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Craigie Watson

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  1. I thought he was slow and static . Or , maybe our guys made him look like that. I agree, on today's performance, he wouldn't get into our team.
  2. Was anyone else surprised by how poor Dibbs was today?
  3. I finally decided to vote for Finn. I like his wholehearted commitment, his youth and confidence. There's a bit of Tiger about him .
  4. Tell us about that game, please. Are you thinking of the League Cup win in 1971?
  5. I also noticed Mc Glynn giving Yeats a bit of criticism when he lost the ball. Good to see that standards are high.
  6. I think you have got to the root of the problem.
  7. Rennie, Tiger, Kennedy,Baillie,Baptie, Hughes, Crunchie, Stainrod, Johnny Graham, Tam Young, Craigie Watson (obviously). As far as I know most of these guys are still alive.
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