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Miguel Ángel Espínola

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Posts posted by Miguel Ángel Espínola

  1. 24 minutes ago, Bullyweeno1 said:

    Could be worse 

    Could have spent £10m+ on 4 strikers like rangers and you couldnt make one decent one out of the four of them

    There is always a risk signing players for money or not but have to say our track record has been abysmal since promotion season - which is due to the inability of DL and JD to spot a player 


    The tenure of Gordon Thomson as the chairman of Clyde FC has undoubtedly been marred by a series of questionable decisions, none more glaring than the appointment of Jim Duffy as the club's manager. In the aftermath of relegation and a string of underwhelming signings under Duffy's leadership, it has become increasingly evident that a change in leadership at the top is imperative. The appointment of a manager is arguably the most pivotal decision a chairman can make, and it is here that Thomson's judgment has come under intense scrutiny. The subsequent relegation of Clyde FC, coupled with the lackluster signings that have failed to elevate the team's performance, paints a disheartening picture of the club's direction under Duffy. The chairman's responsibility extends to overseeing the welfare and progress of the club, and it appears that a failure to recognize the ramifications of these appointments has left the supporters disillusioned and the club languishing in the lower echelons of the footballing pyramid. As a result, it is not only in the best interest of Clyde FC but also for the passionate supporters who have stood by the club through thick and thin that Gordon Thomson takes responsibility for these setbacks and considers stepping down to pave the way for fresh leadership that can steer the club towards a more promising future.

    Moreover, in light of the chairman's questionable decisions and the disappointment that has befallen Clyde FC during his tenure, the clamor for transparency has never been louder. The supporters, who are the lifeblood of any football club, deserve to know not only about the chairman's decisions but also about the identities of these anonymous supporters allegedly plotting a takeover. This information is crucial for the sake of accountability and to ensure that the club's future is in the hands of individuals with a clear and well-defined vision for its success. The uncertainty surrounding these anonymous figures leaves supporters in the dark, unable to assess the legitimacy and intentions of this potential takeover. Therefore, it is not just Gordon Thomson's resignation that is being called for, but also an urgent demand for transparency and openness in the club's leadership and ownership structures, so that everyone involved can collectively work towards revitalizing Clyde FC.

  2. 6 minutes ago, GroundskeeperWillie said:

    Executive summary - f**k me we're pish at signing players - let's hope for better soon

    These poor acquisitions have manifested as underperforming players who have struggled to make a meaningful impact on the team's results. Whether it's a lack of consistency, fitness issues, or simply failing to meet the expected standards, these signings have not lived up to the club's aspirations. The disappointment among fans has been palpable, as they had hoped for signings that could elevate the team's performance and contribute to its success. This unfortunate streak of underwhelming signings has left Clyde FC in a precarious position, necessitating a critical evaluation of the club's recruitment strategies and a renewed commitment to identifying and acquiring players who can make a positive difference on the pitch.

  3. The quality of squad recruitment at Clyde FC has become a growing concern among fans and stakeholders in recent seasons, largely due to the inclusion of several players who can be categorized as poor-quality signings. While there have been some promising acquisitions that have showcased their talent and dedication to the club, there have unfortunately also been instances where the recruitment choices have fallen significantly short of expectations. These instances have resulted in underperforming players who struggled to make a positive impact on the team's overall performance, often leaving supporters frustrated and disappointed. It is imperative that the club's recruitment strategy undergoes a thorough review and overhaul. Striking a balance between securing experienced players who can make an immediate impact and nurturing young talent for the future is essential. The effectiveness of recruitment efforts will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in determining the team's performance on the field and its ability to achieve its competitive goals. As dedicated supporters, we fervently hope to see a more discerning approach to recruitment, one that eliminates the inclusion of poor-quality signings, ensuring that we have a squad capable of consistently competing at a high level and restoring the club's reputation for excellence in squad building.

  4. 9 hours ago, Ocelot1877 said:

    Can’t wait for some deadline day drama tomorrow. 

    See there is a guy playing for Cumbernauld Colts called Billy Mortimer banging them in and is currently the second top scorer in the lowland with 7 already this season, maybe he’s worth a punt…

    For next season 

  5. 7 minutes ago, FREDDYFRY said:

    That was a terrifying performance against God awful opposition. 
    that squad at present will be relegated absolutely no doubts. 
    I thought we would need 4-5 players to improve us, wrong it’s 7-8 minimum.

    Desperately worrying situation we find ourselves in. All the concern regarding Duffy that we all predicted has came to roost!

    Try a whole new squad 

  6. 1 hour ago, Ingo ohne Flamingo said:

    Yep, I picked up on this as well. Whilst I have no issue with the DoF being on the bench (a common thing in Europe for the DoF to be there), if Duffy can't keep his mouth shut, then he should retire to the stand and allow the Head Coach to run the show. 

    As for McLean, he needs an assistant ASAP. He is naive as f**k if he thinks he can cope without one. If there is money there, use it and get someone in. 

    As for the game, decent first half, second half we never coped with their changes. The Spartans keeper couldn't have had an easier half. 

    If we are to compete at the top, the priority is 2 strikers and 2 midfielders, then I think we should be in a decent place. 

    Duffy will be in charge of recruiting an assistant head coach so no chance of that happening

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