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Irosshed and I was wrong

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Irosshed and I was wrong last won the day on January 31

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  1. Not even sure where to start with the post match interview. I guess not much else he can say, wish I hadn’t listened.
  2. Potter seems to dodge any criticism…..he’s in charge of recruitment and football operations but seems to miss any question marks because players say he was a big part in them joining. Both Barrowman and Potter’s performances in role should be scrutinised.
  3. Collins seems insistent on playing a 3. We looked completely lost from the start in that shape. He’s as much to blame as anyone for that mess tonight. Everyone involved in the decision to fire Murray needs to take a long look at themselves.
  4. Losing this with a whimper. If Ross Matthews could either touch the ball or kick someone it would be useful.
  5. We were shocking before the red card. The back 3 had us all over the place. Not gonna repeat everyone on the red, madness. We’ve looked aimless but better defensively since the forced change. Dunfermline don’t look any good - maybe if we can keep the ball we can nick a goal. As crap a game I’ve watched in a while.
  6. Another week of guess how we'll line up - I'd imagine back 3 of Dick, Hanlon, Murray with Stevenson and Mullin as wing backs with Matthews, Byrne at the base of midfield with Easton in the 10 and Smith and Jamieson standing up front.
  7. Reckon we'll absolutely ride them tonight and the Collins train will be rolling. Choo Choo.
  8. Thanks pal - and apologies for pretending I was sorry for continually asking, I shouldn't lie.
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