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Posts posted by DAFC

  1. Very generous, it was a steaming pile of horse shit!

    Michael Bay must be stopped as everything he's directed/produced since The Rock has been terrible (Transformers 1 aside which was fun, but mainly for nostalgia value!)

    I thought the effects and T&A was great, the script seemed to have been written by a two year old.

  2. A great series, but I was also a bit disappointed with the final episode. I guess it must have been filmed before they made the decision to make another series.

    Also disappointed that we never actually found out what became of Merle after he broke free (unless I've missed something). He had the potential to be a great character.

    I think he'll be coming back with a vengence.

    From reading some of the comics I'm shocked that it made it to TV.

    It's a real shame that we have to wait until next Autumn for the next installment.

    Sick would be an understatement.

  3. An old chap from the council yard next door to my work bought his jcb in to help clear our yard a bit, 2 suited p***ks in a wee car pulled up, told the guy to stop and sacked him on the spot, the poor lad had over 40 years of service. Obviously they saw an excuse to get rid of him, rotten p***ks sacking the poor guy at this time of year.

    Tell this to the papers.

  4. I voted SNP in the last election actually.

    If a fail means that I have a difference of opinion than someone on an internet forum then I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

    You seem to know more about me than I do.

  5. Remember guys the local councils and the Scottish Government have 'learned their lesson from earlier in the year" that means that no salt will be put out so they can say they have plenty in stock.

    No grit, plough or shovel has touched my housing estate in over a week.

    Cheers for the help.

  6. Hmm my dear parents are uptown at the moment, having both got buses in to work, I wish them luck getting home.

    Its just the fact none of us were really expecting this to hit us again, its not stopped snowing for the last 4 or 5 hours here and it not like its a flurry, its practically a white fog out there its that thick.

    Now any of you that know Edinburgh well, I am just off Gamekeepers Road, thats been cleared and gritted slightly, now I am just of it, but my street is fucking murder, its really bad, no sign of any help and the number of cars I have ssen driving down it in the last week, can be no more that 10 or 15, mostly all of them 4WD estates and off roaders, but even they are only going about5 mph. You can always tell how tentative teh people in the neighbourhood are when the pavements arent even compacted like uptown, its practically untouched snow for 7 days. I suppose it doesnt help when a lot of people where I am are either elderly of have kids.

    I only hope it does clear, I need to get presents for in less than a week.:( And my only means of gettting to any shops is a bus. Plus its getting on my wick.

    Sorry rant over.

    I'm in the same boat, moved my car onto the main road yesterday after three hours of digging.

    After moving it I know someone will nick my nicely dug out space.

    Side roads and estates are getting left - I can't see them getting cleared at all.

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