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Allroy for Prez

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Posts posted by Allroy for Prez

  1. 6 hours ago, Quatermass said:

    Livi have 1 win in 21 (against us).

    We have 1 win in 18 (against Livi).

    Unless decent bodies are brought in sharpish it’s only going one way. I would not trust ANY of these players in a Play Off.


    It’s not that a lot of the players don’t care, but Mugabi, O’Donnell, Butcher, Casey, Kelly etc are always likely to make a goal costing mistake. 

    Defending set pieces has been a weak spot all season and doesn’t show any signs of improving, is that going to change just because it’s a play off double header?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Handsome_Devil said:

    I appreciate the sentiment but we basically gave him a fresh start because of the four points over new year. You can argue about whether that's right or wrong but that decision has been made and we're not going to sack him with four days to go in the window.

    I hear you and you’re right. 

    The bus takes a wee while to get going though, defeats v County, Killie and Morton should see it arrive at its destination however. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, MurrayWell said:

    Don't really know why folk are even debating this, Bair has been absolutely fine for us. He was important in our best run of the season so far and has started adding some crucial goals in recent weeks. Where would we be without his recent goals against Hibs and Livi?  

    Would it be fair to say he's a bit hot or cold? Absolutely. 

    'One of the worst' forwards we've had? Gee's peace. Inaccurate and a desperate attempt at scapegoating. 

    We must be watching a different different player.

    That’s the beauty of football I suppose.

  4. 55 minutes ago, fat_tony said:

    Come on now. Bair is frustrating as hell at times but we all know he's a project.

    Even without spending time thinking about it I can raise you Jacob Blyth, Calum Elliott, Wes Fletcher, Paul Keegan, Ross McCormack (v2), Christy Manzinga. Not to mention super-sub Oli Shaw.

    Bair has plenty of attributes that could see him he relatively successful at this level, if he can be coached to read the game better and improve his decision making.

    Whether he develops that way or not is another thing but he's already had an okay impact and chipped in with a few goals.

    All those guys were shocking for sure but if my memory serves me correctly none of them featured as regularly as Bair has had to be used.  

    None of the above had extended runs in the team like Bair has had, whilst I appreciate that possibly wasn’t the plan. 

    I’m not sure you can coach instinct either, although you could certainly tell him to start gambling on any of the crosses that Gent was putting in, especially after the first couple weren’t acted on. 


  5. A timely reminder of just how bad some of our players are individually. Bair, Mugabi and O’Donnell in particular. Bair might have been isolated but Gent put in about 6 crosses than even an average striker might have gambled on and made a run or chucked himself at. I can’t handle watching him a second longer. I’m struggling to think of a worse striker we’ve had to endure.

    We need a right back, a centre half and 2 strikers or we are down. Quite possibly not even winning another game in the process.

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