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Posts posted by CityDave94

  1. Last season Stenhousemuir absolutely cigared L2 after a slow start so much so the they fell asleep before a Clyde game and drew every game thereafter. Very interesting that they might be tested in L1 and could surprise everyone. Stenny fans? Doubt there will be any room for complacency in L1.

    Too early to pick but so far top could be Alloa, Stenhousemuir, Montrose and an improving Queen of the South. Dumbarton might be a decent side as well.

  2. Gardiner will be proud of his work at Inverness. When he joined we were financially wobbling, now after a few years of him and his expertise we are in that dark place he mentions where Hearts and Dundee were, right in that position where he can rescue us and call himself a hero. Or just run away and blame someone else. Isn't this abuse? If he was a doctor he wouldn't just be struck off he'd be arrested.


  3. Does the Morrison resignation affect the so called second part of the plan?

    This has to be something they believe is good news but another terrible idea. Maybe a sweetner for the fans like a reduction in the cost of a season ticket or staying with the same strip for next season? Minor stuff to distract and tell us they are the good guys.

    Maybe they are about to announce the departure of the whole remaining 1st team plus a number of employees at the club to cut costs. Stadium only being occupied 3 days a week for people working there to cut costs.

    Could be to do with the accounts and the SFA licence?

    Artificial pitch at the stadium incoming? More money we don't have thrown at something temporary?

    More likely its going to be another bomb dropped on the club and the supporters.

  4. 1 hour ago, Sortmeout said:

    If he gets sacked he gets the full original amount owed to him. So if for example he is taking £1k less per week then that would all be paid back to him with his compensation when he is sacked.

    Unless they continue this keep ex managers on the payroll thingy going cause they can't afford to pay in full what is owed.

    Richie Foran seemed to be on gardening leave forever.


  5. 1 hour ago, BPM said:

    So you haven’t over spent for years? Trying to compete with Uncle moneybags 15 miles up the road has led you to ruin. I genuinely feel for ICT fans but they need to get themselves organised now. It is their club not a few individuals as comes across from the outside. 

    I would think that most ICT supporters that have watched our home games over the last couple of years would regard ticket prices and STs as an overspend on their own budgets. I'm glad you know where Dingwall is btw.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Oats said:

    said exactly that a few days ago @welshbairn

    that land is worth far more than just as a stadium 

    Sure they would probably fall out with Tullochs if they did that since the Stadium was given as a gift to the club. It shouldn't be their's and their's only to do as they please with.

    I'm starting to think that ownership of the stadium was a mistake and ironically our problems went up another level around the same time.

  7. Isn't this National Service policy all about preparing the population of the UK for war?

    Back in 1960 NS was abolished right in the middle of the cold war, when tensions were at their worst. I suppose it wouldn't have mattered with complete nuclear annihilation. The reason was after a review of our defence resources that large armies would be less effective against modern weapons.

    So this is nothing to do with defending our country or our allies, just looks like a desperate appeal for votes to those that voted them into power and voted for Brexit. Many of whom have already been sold Reform as a viable alternative.


