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Posts posted by CarrbridgeSaintee

  1. 10 minutes ago, coprolite said:

    Definitely not. Couldn't tell an assam from a lapsang souchon and have no idea of the optimum brewing time for all the different colours. Plus i quite like tetley. 

    I do like a variety of flavours in my life though. And since i stopped drinking i'll have a lemon and ginger after dinner instead of a large leffe blonde and a quadruple talisker. Mmmm..... Alcohol.... 

    Several years ago the wife and I did the Talisker tour, bought a bottle then walked down to The Bay for a dram.

    Great times.  Wasn’t brave enough to try a quadruple though.

  2. 5 minutes ago, coprolite said:

    Is that ginger flavoured tea or a ginger infusion? Hard to see how that could give you the shits eitger way. Suspect poor personal hygiene. Wash your hands after going for a jobby would be my advice. 

    I love a spicy infusion but would never be so vulgar as to refer to one as a "tea". Currently have two types of turmeric, Lemon & ginger and Nettle & fennel as options. 

    I don't mind a fragranced tea myself but i don't think the purists would approve. Only have Earl grey and Jasmine green on that front. 

    You sound like a bit of a tea connoisseur?

  3. 2 minutes ago, JS_FFC said:

    Yes I agree with you. He's talking shite and has been for days.


    To be honest I'd be surprised if Scotland becomes independent in the next 100 years. 2014 was the one-off chance. I don't see what the route to it is now which is a pity as I think we'd have done well independent.

    Yep, 2014 was indeed a one off chance.

    It settled the matter, as is evident by the section of the Edinburgh Agreement below. 

    • deliver a fair test and decisive expression of the views of people in Scotland and a result that everyone will respect

    We shouldn’t even be talking about it.

  4. 7 hours ago, lichtgilphead said:

    Thoughts on Megan?

    Big eyebrows, but I cannot remember a thing she said.


    Aye I’m much the same.  I get the impression they’re shoving her to the front a lot as a box ticking exercise.

    Although in saying that, they don’t have much talent full stop.

  5. In the last few years, i’ve noticed the Scottish Tories giving Meghan Gallacher a ‘push’.

    She seems a decent person, but will never capture the imagination IMO.

  6. 2 hours ago, lichtgilphead said:

    Roddick specifically states that she is looking for something like the EU, not like the 1707 Union of the Parliaments. How does an Independent Scotland making treaties with other sovereign states go against the whole nationalist ethos?

    How can we have mutually beneficial cooperation whilst Westminster makes the treaties and imposes legislation on behalf of the whole UK?

    When Scotland gets independence, do you really think that the flow of water & electricity over the border will be cut off immediately, and that Faslane & Coulport will be told to gtf on day 1, or do you think that the rUK & Scottish Governments will sit down and negotiate a treaty?

    Instead of saying 


    I would love an Independent Scotland to be in some sort of union or co-operation agreement with what is currently the rest of the UK

    She could have said ‘I’d like to have treaties with rUK’.

    Saying you want a Union with them is madness, given the context of the political landscape of over the past 10-15 years, when all the chat has been about trying to leave the union with rUK.

    This will lose the SNP votes.

  7. 1 hour ago, lichtgilphead said:

    Roddick specifically states that she is looking for something like the EU, not like the 1707 Union of the Parliaments. How does an Independent Scotland making treaties with other sovereign states go against the whole nationalist ethos?

    How can we have mutually beneficial cooperation whilst Westminster makes the treaties and imposes legislation on behalf of the whole UK?

    When Scotland gets independence, do you really think that the flow of water & electricity over the border will be cut off immediately, and that Faslane & Coulport will be told to gtf on day 1, or do you think that the rUK & Scottish Governments will sit down and negotiate a treaty?

    Her use of the term ‘Union’ Will lose the SNP votes, especially when their base are already drifting away, partly due to the perception that they don’t really want independence.

