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Everything posted by Bogbrush1903

  1. Oh God, I've had a flashback to Jackie McNamara... I'm getting ominous signals about Declan...
  2. So that Hartley had previous for the early bath when he got himself sent off in the first half during the 0-9 humiliation... Greasy c*nt
  3. Is Russ Richardson still sourcing players for us? Or did he go with McInnes?
  4. I have that book too, purchased in the 1980s before the new builds started polluting its pages... I think Archibald Leitch's gable end is mentioned on nearly every page.
  5. Gads, quite ironic then that both Union Jack and he had to suffer the 0-9 early in their careers...
  6. Which one of them does he support then? An Aberdonian too, the worst kind...
  7. What's more bizarre is to call judgement based on one game as you've apparently done here. Remember there was a suggestion that Roy Aitken signed the World Cup semi finalist, Iliyan Kiryakov based on his performance for Famagusta on Gascoigne when they played Oldco. What Aitken didn't take in account was the player's off field antics and how he looked after himself. I'm not saying Gallagher won't look after himself fitness wise, but I'm drawing parallels about judging a player based on a performance in a big game. Nor am I saying Glass hasn't done due diligence on Gallagher and if he thinks he's right for Aberdeen then fair enough. I'm primarily talking about Gallagher's character when I say that I have concerns about him. I've no doubt he is around the same standard of player as Ash Taylor, Andy Considine and Tommie Hoban. Having said that, I would be interested to know from the Motherwell fans if he's slow or quick running wise?
  8. Unfortunately, you don't need to dig too deep to find negatives with Gallagher & Brown. They'll get my support as soon as they join us until they leave, but I can't pretend to be comfortable about them joining AFC.
  9. The signing of Declan Gallagher concerns me both on the pitch and off it. There are good reasons to question is character, although no reason to go over it again, and I think he needs to make a good start with the fans by saying the right things to the press and showing the right attitude from the beginning. I would also urge him not to engage with the fans on social media and get on with letting his performances do the talking. I agree with the Motherwell fans in that he's not captain material and should be kept well away from the role. We need a mixture of youth and experience, and I'm sure Glass will bring in younger players, but so far we've brought in two players nearer the end than the beginning in Brown and Gallagher with dubious reputations. It could be masterstroke or it could be catastrophic. If I was a gambling man then I would hedge my bets to the latter....
  10. If Derek McInnes was being solely judged on qualifying for the Europa League qualifying competition then he would've been kept on. He wasn't though and a decision was made that his time was up which I think most Aberdeen supporters agreed with. What other club's supporters think about it is immaterial because you aren't watching us every week...
  11. I go to Paris, or did before Covid restrictions were applied, a couple of times each year with my work and then usually either bus it (if the railworkers are on strike) or take the cheap TGV to other parts of the country for gigs and fitba reasons. I was going to see an Australian band called The Scientists at Petit Bain which is a boat venue on the Seine. Beforehand, I went for something eat and a beer in a nearby bar, and went into the toilets and the toilet was on a pedastal surrounded by a swarm of flies. I felt like Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now, going mad in the tropics as I emptied my bowels whilst being eaten alive. I've been to Lyon a couple of times but nothing to bad to report from there apart from my accommodation on one visit but that was my own fault as I chose cheaply. If you visit Marseille then you will see many rats scurrying about the place. The place must be infested because they just cannot keep a low profile there. I've seen a few disgusting gig venue toilets in France but, to be honest, I'd be disappointed if they were in a good shape...
  12. I'm probably just blinded by hate, but I honestly, would think the compete opposite and consider it weird if an non-Sevco fan thought Sevco losing Europe was a bad thing. Can you explain your logic please? Is it about co-efficient points, the questionable moral fabric of one of the Slavia players or some other reason that I should be cheering on the dark side? If it's about co-efficient points then I don't care because Aberdeen gets pumped whenever we venture past the 2nd qualifying round. If it's regarding moral fabric of one player then the whole Sevco institution I find deplorable..
  13. Tbh, I can't remember the last Old Firm match. 2012 was it? No one cares eh? Pumped by Slavia, humbled by Saints and then perhaps losing your unbeaten closed door season to your nearest and dearest... But I'm sure you happy-go-lucky lovers of Queen and Country will just laugh it off...