  8. 34 minutes ago, ICTChris said:
    First part of an interview with Ross Morrison on the COurier website.  Second part to come later, apparently.  Just the same old, to be honest.
    Q: First, can I get your reaction to the strongly held feelings of many supporters who have been using strong words like betrayal about the decision to move the training ground?
    A: The fact is that moving the training ground is for two reasons. First, that is financial, the club needed to cut its costs massively, we were running far too rich and we have been losing far too much money.
    I can’t put in any more money, the other directors can’t put any more money in so we have had to cut out costs. If we had a bucket of money and we had a white knight who came along I would love to stay in Inverness and put players up wherever we could put players up – but we can’t.
    So we have had to look at cutting our costs and one of our main costs is accommodation, which is running at £200,000 a year – we can’t afford to do it.
    We have then looked at getting players up the road and we have had the experience in the last couple of years of speaking to players we have wanted to get and wanted to keep who have decided to go elsewhere.
    Not because they did not want to come to us but because they just did not want to leave their families down south and leave basically on their own for several days a week because on a one or two year contract they weren’t prepared to move up permanently.
    I can understand that and that was another reason but the decision means that we can have players who live in the central belt, come to their work at 10am and be back home to look after their kids at 3pm.
    I can understand the fans feelings but all we are actually doing is shifting the training to a more efficient site.
    Q: There have been calls for Scot Gardiner and even the board, including yourself to step down – is that something you are considering or is a possibility?
    A: Listen, I can only speak for myself. Everybody is expendable for the sake of the football club. I am the chairman, if someone comes along to me and says I have got the best idea in a more successful way then I would be the first person to shake their hand and say ‘on you go, get in there, do it for the club’.
    I would stand down tomorrow. I have been there for six years now. It has cost me way into seven figures but I have done it for the benefit of the club so I would step down if someone were to come up.
    Nobody is expendable, the club is the most important thing and that is the reason we are doing this – because the club is the most important thing.
    Q: And are you content with Scot Gardiner staying in position?
    Scot has been very loyal to the football club, he is very knowledgeable in what he does and as I say no one is sacrosanct for the benefit of the football club but at the present moment we need all hands to the pumps.
    We need to stay together to try and get over this because going to the First Division is horrendous for our finances, they were poor before but they have been cut to the bone on this one.
    Q: Fundamentally there are two positions here. The club feels it financially needs the move but supporters feel the club is losing something truly unique - how do you bridge that gap?
    If you have got to make a decision – and the number one priority is to keep the club going – then how do you do it? If we remain full time, we can’t do it in Inverness, I cannot see how we can do it.
    There may be people out there who can see it but they need to come up but they haven’t come up and chapped on the door to tell us how we could do it.
    The number one priority is, I think, to keep the club going. The number two priority is keeping us full-time so we have a chance of winning this league again. On bridging the gap with fans, well that is one of the reasons I am speaking with you.
    I read all the stuff that people are making comment on that it is ‘ripping the heart out of the institution’. Okay, the first team won’t be there all the time but how many people actually go and watch the first team train out at Fort George?
    Will there be players that come and do openings of this or that or visit hospitals? Yes, there will but they won’t be there all the time.
    Take Arbroath, I spoke to the ex-chairman the other day. They don’t train in Arbroath. There are other teams that train in different places. The questions you go back to: do you want us to be out of Inverness for training? No I don’t. Do we have to be [out of Inverness] to be a better team to survive? Yes, I think we do, but that is only my opinion.
    I think we would save certainly £300,000 to £400,000 but I don’t see how we would save that any other way. I stand ready to be corrected but nobody has done it.
    I have got to take responsibility as the chairman. The idea came to me, and I thought we cannot move down there. Then I thought about it and it works. And getting players is as important as the money situation. Last season I think we could have kept David Wotherspoon if he didn’t have to come up the road.
    So it is a double-edged sword: you save your money on accommodation and you have happier players. If we could have got 11 or 12 guys from the Highland League we would have them already because they are not there.

    Who needs supporters anyway?

  9. 9 hours ago, D'Jaffo said:

    I mean, Gardiner is a dick but footballers are generally pretty thick and always post stuff on social media criticising clubs when it doesn’t go their way. The club could probably have put it better but I think in this case the player was in the wrong. 

    A bit like us on this forum in the football or politics threads where emotions are high. He did lose his job at a really bad time and there probably was a lot more to it than we are aware. As we have learned over the last couple years with ICT, that possibility is very likely. I hope he's doing better now.

  10. On 24/05/2024 at 19:59, Otis Blue said:

    I can understand the pragmatic financial realism, coupled with an enhanced ability to attract central belt FT player talent that has brought this strategy to bear from ICT - but what I can't get my head around is why they would want to place that money directly into the coffers of a direct rival in next season's league, thereby improving the budget for that rival team.  Am I missing something here?

    Intelligence has its limits, stupid is limitless. And then there's Scott Gardiner.


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