  8. 1 hour ago, The Mantis said:

    Fascinating although you can see I've been to some pretty amazing places anyway, but nowhere so obsessed with birds. We flew from Tingwall. Here's a shot of our baggage handler who entertained us with his geetar...


    Mrs Mantis has a sister in Mainland Shetland so we broke up the week with 2 nights in Fair Isle to give her a break. Booked well in advance so lucky with the weather (May 2016). Stayed at the FIBOT observatory before it burned down...

    Got led on an introductory walk by one of the staff, first afternoon. Obviously they're all mental birders while I'm really more of a photographer. They all have walkie-talkies so we got alerted to a Calandra Lark and a Woodchat Shrike and piled into the minibus to fly around the place.

    Next day me and the missus walked around and climbed the hill. But first we were out early as they check the Heligoland traps. A few 'birds in the hand'

    Then it was back to Tingwall airport.

    Had some amazing experiences in Shetland mind you, Up Helly-Aa for one. We know Chris Stout of Fiddler's Bid. His family are from Fair Isle. One year his father was having his 50th and his daughter was 18.
    They hired the Carnegie Hall in Sandwick but instead of the usual stuff with a disco and a load of sandwiches etc, they got half the folk in the village providing seafood, plus the music was provided by anybody in Shetland that happened to be free. So we had Chris Stout, and Gary Petersen of Hom Bru, and Filska. 

    Cheers Mantis, all sounds very interesting.

    Sad to hear the Bird Observatory burned down.

    I did Up Hella Aa years ago too.  Stayed in the Queens Hotel in Lerwick - Dan Snow the historian was there at the same time.

    The Bells Brae school was rocking! 

  9. 6 minutes ago, lichtgilphead said:

    Why will it lose the SNP votes?

    Will every independence supporter shift to Alba or the Greens?

    Hoping for mutually beneficial cooperation with neighbouring countries is a bad thing now?

    Because an SNP politician expressing a potential desire to be in a Union with rUK goes against the whole nationalist ethos.

    I’m not sure if they’d do to Alba or the Greens, but they’d quite possibly just stay at home.

    I don’t think mutual beneficially cooperation is a bad thing at all.  That’s one of the many reasons why I’m a Unionist.

  10. 10 minutes ago, lichtgilphead said:

    Oh, is this the paragraph I should be raging about then?

    "“I don’t want Scotland to be independent and then act on our own, I want us to be a voice on the world stage and promote international cooperation,” Roddick told The National.
    “It would be daft not to include England, Wales, and Ireland in that. I would love to have an independent Scotland be in some sort of union or cooperation agreement with the rest of what is currently the UK."

    Why should this have me "raging" Do you think I want Indy Scotland to act like North Korea?

    No, I don’t.

    I’d expect Nats to be raging, because what she is saying will lose the SNP votes.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

    https://www.pressreader.com/uk/the-national-scotland/20240515/281586655698529inued' union with England Post Indy.

    All out of my own head. The comments aren't really Emma Roddick and Murray Foote isn't really the Chief Exec of the SNP, nor was he the editor of the Daily Record at the time of the Vow, but still...

    I see the paragraph before ‘What we have now is not a Union’ was left out by @lichtgilphead.

    I can’t think why.  A real head scratcher that one.

  12. 1 minute ago, lichtgilphead said:

    If you didn't intend to refer to Jedi's nonsense, why quote him?

    Anyway, which part of Roddick's statements in the National do you think I should be "raging" about? Please provide direct quotes from the National to illustrate your point.

    Would it be this?

    “What we have now is not a union. If you look at what we had when we were in the EU, the UK had the same voice as everyone else. Scotland doesn’t have that in the UK. If we had that cooperation with the rest of the UK, I would be well up for a union with our closest neighbours.”

    England is our nearest neighbour and the only one with whom we share a land border. It would be in both our interests to come to a cooperation agreement after independence which wouldn’t look anything like the current arrangement. Neither would one country govern the other - if either side wanted to resile, they could do so.

