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  1. Agree. I don’t think the BOD need any advice on the finances of the club, considering the amount of hard work all the BOD, marketing, investors, FFS, fans have all contributed in steadying the ship and hopefully with a decent season we can progress that bit more.
  2. I’m not buying this “McGlynn is simply trying to get a bit of reality to the fans, and keep their feet on the ground” there’s not one fan that I know expects us to get promotion, most I know would be happy with an upper table placing maybe a top four finish, many have said as long as we’re not fighting to stay up. With the squad assembled I genuinely think we’ll do well, but unlike last year there will be games where we don’t win and that simply is life in a league with very evenly balanced teams. I’m hoping that the CEO confirms that McGlynns comments have been cleverly edited. If not it’s a cheap shot at the people who have went out their way in backing the club.
  3. If we at any point lose McIver, as a temporary measure, I’d give Alfie a chance. We’d obviously need to tweak/change the system, but I’d give him a chance.
  4. Need to wait until JS gives an update/response to the FH interview. Had another read through and if his words haven’t been “edited” for me I’m surprised and a bit pissed off by some of its content. The fans, the sponsors, the FFS and all the private investors have supported the club on all fronts that gave us a remarkable last season. So far it looks like a repeat new season with record STs, sponsorship being taken up and the excellent marketing/merchandise. Weve got guys like Morrison / Tait signed for two years and contract extensions to many of our key players. Tbt, I thought there may have been another one/two signings, but guessing that’s not happening if FH piece is true. He and Smith were rewarded with two year deals and both must have accepted the terms to the deals, which I’m sure finances would have been at the top of discussions. Looking forward to our CEOs response, to McGlynns interview.
  5. Great news about the players that were injured, and sorry for Nissy as he’s been on great form. Ive read John McGlynns FH interview, honest as ever, but having a go at the budget ?
  6. Training game my arse, if anything they will be more dangerous. No pressure and as many previous posts will make it difficult.
  7. Great news, anyone got a clue on how many supporters are waiting on seats to the KM? (Unprecedented demand)
  8. Agree. Absolutely no question that MacIver is really good at linking up play. His reading of the game is good, and can work the space that others can exploit. Although it was great to see others on the scoresheet, on another day he could have easily had three. McGlynns FH interview pretty much sums this up. Mention to Hogarth yesterday, thought he was really good and two very good stops, looked more confident and didn’t have a chance with a well taken strike.
  9. Getting a bit concerned about our two CBs. We are a fart away from our opening fixture with very little information, which makes me suspect that both players appear to have little chance of being available. Fully understand that the manager will protect the players, however would be good to get some kind of update.
  10. Not much to say that hasn’t been covered. Concern is that’s now two games Morrisons been ruled out, and any update on our two CBs. Any news on Adams ?
  11. Every club he’s been at scores a worldly and disappears for the next ten.
  12. https://www.clydefc.co.uk/news/2024/07/loan-signing-jordan-allan-2/
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