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Posts posted by DavidReid01

  1. 1 minute ago, tree house tam said:

     Does he actually manage? Being able to delegate and having trust to be able to truly do that is part of management, yes. Managers should lead by example imo. At no point in these last few weeks when the going has gotten tough have I thought, he's a great leader, what a good manager.

    I think he’s essentially there to take the flak of Kirk, which in essence he has done. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

    It was telling during the water breaks yesterday that Kirk did all the talking and Levein just stood back and watched.

    Is it telling though? It was obvious, and was literally stated by Levein when he arrived that Kirk would do the tactical  work and training. Levein is essentially there for recruitment and handling any man management issues that arise.

  3. I’d be tempted to offer MacPherson and Carey deals on massively reduced terms. Gallacher as a back up left back could be worth a short term deal again on reduced terms.

    Let the rest go. 

    Lewis Strapp from Morton for LB

    Fagan Walcott from Dunfermline for LCB

    Jason Holt from Livi for CM

    Then looking for an older centre back to come in for a season or so. I’d take Hanlon but would understand fans don’t want a repeat of Considine.

    Then sign at least one but probably two wingers.

  4. 16 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Had vague hope we would see Wright and Jaiyesimi on either flank and a set up similar to the Aberdeen game, but Leveins already talking about what Wright gives us from wing back.

    Levein has also been saying we’ve played a back 5 the last few games…

    Can we just go 44 f****** 2 with Wright and DJ on the wings. Phillips and Smith in the centre.

    Although possibly Phillips out could leave a midfield of Smith/MacPherson/Max*

    *Shivers with fear

  5. 9 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Mitov, Sinclair, Keltjens, Sprangler, Phillips, Ferguson, Franczak, Steven, Sidibeh

    I think I'd be okay if that's what we were left with. Ferguson and Franczak out on loan to the Championship. 

    Still not convinced fully by Kimpioka and if it's a Sidibeh v Kimpioka decision I'm picking Sidibeh. 

    McLelland also, plus some of the others under contract as we obviously won’t be paying up deals.

    So you can add Smith, Kimpioka and Clark to that.

    Smith just seems to be a non injury prone replica of Cammy MacPherson. Has some flashes where he looks a footballer, but largely goes missing and hides when it gets tough.

  6. 14 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    We've only won 2 of the last 15 and that includes a cup defeat to a lower league side, FWIW.

    His task will have been to keep us up and build foundations to build from. Ideally he does that and then walks into the sunset this Summer.

    Theres a lot of red flags in terms of his management for me, and hes cost us points with mistakes that experienced managers just shouldn't be making. Like against you at 1-1 we have a player on the park dropping to his knees exhausted, maybe a month after collapsing on the pitch, and he keeps him on until he drops again, while theres a pacey replacement on the bench whos arguably better on the ball and whos also scored 2 winners for us since January. Tony Gallacher is a limited full back who pretty much played as a winger, offered no threat for 80 minutes and was exhausted, yet plods on while Graham Carey, our best attacking player, sits on the bench.

    Perhaps the substitution and in game changes is one aspect where the dynamic between him and Kirk doesn’t really work.

    Remit was to keep us up, if they do that I’ll be happy.

    Then I’d back them to get it right this summer. Would imagine regardless of if we stay up, or go down. Kirk will be gaffer next season. We need a bit of continuity, it’s what has served saints so well over the years.

  7. 2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    I vent my frustration/anger out online so I can be relaxed in real life, I'd recommend it tbh.

    Always felt this was the plan tbh. Levein would move upstairs this Summer and Kirk would be officially named manager.

    I do wonder sometimes about who's actually managing us just now. A lot of how we play is just trying to replicate Brechin (5 at the back shape, central striker playing dropping deep/wide, sideways possession) and a decision literally never seems to be made without Kirk and Levein discussing it at length. Feels like Kirk is the actual manager at times and Levein is just adding his thoughts every so often and fronting it all to get the stick/media attention so Kirk can acclimatise to top flight management without that pressure.

    That's not something I feel hugely comfortable with and I hate the 5-2-3 with a passion but that's exactly where I think we'll end up with Kirk long term. Suspect we'll see that shape against County after the split.

    Think most of this is spot on, if it keeps us up whilst giving Kirk a crucial 7/8 months experience in the premiership then I think it could be alright.

    Levein being there certainly takes the spotlight of Kirk, and whilst some have questioned how much it means to him… I’d like to think he is just portraying a calm, positive almost nonchalant attitude in the press to try and relax the players a bit and reduce nerves/negativity.

  8. A very interesting thread. Enjoyed reading through it and some very valid points being made. For me, there is clear benefits to clubs with having Astro pitches.

    • Reduced maintenance

    • Increased income

    • Reduced Expenditure

    • Consistent playing surface 


    I look at Saints for example, we could install an artificial pitch, instantly reduce our expenditure of maintaining the main pitch, and training areas.

    We could also then potentially sell off 5 acres ish of land, estimated to be worth around £5 million.

    The reason the top flight games on Astro are shite, is predominantly due to the games played there and the factors of the teams involved. I’ve been to plenty games this season in the lower leagues on Astro and watched good matches.

  9. 1 hour ago, The Saintee said:

    There dozens of examples of players not working out at one club but being absolute legends at another club. 

    Better coaching? Better teammates? Each case will be different but it's something we've certainly seen. Usually it's us getting the benefit.

    Bang on. Can’t think of many examples where players have left Saints after a very poor spell and gone on to better things, whereas I could name countless players who have been shite elsewhere and came to Saints and it’s just been the right fit and they’ve turned into a player.

  10. 12 hours ago, PauloPerth said:

    Reading the points from earlier about how many goals from crosses we concede, it does make you wonder what the f**k our wing backs are there for?!

    If they were marauding forward like Beck and supplying assists, then you could forgive a few defensive lapses.  But not providing anything in attack as well as failing to stop crosses or dispossessing opposition wide players, in a formation where wing backs should be key, is not a great combination. Obviously the centre backs need to defend them better as well.

    When you think back to Mackay, Foster, Easton, Rooney etc then you look at the offerings of the wing backs this season, its heartbreaking!

    For me, it’s most likely we offer up a 2v1 in the wide areas up against opposition winger and full back.

    Too often we’re too scared to push our wing back up on to their full back or wing back and they get pinned back by a winger or striker coming wide, then leaves so much space for full backs or wing backs to deliver from deep.

  11. 4 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    This would make the most sense, as we surely must be over budget by a decent bit again?

    Sure they spoke about 24 players being roughly the plan, unsure where we sit now with Brown/Ballantyne/Kane away.

    Think so but would suggest Levein has been given a bit of leeway with regards to budget in order to keep us up.

    Can’t wait for this summer to never have to read that squad list with quite a few of those names ever again.

  12. 37 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Aye i can see why Kanes the one to go, in terms of what Leveins thinking is. Zero arguments about Kimpioka/Sidibeh getting a run to see what they can do ahead of Kane too, hes not contributed goals for years now really.

    I just dont agree Jaiyesimi is a better option for us than Kane.

    Perhaps it’s financially… No idea how much of DJ’s wage we’ll be paying but if we needed to get x amount of wages out to get Sibideh in then it might make sense that it’s Kane that goes.

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