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Erih Shtrep

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Posts posted by Erih Shtrep

  1. 5 hours ago, BingMcCrosby said:


    I think you guys must have some memory blanks. He was only young at that time, and I'm not having a go at the guy. I think he deserves to be in the squad also.

    But there was moments in those early games with Martin where it was as if he had never seen a football before.

    There was some good points as well, he was young and just learning at that level. But he was way out of his depth at times. And an absolute liability.

    Im certainly not writing him off, its not like we have the players to do so.

    Completely agree Bing.   

    He actually reminds me a bit of Shane Duffy with poorer distribution.   I used to be so worried at games with his decision making and passing ( to opponents ).   

    To be fair to him I haven't seen him play since Norwich played Liverpool (about 2 years ago) and he was absolutely horrific, albeit against a fantastic Liverpool front three.  

    For all the good that Steve Clarke has done I genuinely don't understand the trust he places in guys like Patterson, Burke and McBurnie, and probably Hanley.  

  2. Delighted to have received a phone call of support from Alex Salmond after he read the thread.    

    edited to add in I would encourage brazen liar  Stormzy (aka the boy who cried wolf) to read SMITH v ADVFN plc & Orcs [2008]   in particular paragraphs 50-61 as I decide how to proceed with this.  

  3. The thing is all I required in the first instance was an apology for defaming me and my online work  on this community forum.    Sadly that avenue is now closed.   

    As of today I'll happily settle for an apology and a sleeve of 3  Titlist Pro-V1s.   

    But the fines will ramp up as follows:  

    After 28/2    An apology and a kettle.   

    31/3   An apology and a Hugo Boss polo shirt in blue.  

    30/4   An apology and a voucher for a 4 ball at Downfield 

    31/5   An apology and a static exercise machine.  

    30/6  An apology and a Daewoo Matiz ( 5 dr ) 

    After this point no apology will be accepted.    No siree.  


  4. 1 hour ago, Stormzy said:

    I'm sure publically mocking someone for as you put it "admitting to having mental problems" probably played a part. 

    Except this didn't happen.    The chain of events happened as follows: 

    1)  You made one post opening up about mental problems you had when you were younger and I was one of the first to green dot it.   This was a while ago.   

    2)  I posted that your constant references about dogs is a bit weird and asked if was because you're drinking (as you admit)  10 beers every night.  

    3)  You then edited my post to add in "and mental issue problems"  to defame myself and copy/pasted it onto the depression forum for maximum impact!    Perhaps you were too inebriated to remember?   But I suspect not.   

    4)  Then I received a 2 day suspension for "Spamming" the cycling thread for a singular post about a killer junction on a country road.   

    5)  I then PM'd you straight after my 2 day suspension was lifted because I was really pissed off at what you did -  see post 2.    

    6)  You then selectively posted certain parts of our exchange consisting of 4 messages from myself and 3 from yourself.   

  5. 1 hour ago, Funky Nosejob said:

    Was action actually taken against him because of his post on the cycling thread or was it down to his interactions elsewhere?
    It would be a shame if it was the former as I have him on ignore and therefore had no idea that he’d asked me a question. I assumed the subsequent questioning of his behaviour was down to his automatically red dotting posts and advised the same action I’d already taken.

    2 day suspension for asking a poster if they stopped at the Stop sign on Long Dalmahoy Road.   

    Bit harsh imo.  

  6. 2 hours ago, Caledonian1 said:

    Very good - I have held a clean full UK licence for 39 years and certainly consider road safety to be of great importance too. 

    That's great that you would consider yourself a road safety enthusiast too - and I am sure that applies to all road users.  I am still curious as to why you red dot pretty much every positive post there is on there regarding cycling - or is it someone else (apologies if it is indeed not you.....but they have same user name)



    I'm disappointed at the rise of tarmac inequality we've suffered for the best part of a decade.   Thats why I'm in favour of a fully funded NRS.  

  7. 2 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

    Can I just ask why you occasionaly  pop on the Cyclists thread and red dot every post - do you have a genuine hatered of cycling  / cyclists?  Interested to know.

    I'm a road safety enthusiast, fella.   

    I've held a full UK British isles driving licence for 16 years and it's as clean as the day I earned it.  

  8. I'll be the latest in a long line of people to pop Stormzy on ignore.    I guess his dreadful negative reputation should have been the warning.   I shouldn't have given him the chance to reconcile and explain his actions.  Lesson learned.    Doctoring quotations to try and suggest I make fun of people with mental illness is disgraceful conduct, and so is copy/pasting select comments from a private chat instigated my myself to clear the air.   

    Image result for the boy who cried wolf

  9. On 16/02/2021 at 20:49, Erih Shtrep said:

    Long Dalmahoy Road features a couple of STOP signs.   Did you comply with the sign?   

    Posters used to ask me all to frequently  "Grahame why do you keep getting banned without never posting anything, ever that might merit a suspension?"    

    Well after 14 years posting I've had my first suspension as the above post was worthy of a ban.  An outright ban for "Spamming" for my first post.  

    Sensible readers will understand the horrendous mafia style leadership that's blighted hundreds of members.   

    Sadly I made a huge mistake on the 16th of Feb by replying to Keith's post.  

