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Everything posted by Arab_R_us

  1. I'm very much aware of where im posting and its stirred up a bit of a hornets nest, didnt meant to btw my original question was genuinely why Open Goal didnt have a forum considering how popular it is. Is everyone on here against me Yes. do i give a f**k ? No
  2. Woke When this term became popularized, initially the meaning of this term was when an individual become more aware of the social injustice. Or basically, any current affairs related like biased, discrimination, or double-standards. However, as time passed by, people started using this term recklessly, assigning this term to themselves or someone they know to boost their confidence and reassure them that they have the moral high grounds and are fighting for the better world. And sometimes even using it as a way to protect themselves from other people's opinion, by considering the 'outsider' as non-woke. While people that are in line with their belief as woke. Meaning that those 'outsiders' have been brainwash by the society and couldn't see the truth. Thus, filtering everything that the 'outsider' gives regardless whether it is rationale or not. And as of now, the original meaning is slowly fading and instead, is used more often to term someone as hypocritical and think they are the 'enlightened' despite the fact that they are extremely close-minded and are unable to accept other people's criticism or different perspective. Especially considering the existence of echo chamber(media) that helped them to find other like-minded individuals, thus, further solidifying their 'progressive' opinion. and might say something like "And thus, it follows logically that anyone who uses "woke" in an attempt to slander, is a fucking idiot/probable Tory, and that they, and their favoured choice of podcast should be ignored by right thinking society. "
  3. Thats remarkably balanced for on here (unusual). Well done. Kind of where I was coming from.
  4. When the inevitable Podcast War of 2024 happens the Woke, Bearded, Tree Hugging, Simpson loving University Graduates will get absolutely smoked by the common, toxic, council estate, Sleeve tattooed, Cretins.
  5. come ahead, toxic masculinity would f**k up you woke wanks every day of the week and twice on sundays
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj9slYsrumc
  7. tbf watching hoofball every week i can see why
  8. in the past they have talked about; players running down their contracts what happens when your out of contract what changing room are really like money and what footballers really think about appearance bonuses etc etc IE what really happens as they have been there. I could go on and on, if you really want to know about what being a professional footballers is like particular in Scotland you get stuff on open goal you dont get anywhere else but you don't want to listen.
  9. im not a nerd what does OP stand for, original poster?
  10. The average Terrace listener loved " The Marvels " and is a big advocate for the " Message " and has He/Him on his twitter BIO
  11. no im getting that your wrong about the old firm thou, there is much more to it if you take the time to listen to it which i can tell most havnt
  12. you forgot to mention the average Open goal listener would batter f**k out of the average Terrace listener I'm joking im joking before you hipsters get your panties in a muddle.
  13. given how much it seems to be hated by the Bearded Middleclass elite I think I'll just leave it there I'm sure with over 100k subscribers they wont give a f**k whats said on here about them.
  14. So open goal watchers are now Rape apologists ? ffs
  15. of course there is every single one of them went to Uni and watches wrestling
  16. so my original question was why dosnt Open Goal have its own section like a View from the Terrace Improving Scottish Football Nutmeg even thou its about 50 times more popular to normal football fans ? And the answer would seem to be that P&B posters hate it because of these lower class football plebs that appear on it. Even thou the same lower class plebs actually play the game that the P&B claim to love. What a special subset of football fans they are.
  17. I get the impression the average P&B poster is Middleclass, went to Uni, has a beard, likes pro wresting, likes posting Simpsons memes. They are football fans but actually hate the types of people that actually play football in the main. Working class comes from council estates. Bit too Crass for them. Its a class thing. Bit of snobbery going on here IMO
  18. maybe not so much him right enough, but you do with Ferry, Kyle, Mcfadgen and all the guest they have on. You should give it a listen. Try and be a bit more tolerant and less of a snob
  19. I listen to both and both have their place. With Open Goal some of the insights you get into being a pro footballer particular in Scotland you dont get anywhere else.
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