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Posts posted by AndyX

  1. 2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Is there a chance it goes all Steven MacLean for Cowie?

    Where you mistake a new manager bounce for the new manager being good, and then they're shafted by trying to rebuild a squad and find high level players in a Summer they've not been able to plan for and it all falls apart?

    We don't know if he can build a squad. Also don't know if his style might be different if he could have chosen the players he was working with. Absolutely no doubt though that he got the players, club, and support all pulling in the same direction. That made the difference this year. Even little things like giving decent game time to DA signings even if he ended up with mostly a MM team - that could easily have been a divided dressing room.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Tony Wonder said:

    Probably to ensure he's not falling foul of the offside rule.

    Is he in his eyeline in relation to the position of the ball? No

    Does he impede his view? No, because its behind a wall. 

    Does he move across his vision as it's struck? No.

    It's not interference. 

    Why is he there?

    If Kingsley can hit the free kicks we know he can, and you say Shankland being there makes no difference, then why the hell would you put Shankland there? He didn't end up in that position by accident - it was clearly a plan. And that clear intent makes it easy for the officials to say he was interfering with play.

    The 'behind a wall' defence is nonsense - he's in the way *after* the ball goes past the wall. We all know that's why he's there in the first place.

    Tried to get clever, got caught.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tony Wonder said:

    It's the same as forwards trying to confuse the line at free kicks by going off and on. Its still not interference.

    The ball is coming from the left side of the goal, Shankland is on the right of the Goalie. It doesn't come across his path, it's a pathetic decision. 

    Why is he checking where the keeper is if he isn't trying to influence the play?

  4. Sorry to have to say that all Don Cowie seems to have learnt from 2 years as MacKay's assistant is to keep trying the same hoofball shite. Got lucky at the end because there are 2 decent footballers in the team.

    It's going nowhere. They might survive another playoff but that just wins us another year that will again be brutally painful to watch.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Matty-RCFC said:

    You have to adapt though. The players are people, too. They have personalities. You can’t just wander in, tell them how shit they are, and then expect that they’re going to react to that. Some will have - Murray and White seem the type to relish that challenge. The rest clearly haven’t. 

    Some will relish that challenge, some will hate him. That's why the Derek Adams way won't work until he finds the players who respond well. You can't judge him in 2-3 months. 

    Maybe the players who don't like it are the problem. Brittain, Vigurs, Boyd, Gardyne, Lawson, Kettlewell, etc played their best football under Derek Adams.

  6. Am I the only County fan still backing Adams?

    His record at the club surely earns more than 2-3 months. And if it takes too long to turn things round this season, who would be better to win promotion next season. 

    Tonight was an absolute shambles yes. He clearly hasn't figured out the answers yet. But he has always been a streaky manager - takes a while to turn things round but when it clicks, it really does.

  7. 35 minutes ago, Matty-RCFC said:

    Slew was an athlete - he had a unique skill set but he was technically miles off it. Songo’o was alright, but again I’d have all 3 of our current centre backs before I’d have him in the team. Max Melbourne was a waste of a jersey. 

    If we played Morecambe tomorrow, I’d have no doubts that we’d beat them comfortably. I think every team in the Scottish Championship would too. 

    ETA: Falkirk probably would too.

    All about opinions I guess, but I'd have Songo'o before any of our centre backs. Does 'athlete but miles off it technically' not remind you of any of our current forwards?

    It's subjective of course, could make arguments either way, but there's no huge gulf. Without Dhanda this County team would be struggling horribly. The team with Slew and Songo'o didn't.

  8. "Endeth the engagement" 😃

    Again, any sane reading of my posts would see that I question whether players (including Baldwin) on long-term contracts have really earned them. And that it seemed like the manager would be happy to let some of them go. If they now start performing - great of course we don't want rid. But if we're honest very few of us would have been bothered if lots of them had been out of contract in the summer.


  9. 3 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

    I don’t even know who you are talking about but as a neutral I would say that if you’ve got a new manager who has come in and suddenly *insert player name here* has done well and you are getting results then you would be mad to want to get rid of him. Every player will have a manager who just makes them click and it could be that Adams is the man to get whatever player it is playing well.

    I'm very happy to have Adams back. And I haven't said that I want rid of any player. That's just Pete inventing straw men.

    I've said that some players haven't really earned the contracts they have. Delighted if they are now performing but I could search the posts of pretty much any County fan on here and they'd be slating players who are signed up on long-term contracts.

  10. 1 minute ago, Pete the Jakey said:

    I’m a Jakey I’m always pished. 

    And my oh my, you must have trawled through some posts to find that to counter my argument. I said that last year he was wasn't as culpable as Iacovitti, which is true and borne from statistical analysis.

    The fact remains as does my opinion, asking for our captain and central defender to be offloaded after three clean sheets is the utterances of a madman. Here endeth my engagement.

    There's a search function. It was no trouble. Lots more I could have quoted too. And no sane reading of my posts could have thought I was talking about the last 3 games.  There, we've both endeth our engagement 🙄

  11. On 11/08/2023 at 09:35, Pete the Jakey said:

    Seem history hasn't treated Iacovitti well.  I thought he improved with every season he was with us.  Yeah he wasn't great going forward, but was pretty solid at the back and was certainly lot less culpable than Baldwin last season. 

    Correct me if I am wrong but he was never red carded for us, and picked up only 12 yellow cards over 116 appearances, pretty good for a CB.



    20 hours ago, Staggie52 said:

    I think you must be the one pished , I commented on Baldwins performance tonight, said it was good, but he needs to do it regularly, you come back abusive and wittering about the team’s performance over three games. 

    Maybe Pete was pished in August...

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