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Erih Shtrep

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Posts posted by Erih Shtrep

  1. 5 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

    Yeah he's been pretty poor. Aside from losing possession too often he's brushed aside far too easily. 

    I'll be surprised if he starts another game this season. 




    1 minute ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

    There, are people saying he should be starting for Scotland. He looks miles off that based on tonight. He'd struggle to get a game for Barnsley. 

    That's two attempts at dreadful trolling ask @Barry Ferguson's Hat.  He's better at it. 

    1 minute ago, Barry Ferguson's Hat said:

    Hopefully he flips as well as he flops.

    Burger King awaits.


  2. 5 hours ago, renton said:

    No, that's straw clutching.

    Thought I'd check the SiU FB page as they're boasting about this poll ( which shows a clear SNP maj, and a majority for Indepedence )   

    Some crackers like this:    if you add the 10% don't knows onto the 'no' vote(usually the case and high level of don't knows ) gives them a majority ..47/42 10% don't know 'makes it approx 52/47 to the 'no'

  3. 3 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

    What is. You just need to read on here the number of previous SNP voters who are publicly stating they will not vote for them if they haven't announced a sensible reopening plan. Why would that not be repeated countrywide ?

    It's not exactly Putin's Russia we live in !

    That figure will equal about 10 on here.   There's the tens of thousands TV viewers who trust Nicola's orator skill and through time the SG's vaccination priorities will of course be a vote winner.  

  4. 23 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

    I don't know when furlough will end that's just my personal outside date for those things happening, no point in me setting a target that will not or is unlikely to materialise, I prefer Conservative targets. 

    Authoritarian pish.   I'm on board with the Jan-March lockdown but there needs to be a 'haud the bus moment.  A line in the sand, and I and others don't feel comfortable with the noise emanating from our governments (plural).    

    The vaccine programme is working excellently in all nations of the UK - let's roll it out asap - and get swiftly back to normal.    

    From a personal point of view - because it counters other views it's been by far the easiest of my life.  I've been walking loads, golfing loads and getting paid £7..5 per month for doing nothing.  I live in a rural location so it's been great for me but the bigger picture isn't me and we need to return to normal as soon as the vast majority of at risk are jabbed.  

  5. 4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

    They absolutely are, but its the job of the electorate to question them. People doing so on this thread are often dismissed as Covid deniers or tin foil hat types. The wait and see attitude would be fine if either govt had shown even a shred of a hint that they have plan out of this. As it is, they need to be forced down the obviously correct path of returning society to normal byt the actions of the public, media, industry etc. (All IMO obviously)

    You're getting a bit angrier of late.  Are you back at the cycling?   

  6. 1 hour ago, Day of the Lords said:

    I feel quite fortunate in that I've literally never watched a single bit of footage of Leitch. 

    If you've never heard a word of Leitch how would you know you're fortunate?   

    People used to say to me don't watch that Jane Godley.  Then I watched her and she's the funniest thing ever.   Super down to earth, and quite attractive (IMO) and says what we've all been saying.  Plus she doesn't like Trump which was lolzs funny.  

    I suspect many who don't like Leitch do so because he looks so much better in a suit-shirt-tie combo, than they would which during a pandemic is poor to average behaviour by any book or books.  

  7. 11 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

    I eat Tesco own brand weetabix for breakfast.

    I feel you've posting that boastfully, and I like that.   

    You've also made an excellent financial decision because you're not losing quality because the ingredients are identical.   

    20 packs per year, a £2 saving per pack, and you're smart financing has bought yourself the equivalent for a Soda Stream per annum.    

    I love it have a green square.  

  8. 5 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

    You've changed, what happened to the quavers.

    I honestly don't recommend the Quavers diet for more than a 6 week spell.   Get shredded then back on the steak Lorne.   

    I'll give you two examples:   

    Example 1:   You have a sexy Asian bride arriving in 10 weeks time.   She's 40 years your junior, you want to make a good impression, and you've been overdoing the Mr Kipling since Halloween -   Strictly Quavers till you lose the overhang.  

    Example 2:  You've overslept for a 11:07 tee off time on the Kings Course.   You need some slow release protein and you know you'll shred 900 cals because the buggies have sold out.  Stop for a Lorne roll and an Oasis for healthier sugar.   

    It's all about sensible balance, macros and curly maize snacks.   

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