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Good Citizen Bad Citizen

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Posts posted by Good Citizen Bad Citizen

  1. 44 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

    The Licence Committee are independent of the SFA and they alone make licence decisions, and those are only made at committee meetings.  So in theory at least, if this committee didn't grant the Bronze licence on Friday then there won't be a review of that until their next meeting which is apparently September.  As far as I am aware the SFA aren't required to sign anything off, it's not their decision.

    The SFA updated their licence list today as at 7th June (Friday), Kelty Hearts are now Bronze, Edinburgh City remain Entry.





    So we've been informed a rack of lies then? 


    Honestly don't know what to think anymore with this club . They fry my brain

  2. Apparently we got the licence but it won't get officially signed off until SFA re-convene on the 25th. That's what I was told anyway. 

    Now, we were asked to submit documents by Friday, we did that, was told they'd sign us off today. Kelty have been signed off and we are the only ones that haven't. It's not very difficult for the SFA to OK it so why wasn't it done today? 

    The club have tried to reassure us that it's a done deal and we'll be playing league 2 football next season but there's still a part of me that thinks that a few things just don't add up



  3. 6 hours ago, Les Cabbage said:

    Good news for your financial situation.

    3 Hibs season ticket holders about to sign up for Edinburgh City season tickets this season once we get our refunds through.

    Not sure if there’ll be any more that follow.

    Out of the fire and into the frying pan by the sounds of things.

    You'll be made most welcome 


    We've got the meeting today. Had a message last night with some positivity so fingers crossed 

  4. 20 minutes ago, Tenkay said:

    As much as I've enjoyed watching City in the league the last 8 years,  I just can't see a way forward for the club to continue to compete at this level. 

    You need money to do anything, serious money if you're looking to progress and we, are, skint! Seemingly.

    We will never build any support playing from Meadowbank, as nobody wants to go there to watch their football.

    The "3rd team of Edinburgh" goalposts have moved with Bonnyrigg and Spartans now in the leagues and they hoover up fans from those parts of the City.

    Honestly I can't see what we can do to "grow" the club. 😢



    Been trying to grow club for years. The last regime made a hash of it on consistent basis and didn't target the right demographic, they just wanted to court corporates. You can have all the corporates you want, but if there's no soul and no solid fanbase then it's an empty shell, and that's what we were especially as "FC Edinburgh". 

    I put things forward to the previous board who to target to build more of a fanbase and was ignored. The only way the club fan wise grew was due to some small success and the supporters club that formed in 2018 and now we have a solid but small core. 

    I agree fully with your post Tenkay. We need to build, fast, I've gotna cracking idea for next season which will cost next to nothing, whether people on the board will listen to me and go for it is another thing. All I'll say is it includes printing a load of leaflets in Chinese and delivering them directly opposite Meadowbank........

  5. 20 minutes ago, Katboy said:

    As we all know Meadowbank is not a great venue for watching football.  Little more than your average available for general hire leisure facility.  It would appear that most of the issues raised are not insurmountable, and hopefully some sensible arrangement can be agreed.  That said the silence emanating from your club isn't helping to quell speculation.

    I hope you guys retain your league status.  You've suffered enough.

    Appreciate the kind words 

  6. 9 minutes ago, WattersIsGod said:

    i recently had the 'pleasure' of a trip to Meadowbank so i know it's a pretty awful venue for football but what specifically is it that results in it not getting a license? 

    surely the club must have been told what they needed to change to become compliant?

    i'm sure the silence from the club is incredibly frustrating. i can definitely empathise with that. 

    We need an extra seat. It's not the stadium really that's the major issue. Our pitch is the highest regulated 4G by FIFA so its not that either.

    We lack a proper youth pathway under our name. Currently we are using a 3rd party coaching company. We have no development side/Under 20s as we had to scrap that last season due to cutting costs. 

