but half a shoestring.

    At least the clubs might have made a bit of cash out of the weekend. Next year they can all go and hop about the picturesque cages of the West of Scotland League Division 4.. 

    I'm sure there was talk a couple of years ago of a hopper turning up at Ross County, then walkimg away when they realised they don't (didn't?) issue a programme. Utter madness.


    My draw to the whole thing tends to be decent enough ground (no public park or high school cages) and a decent day out (nice part of the world, pubs on the way etc.). Plastic pitch, pre season friendly, no programme, no teamsheet, no pies? I don't care. The day I start to take this all that seriously I will save my time, money and sanity and get a new hobby.

  17. Enroute to Glasgow for Stiff Little Fingers at Barrowlands tonight. My first time at the venue but certainly not my first Fingers gig! 

    Can't wait. Methinks a little bit of a Subcrawl may be due beforehand too 😄

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