    On 16/02/2021 at 21:49, keithgy said:

    I have actually booked exactly the same holiday for May 2022 just in case,mind you we are flying from Manchester so not sure of the in's and out's of it.


    On 16/02/2021 at 21:55, Erih Shtrep said:

    It's departures on the way out and arrivals when you travel back.  


    I deeply regret responding to the moderator and instigating what happened which was -  Keith Pm'd fellow mafia member cardinal richelieu who banned the account for suggesting the  rolling through a STOP line isn't good practice.  

    The Falkirk mafia have been in control of this website since the 2008 depression.   There's always the chat of ' loosely moderated website'  masking the fact there's never in the history of forums a website featuring a collection of rogues like we face.   

    When I asked again - at the start of the year to an excellent mod to be left to post - without fear or favour - I was delighted to be given the green light.  I could keep my side of the bargain.  I knew the Falkirk Mafia couldn't and once again I was right.   

    Moving forward ( and again I'm sorry our mod team have let everyone down again ) I'll post in the Golfers thread what will happen (  because it's soo predictable)  is the Falkirk mafia will contact the Fantasy Golf organiser and threaten him to edit out Justin Thomas for Ian Baker Finch or they'll lower tyre PSI.  

    Furthermore the banning message was about rolling through a STOP line on Long Dalmahoy Rd.   I passed my driving test here in 2004 when I was at Uni.   This was on the Currie test routes as you drove south from Balerno.    The blind summit from the right makes it an absolute ringer for an absolute stop.    As a bastion of road safety I hope my comment will at the very least make a vehicle comply with the signage, even if it bends the rules for the Falkirk Mafia.   

    The plans moving forward are to block all members of the FM and to post only of the Golf thread - if the FM leave my FG team alone.  


  10. 4 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

    Gee whizz...this type of comment does nothing to aid honest discussion. 

    Sorry fella, I wasn't attacking you in that sense, just offering my opinion.   

    I think it might take two or three years but yes I believe the UK will end if Scotland returns a majority at the SG elections.  

    If Boris says No I suspect we could have the situation where YES polls over 65% and leaders of the Labour and Lib Dem parties are applying pressure to allow democracy to happen.  

    There's a tipping point and for the first time Scotland is entering an election with a solid majority for Yes.   

    None of this matters though if we don't get the 50% plus 1.    If I was a betting man I'd say the SNP will poll between 45-49% 

  11. 1 hour ago, git-intae-thum said:

    Oh...well...back in the box then Scotland....   Shut up an eat yer cereal 😂

    If another democratic mandate is ignored by Westminster (I agree it is an outrage).......and more importantly, the SNP do nothing, a couple of things are very possible.

    -The SNP under its current guise will lose the support of a good whack of the wider indy movement (including me). This down to leadership inaction and voter disillusionment. Certainly this would ensure no further snp majorities. It could even allow unionist coalitions back into gov😟 What a legacy that would be.

    -A split could very well result and and a new harder line independence party emerge.

    - SNP membership is currently dropping. This trend would only increase. Party finances are already a worry. A continuing haemorrhaging of membership will put real pressure on party resources and again, then the Sturgeon leadership.

    If Westminster continue the dictatorial tone then, the SNP leadership are going to have to think big to prevent the above very real possibilities.

    They will have to be much more vocal and forthright in taking the fight to Westminster through all political, legal and even diplomatic channels. If this leads to increased political strife with the Westminster gov then so be it. Let's remember that the Westminster gov has very little support in Scotland. It certainly has  no democratic mandate to carry on as it does. In any modern supposedly democratic country that is a state of affairs that can never last.

    By highlighting to the majority of Scotland how little Westminster respects their democracy it can only increase independence support. The question is whether Ms Sturgeon has the stomach for that fight tbh. Especially after her s.30 strategy will have been shown up as a dead end.

    As I said in an earlier post, I really feel this next parliamentary term will be the last chance....not for independence.....but certainly for a Sturgeon led gradualist SNP.








    Sturgeon understands politics better than you or that wings idiot.  

  12. 2 minutes ago, Aufc said:


    Whilst delighted i am able to pack my sprogs away from next week, i agree that there is no reasons for gyms not to be open if we are opening schools.


    Away and boil yer heid.  

    If gyms were opened alongside schools you'd find gym usage would be higher than normal.    In certain places hundreds of people from different people panting away in a sweatbox and touching equipment.    

    Given that it's now light till 6pm, and the weather will reach 13C by the weekend, everyone can quite easily exercise outdoors.   

    Equating the importance of opening schools to gyms is moronic.   

  13. 3 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

    And if the SNP get a majority of votes then Boris will say "the turnout was 55% and 27.5% doesn't constitute a majority for independence or another divisive referendum. See you in 2054." You are not going to By Your Logic this government into conceding a mandate unless they want to, or are forced to. They have zero shame.


    For many (myself included) the SNP are drinking in the last chance saloon.   Acceptance of a good night at the polls and no action won't be tolerated and there will need to be action and if this is dragged through the courts you have a far stronger position if you have the majority of votes cast.    You of course can do as you please with your vote but I'd like you to hold your nose and back the SNP one final time.  

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