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Everything posted by Sonam

  1. County were doing pretty good until the goal. Well look dangerous going forward. Some miss that tho! Phew...
  2. In every match County aren't favourites, unlese...maybe, home to Livingston? Not away though! Stuart Kettlewell is a legend. A County win would be amazing, yet hope it goes well for well long run.
  3. The pressure in this match may affect the players that actually do care. Wonder how many on either side?. Hope Dhanda plays with 100% effort until the end. White probably just needs a goal. Same goes for Brophy. Motherwell should be doing better. Sat was painful for County fans. A draw would be acceptable, but for me at this stage of the season a draw isn't good enough. The clock is ticking, how many 'easier' / winnable fixtures do we have left?
  4. Can't stand the monarchy, for so many reasons I don't have the time to list. However, despite his greed I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy. Just the thought of William being King this soon and going through another funeral & coronation doesn't bare thinking about!
  5. A lot of games this month. Perhaps being knocked out of the Cup may help the team. Squad is thin, lack quality on the bench. Need a striker other than Murray to hit form. Motherwell (A) - Tue 6th Rangers (H) - Wed 14th Dundee (A) - Sat 17th Livingston (H) - Sat 24th St. Mirren (H) - Tue 27th This Motherwell match tomorrow gives me the nerves. I would even be reasonable happy with a good performance and a point tbh. Would be superb to win it somehow, even if shitfesting it.
  6. I'd say thats mocking and pretty disrespectful to the player. Do the same for Muslims/Jews etc, but as I say there is a term for that!
  7. I repeat. Let's see some of you take the piss out of other players with different religions. Why not rip the piss out of Mo Salah? Or any other Muslim or Jewish player? Must be some in the Championship. Lets see a mocking of Mohammed, or the Jewish faith. Yet none of you do! You see it never happens because there is a name for that!! Easy to punch down and mock the Christians though. Big laughs for some of you I guess, sad really. Hardly motivating for a current ICT player. Few players cross the bridge to ICT that I hope to see do well. You can all keep positing your mocking shite for all I care. Can't offend an agnostic
  8. Whatever, couldn't care less what disrespectful people like you think. I don't follow any faith, don't believe or disbelieve cause I don't know what's going on. I find out & out athesists hold their own very strong beliefs and certainty, many with total arrogance that there is nothing. For those that are you don't realise you believe more than anyone! I just was raised to be respectful of other people, whether they have a religion or not. I don't offend anyone based on religion. Unlike many on here. Some of you are pretty sad people. I was really disappointed when County hired Malky. Again now with Adams. Just fans don't get a say in who is the manager.
  9. Yesterday felt like there was no team spirit amongst them. Shocking game and the real frustration was Saints didn't look that great either. A poor team won the game. 1st half particularly County were absolutely terrible, while things improved in 2nd half, that was soon nullified by Levein's subs. County subs made things worse, I was no Malky fan (I did still attend games, so wasn't a boycotter). Yet under Malky, even though results were going against them, it still felt like the players were still fighting for the team. I was still expecting a battle to avoid play offs, yet was more confident of them staying up. Not sad to see him go, just feel things turned even worse now. Whether true or not, I read a Facebook comment (I know, I know..) of a fan who watches them train occasionally. He said he noticed a drop of of enthusiasm amongst the players since Adams returned. I still hope to be proved totally wrong. Huge game against Motherwell!
  10. Yeah, Saints will stay up. Knew that would happen as soon as they landed Levein.
  11. £28 is a shocking price, £20 tops it should be. Even £15 in a cost of living crisis. That plus transport!! Too much, sad state of affairs. At there are some Saints fans who see a crap game with little quality for what it is. Adams did have some points in that interview. I recall Saints being decent to watch, yesterday, deserved win but they weren't great at all.
  12. It has to be said, Saints while the better team in the 1st half weren't exactly playing top quality, stunning football. County had a good spell of being better team in that 2nd half, but Levein's subs as others pointed out, cancelled it out. Shitfest really. Saints certainly weren't pushing much for a 2nd goal. It was a dreadful match, not much quality in either teams. White & Brophy didn't turn up and even Murray wasn't on form. At least he tries though. Brown should not have been subbed yesterday. Even the goal was a mistake, the wind had an effect, Nightingale should never have let it bounce. If that display makes St. Johnstone fans enthusiastic against a poor, off form team I don't think there is too much hope. I expected a more attacking, better Saints team considering they have Levein as their manager (who I rate).
  13. Sadly the fans have no say in who the manager is. I've been extremely annoyed with having Malky & now Adams as manager. I was expecting a cheap appointment like Don Cowie, but hey ho. At least Kettlewell was a nice person, despite the results latterly.
  14. It was on Tue 5th Dec that County last won a match under Adams. That was against Motherwell, the 3-0 home victory. The very early 2 mins in Murray header from the corner set things up and Dhanda was immense that day. Things were looking positive back then and I was hoping for more of a 'new' manager bounce. Then it's fair to say the wheels came off! Motherwell seem to be drawing a lot of their matches recently. Though from what I saw of yesterday's highlights they appear to have their confidence back. A point against a good Kilmarnock side isn't too bad. For County, mid week away from home, I'm not confident here. It's got to the stage where I don't care how bad County play, a dull, scrappy, ugly win would put them equal with Well on 22 points and only 2 points off St. Johnstone who have played a game more. This match is huge! Lets face it, a County defeat here, although a while yet to go in the season, I'd be betting on play offs at best tbh. As long as Livi don't suddenly hit form! I won't make this game, however fair play to those that are travelling down. A win would be ace, just can't see it though hope I'm proved wrong.
  15. I'll post where I please, look at your own fans twattish behaviour FFS! Was ONLY pointing it out Sad craic to a genuially nice player. How low can some ICT fans go, pathetic really.:( Some people would be offended by that, little respect for anyone. Sad. Doesn't happen to any Jewish or Muslim players. Why is that? What is the difference? Only asking questions that you can't answer...
  16. As if you haven't commented on County threads! I will post freely wherever I want, hehe
  17. Call me what you want, you don't know me. Whether I'm educated or not makes little difference. The thing that annoys me is that a geniually nice player who I have spoken too, Alex Samuel (most players are p***ks lets face it) is getting the pish ripped out of him by the so called 'fans' of the team he now plays for. Even scored a hatrick the other week for ICT. Bad craic, that's all. Wouldn't be done to other players religions like I've said. Lets see any of you do the same to Mohammed, hehe As for 'Adams Out' yeah, totally feel that way tbh. Anyway, thanks at least for lifting us up. Beautiful victory by Queens by the sounds of it
  18. Anyway, great result Queen's Park. Made a bad County result soothing to see some ICT tears. Focus on your own relegation battle!
  19. I'm fine, despite today's awful result. Play offs I reckon. That's what County deserve for hiring both Mackay & Adams. Just wondering why you don't do the same piss takes with Muslim or Jewish players? Strange
  20. Antisemitism gets called out, Islamaphobia too. Yet you go ahead and do the same to one of your players. Serious shite patter. What a pathetic weasels some of you are!
  21. Christianphobia, would you do the same if he was Jewish? Naa, thot not! You would get slated for it. Pathetic behaviour from some disgraceful ICT fans.
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