    We don't have a club Doctor (we may have hired one silently in the last week but nobody knows)

    We don't have a physio at the moment 

    There's other bits as well that need ironed out 

    The issue isn't ironing these issues out, it's affording to iron the issues out. And we've got no money. Will Edinburgh Leisure put an extra seat in Meadowbank as well? Who knows, they aren't exactly good landlords at the moment. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

    I wonder if Airdrie, Peterhead, Kelty and Cove are similarly panicking. Oh wait, they haven't been attacked by some Daily Mail gimp looking for a cheap target. 

    Anyway if it came to a vote, who would clubs rather have in the League: moneybags EK or skint EC? 


    East Kilbride 


    Other clubs don't have time for us or our so called ground.

    Other clubs aren't panicking because they are a stick on to obtain Bronze in time if they haven't done already. We haven't, that's why people are worried. It wasn't the fact we are a cheap target, what was printed was the truth. None of it was fabricated to scaremonger 

  8. 13 minutes ago, realmadrid said:

    I had wondered if the element that was causing the issue had been disclosed, or are things just a shambles behind the scenes and there is no way the club will pass.

    We are being informed the latter


    The newspapers, board members of other clubs and someone involved with the SFA have all said the same thing though. It's not a good look, however, hoping for a small glimmer of hope that its all nonsense and there's nothing to worry about.

  9. 9 minutes ago, AllyMonc said:

    Some people saying we'll hear this week about whether our derogation request has been approved and that it should be absolutely fine.


    Some people saying Stranraer and EK have been told not to worry too much about the playoff final result as they'll both be in SPFL 2 next season. One as playoff winner, the other replacing us.


    I guess at some point we'll find out.


    For what it's worth I've no idea either way but have heard the second rumour from a few folk these last few days.

    Same here Ally. 

    The latter rumour outweighs the first one. The silence from the club  is deafening.  The statement put out the other week is all hope and nothing concrete. Same old crap every post/pre-season when it comes to this club, hope, then let down, then a bit of hope, then disaster, then try and paper over a few cracks, then maybe a tiny bit of hope again, then another let down. Continuous cycle over the last 7 years since Jah stepped down as Chairman.

    I've never known such a completely unhinged football club in my 37 years of existence.

    The rush to go back to Meadowbank(which we were all guilty of wanting) has destroyed us, Edinburgh Leisure are doing their best to destroy us, the SFA are, some of us have hit the self destruct button at times. 

    Utter mess 








  10. Just now, the philosopher said:

    Is it true you sold your old social club for a £million ?

    If so where did it go ?

    It wasn't a million. And the social club is a separate entity and business to the football club 

    Probs best to ask them directly as none of us will know the answer to your question 


  11. 5 hours ago, Tenkay said:

    So a 4-1 win over Bonnyrigg Rose under 20s then in the EoS semi final.

    Was anyone there?

    Who do we play in that "final"?

    Crowd was very good for our standards for such a game. Whole contingent of young ultras present making a good racket. Most of the regular die hards there as well. 


    It was a really good game and credit to Bonnyriggs youngsters who have gave it a really good go against our 1st team. 

    I'd say attendance looked around the 150-200 mark. 

    Be interesting to see who we get in the final and where it will be played. A bit of silverware won't go a miss at all after the dreadful year we've had 


  12. 1 hour ago, HibeeJibee said:

    There are 3 users at Ainslie Park... Spartans, Hutchison Vale and Hearts B on Friday nights.

    There are really 3 users at Meggetland... Boroughmuir Bears, Tynecastle and Boroughmuir's first XV.

    Yep, we couldn't go back to Ainslie Park and they wouldn't have us there again anyway. 

    Meggetland I am amazed we got outfoxed for. Surely we can do a straight swap with Tynecastle because that makes the most sense. It's not like Tynecastle get any more than 50 at home games. 

    I know for a fact that we were offered a share at Ochilview once upon a very recent time......

    That would have been a disaster. 