  14. You're quoting me so I'll clarify that I'm not questioning whether he's the right man for the job...yet...all I'm saying is that it's an ominous start and one that will, rightly or wrongly, place him under immediate pressure. As for that second point, he could've managed his squad better if 300 minutes of football was going to be a problem. He should've been considering that the United match could go to 120 minutes too. The Cup was the priority, so why not use the Celtic match to rest a couple of the older guys? Which brings me onto Mikey Devlin? Where the f@ck is he? I thought it was McInnes he fell out with...
  15. Hmmm, I've rarely seen any manager get a free pass when results are unfavourable. I hope he gets time but the circumstances of his arrival (close friendship of Cormack, the removal of a manager favourable to the media and considered to be a success, and no evidence of managerial ability on his CV) means the media will be watching him closely from the off...
  16. At the end of the day, it's a very poor result under the watch of Stephen Glass in a competition that the fans want to win . It will be used against him if required by those who wish to whether media or supporters. The danger is that it's leaving him less room for error. Three more unspectacular results at the end of this season, or a spectacularly bad one, then he'll be going into the start of next season with all eyes on him as the early season favourite for the chop. And if the players start thinking your vulnerable, then finding good positive results become problematic.
  17. One thing is for sure is that the pressure is now on Glass. Sunday's result is going to count against him big time if we go on a bad run of form. That why I was surprised that he didn't prioritise Sunday's game over the match against Celtic. However much we hear fans saying that they are prepared to give him time (and rightly so) , the goodwill will dissipate quite rapidly if we go on a poor run of form at the start of next season and the cup tie yesterday will be used as evidence against him. It's also the kind of result for a new manager that has the media vultures circling high above keeping a watching brief. On a side note, I'm concerned about Allan Russell. It's based on nothing else but a gut feeling although he has been booked in the last two games, but I just didn't like his body language on the few glimpses we saw of him yesterday...
  18. Meanwhile, up in Scotland on Saturday May 26th 1979, Loch Lomond was hosting Scotland's young punks...
  19. Don't keep us in suspense then Mr Dee, give us some tales from 83 please...83 was played in midweek in attempt to ward off Scottish hordes descending on London
  20. I was reading a paper from the day after the 2nd replay and it mentioned that there was a murder on a Glasgow to London train on the Friday before the 1979 match with the Auld Enemy at Wembley on the Saturday. A 20 year old from Cumnock was killed on an overcrowded BR football special...Any recollection of a febrile atmosphere on the way down to London in 79? Has there been a P&B thread on Auld Enemy recollections? I think that would be great thread...
  21. The inappropriately named footballer Ally 'Benny' Brazil heading clear at what appears to be one the 1979 Scottish Cup Final replays. Judging by the empty terraces behind him it seems a shrewd move to eventually call a halt to Cup Final replays... Actually, in the first game and first replay only one substitute was available but for the 2nd replay two substitutes were available. Does anyone know why that was the case? I assume it was 1980/1981 that two subs was introduced and perhaps they used the second replay to test. All four subs, Alex Miller & Gordon Smith for Oldco and Bobby Hutchinson and Steve Brown for Hibs were utilised with Tommy Mclean, Kenny Wastson, Ralph Callachan and Tony Higgins making way...
  22. I remember an inteview, I'm sure at Parkhead, when Malofeev was head coach at Hearts and he was ridiculed by the Scottish media because of his delivery via a translator. The Scottish media has a long recent past of ridiculing coaches and it creates a climate for these coaches to fail in. The supporters are less patient when they read and hear journalists and pundits criticising the non-Scottish coach's 'methods' or 'ideas'. I'm sure this is instigated by the ex-players who manage and want the Scottish game to be a closed shop for those that have played in our own domestic league. The feed us the line about the excellence of the Largs set-up and the coaches it produces whilst our game falls a little further behind technically with each passing season and we have to digest the 'agricultural' style so beloved by the Scottish based philistines.
  23. Try telling a young Kenny Dalglish that when he was turning out for Cumbernauld United in 1967/68
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