    However, if England chose not to come to an international agreement (like their Brexit lunacy), that would be their perogative. Obviously, our expoerts of water & power to them would be affected, but I'm sure they will cope.

    Because I was replying to him mate.  It could actually be argued that you’re interrupting our conversation! 😜

    I’m referring to the below:


    SNP MSP: Scottish independence 'should not be end of union with UK'

    A FORMER Scottish Government minister has argued Scottish independence should not be the end of a union with the rest of the UK, adding this should form a key part of the case going forward


  13. 4 hours ago, The Mantis said:


    Been updating my islands list from page 1, plus a few pics to relieve the boredom...

    Spent a long weekend in Islay in late April with a quick couple of hours in Jura. Jura was a let-down as it was Sunday. Never even saw a deer, but there was a Great Northern Diver. Islay was potentially about wildlife but was about 90% distilleries and some ferry-type stuff.


    Been to Lewis twice already and going back in August. Also got a golden wedding to attend in Shetland in July, so combining it with a couple of days in Orkney. 


    Shetland ( 17 times I reckon)- Mainland, Yell (3), Unst (2), Mousa (3 or 4), Vaila, Foula, Fair Isle, Bressay (2), Noss (2), Burra, Trondra, Fetlar (2), Whalsay, Muckle Roe, St Ninian's.

    Orkney (2) - Mainland, Hoy, Burray, S.Ronaldsay, Rousay.

    Western Isles - Lewis & Harris (maybe 100 times), N. Uist (2), S.Uist (2), Benbecula (2), Barra (2), Eriskay, Berneray, Scarp, Scalpay (3), Great Bernera, Pabbay, Monach Isles, Taransay, Hirta, Bhatarsaigh, Shiant Isles.

    Inner Hebrides - Skye (maybe 15 times) , Raasay (2), Rona, Muck, Rum (2), Eigg (4) , Islay (4), Jura (4), Coll, Tiree, Mull (4), Iona (2), Staffa, Gigha (2), Arran (maybe 10) , Holy Isle (2), Bute (2), Great Cumbrae (2), Seil, Luing, Davaar (2).

    Others - Ailsa Craig, The Bass (3), Cramond, Fidra, May (at least 7) , Inchcolm (2), Inchmickery, Handa.  

    Also been to Rathlin which is a kick in the erse off Scotland, and Carrick-a-Rede, St Margaret's, Burgh Island (Devon), Anglesey and Lindisfarne.










    Jeezo that’s some list!

    What did you think of Fair Isle?  Did you fly or get the Good Shepherd?

  14. 6 minutes ago, lichtgilphead said:

    Given that she never said any of the stuff ascribed to her by Jedi, do you want to try again?

    I wasn’t actually referring to what Jedi said, just her comments in general, as have been reported in that well known bastion of Unionism..



    The National.

  15. 5 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

    What is the point of Gruppenfuhrer Jack? his position is similar to that of Australia's Governor, an imperial appointee and just as useless other than to stir up shit with the Scottish Government.

    Rumour has it he was born a Siamese Twin conjoined with his brother in an unusual position where his face was stuck up his twins arse until an operation spit them. 

    That explains his twisted gormless look where his whole world smells of shit.

    This forum has taken a dark turn lately.

    First BFTDgate, now this.

  16. 1 hour ago, Jedi2 said:

    Emma Roddick now wants a 'continued' union with England Post Indy.

    How does that work?

    Vote for us and we will get you Independe...no, that's not right..Vote for us and we will get you..


    Shared Currency

    Shared Crown

    Shared Broadcasting

    Shared Defence/Foreign Policy

    Might park the nuclear weapons for you

    We might get some extra Social Security Powers

    Most importantly we can wave our own fleg.

    Still, when you have architect of the Vow Murray Foote as Chief Exec no surprise 

    If I was a Nationalist, then I’d be raging with Roddick.

    One of the most baffling things I’ve ever heard from a politician.

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