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Mistermark 75

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Posts posted by Mistermark 75

  1. 2 hours ago, bennett said:

    Anyone else noticed that they've been getting a bit lax regarding coronavirus precautions recently?



    Yip. Despite agreeing with the sentiment that extra vigilance regarding hand hygiene/masks etc makes even more sense as we ease out of lockdown, I am much less cautious than I was when the virus was more prevalent.  I suspect this is the case for quite a few folks now. Complacency feels natural somehow. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

    I hadn't realised until now that today's daily briefing from Downing Street was the last one.

    A lot of the younger generation may one day look back on them  in the same way some of us recall John Cravens Newsround. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

    Close but Irwin Allen probably had 500 times the budget as that was a triffid from the early 1980s BBC serialisation of "Day of the Triffids".

    Cardboard, string and chicken wire, these were the special effects of the pre CGI generation.

    Still had me pretty spooked as a child mind you.. 

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