    We are in dire straits ground wise. When the crowd is under 300, Meadowbank isn't actually that bad especially if you are in the 2nd and 3rd row. Any decent sized crowd though and it's not fit for purpose. .......and we need big crowds to sustain ourselves

  13. 4 hours ago, Bay Citizen said:

    I think the stories of our impending demise have been greatly exaggerated, we've just had a really poor start to the season.  If we do go down (and to be honest the new manager has an uphill struggle to avoid it), I expect that we'll still be competitive in League 2 and around for some time yet (fingers crossed). 

    On Meadowbank however, that just doesn't seem like a long term arrangement to me anymore.

    Off the pitch they aren't exaggerated mate. I think we are bang in trouble and that's mainly down to being at Meadowbank. 


    We've got no front of shirt sponsor, a tiny budget, no merchandise available whatsoever. 


    We really are in trouble if we don't get out of Meadowbank by end of the season tops. If we can't get out of there the only way we will survive as a club will be in League 2 and that's probably being very generous. If a monumental change/Stroke of luck doesn't happen, regardless of what we do on the park, we as a club are going down into free fall. And that's with everybody trying their hardest which they are. Owners hands are tied behind their backs big time. Its such a shame. 


    Praying for a miracle we can leave Meadowbank 

  14. 1 hour ago, Tenkay said:

    Sadly, I think you maybe right ✅

    IF we stay at Meadowbank much longer, then we're going to sink back down to the Lowland league.

    Currently, that's probably were we deserve to be!

    There's No chance of increasing support at Meadowbank, and in fact it's a battle to even retain the small support we have!

    What can we do though?

    Not Many alternatives out there.

    As for the new manager, TAM I think jokingly said Yogi Hughes, but he's exactly what we need just now, or at least a tough guy like him.

    Sadly it's not Yogi 

    It's someone who's gonna cause a bit of a stir so brace ya selves. That's all I know. Well, I know there could be an announcement tonight or tomorrow morning 

  15. 34 minutes ago, Cowdenleith said:

    I must say that I don’t really see where Edinburgh City go as a club from here.

    Being local it’s been interesting to see Spartans focus in on the North Edinburgh support base and it seems to have worked to some extent.

    And not far from Edinburgh, both Bonnyrigg and Tranent have engaged their local communities and it would appear they have done well with that in recent years.

    What sort of identify do Edinburgh City want?  There seemed to be a bit of a narrative to push them as ‘Edinburgh’s 3rd team’, maybe somewhere that Hibs and Hearts fans would go if their team, was away and didn’t want to travel.  I doubt there is much mileage in that really. 

    Meadowbank is clearly not great, but would there be many more locals wanting to watch them if they moved to somewhere like Meggetland, which is a great place to watch a game? I’m not sure it would really boost support all that much.

    In short, sadly don’t see a great future for Edinburgh City.

    The wanting to be the team for Hearts and Hibs fans when their own team is away has always enraged me. We will never get our own identity when we advertise games as "No Hearts and Hibs today so get ya self down to Meadowbank" etc on Social Media. I understand we need people through the gate but this rhetoric has been going on too long. Of course, Hibs and Hearts fans are welcome at our games, we have no rivalry with any of them as we know our station, but to rely on them to build a fanbase really does wind me up. 

    I understand hits hard because Hearts and Hibs run generationally through this city, and during the post war boom period for football we asa club went bust and didn't rear our ugly heads again until 1986. So as a result, we missed out on 2-3 generations of fans and we've never been able to grow any sort of fanbase since reformation from EOSL until present day apart from a loyal band of 20 or so(that's literally our entire core support). 

    We have an ever expanding international migrant population and those who have migrated here from other parts of this Island that might be looking for an identity locally and something football wise here to make them feel more a sense of belonging. That's our market, and so are students who might want to settle here after graduation. Other than that we don't have the clout to break the green and maroon grip on this city and we need to grow our fanbase immediately to survive. 

    Two men plus a couple volunteers can't keep everything going eventhough they've put everything they can into the club and worked extremely hard to keep us going



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