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Jives Miguel

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Posts posted by Jives Miguel

  1. 1 hour ago, CityDave94 said:

    I'll give you Death metal because Scream Bloody Gore and Florida, but not Black metal or grindcore. There was a lot proto-if-that'-the-right-word-bands of early metal genres around during the mid and late 80's like for example Justin Broadrick after leaving the original line up of Napalm Death formed Fall of Because and then Godflesh who were very pioneering for their time, there's industral. Another one that springs to mind. It can be claimed Black Sabbath were the first doom metal band and there were similar bands around during the 70's. Cathedral formed in the late 80's followed this path. I can probably give you sludge because of the fantastic Melvins, I can't think of anyone further back. Stoner metal not really that extreme nor began in the 90's had already been around since the late 60's but had a revival through bands like Electric Wizard and Orange Goblin, Sleep were another notable one. Both EW and OG are British. Google says Blue Cheer formed in 1966 were the 1st stoner metal band, I'm familiar with them, good band, if you haven't listened to them give Vincebus Eruptum a listen, check out their version of 'Summertime Blues'. Noted they were a favourite of the Hell's Angels.

    The 90's especially the mid nineties I believe were very poor for metal, indeed there were some great bands around, but they had been around for a while, there wasn't much in the way of numbers especially new artists and it didn't change much until around the end of 1996. The late 90's was amazing, its when metal completely reinvented itself. So many new artists and so many interpretations and visionarys within the genres. Many of these artists I still buy music of, they never get old and the influence continues with new next generation artists every year. There is so many crossovers now as well.

    I just said black metal and grindcore were European? Not saying they are European inventions.


    Black Sabbath were of course the inspiration for doom metal and all the doom metal offshoots, but you cant go back 20 years and apply a label to them that didn't exist at the time, in my opinion. Saint Vitus, Trouble (Americans) and Candlemass (Swedish) are the progenitor doom metal bands.


    2nd half of My War by Black Flag is the first sludge metal music recorded. Its an American genre, mainly centred around Louisiana and the Southern states. Melvins, Acid Bath, Eyehategod and Crowbar being "The Big Four" of that particular genre. Some grunge bands have lashings of sludge metal to their sound, mainly Nirvana and Alice in Chains (the two best grunge bands, no coincidence).

    Stoner Metal is another Black Sabbath inspired doom metal offshoot with an emphasis on a bit of a more upbeat, psychedelic, blues based sound, its not a revival of anything from the 60s imo. Orange Goblin are a complete non-entity with regards to this genre, and didn't even release anything until the late 90s anyway. Electric Wizard as you mention are the only non-American band of relevance here. Electric Wizard, Kyuss, Sleep, Boris (Japan), Weedeater, High on Fire are the big dogs here. I can't even think of any other European stoner metal bands apart from Cathedral, Lowrider and Acrimony, who are all dogshit anyway. I'm just going with the wikipedia definition of "extreme metal", which to them is pretty much everything post NWOBHM. Anyway, there's plenty of stoner metal with harsh vocals (.ie Bongzilla and Weedeater), so its extreme metal in my book even if some of it like Kyuss is actually on the boundary of rock music.


    Can understand why old-school 80s metalheads might hate it considering the corrupting influence of groove metal, leading into nu metal, but there was still some fantastic stuff being put out in the non-thrash related genres in the 90s. Doom, stoner and sludge are my favourite metal genres, and When The Kite String Pops by Acid Bath is probably my favourite album ever, so for me the 90s is also my favourite genre for metal.


    Just checked my rating catalogue to be sure, and Sleep, Kyuss, Dystopia, Acid Bath, Electric Wizard, Dystopia, Primus all putting out tremendous stuff in the 90s. W decade.



  2. 8 minutes ago, CityDave94 said:

    Are you sure about that?


    Pretty much yes. Black metal and grindcore were European, other than that death metal was American, thrash offshoots like groove and crossover thrash were American, the doom metal offshoots of sludge metal and stoner metal were American.

  3. 16 minutes ago, coprolite said:

    To be fair, Metallica were only intermittently decent to start off with. 

    My point was that Britpop isn’t and wasn’t actually a thing, so whether any of it is good or not is the moot point. But you’ve probably liquidised your brains with all that head banging so are struggling with basic concepts. Never mind. 

    No offence, but anyone who likes Britpop has an unrefined brain, and simply just hasn't listened to enough music to develop any taste. It's babies first music. Liking Britpop as your primary style of music is the equivalent of the beetroot faced 50 year old who has to eat chips and tomato sauce with every meal.

    I recognise that was your point, but given that grunge is exactly the same in being a loosely fitting geographic label, and you were happy to dismiss all grunge labelled bands collectively as "pap", it wasn't worth engaging with.

    Thank you

  4. 2 minutes ago, coprolite said:

    Oasis weren’t very popular there but they were influential. I remember seeing an interview with Metallica where they said that definitely maybe changed how they approached music. 


    There was a lot of variety in the acts that got collectively called “britpop” by some lazy journalists desperate to be part of a scene. While “toilet” might be a pretty good description of Menswear or Shed Seven, they’d little in common with the Boo Radleys or The Divine Comedy.  Even if you also think they’re shite you can surely hear that they’re not the same thing. 

    If we’re lumping stuff in together and judging it by its low points, then “Golden Era Hip Hop” is shite because it’s all Puff Daddy covering Sting and Vanilla Ice and the 2live Crew.

    we might be talking at cross purposes though because I thought most of grunge was pap and I don’t like metal, never mind the extreme stuff. 

    What postcrete has to do with anything I don’t know.


    Metallica were influenced by Oasis? Well then, no wonder all of their 90s albums were all stinking, awful rock shite. It all makes sense now. 😎


    Britpop doesn't have any highlights to speak of, so that is a moot point.

  5. The late 80s and 90s was a horrendous time period for rock music in Britain. It still hasn't recovered, probably never will at this point. Always made me laugh that people were dumfounded that yer Oasis etc never caught on the USA. The reason Britpop never caught on in America was because Britpop was, and remains, utter toilet. They were pumping out golden era hip-hop, grunge, post hardcore, starting all the extreme metal genres and all we could offer was a bunch of thick neds in parkas and their 3 chords on a guitar. 

  6. I reckon Nacho is a good candidate for most "unsung hero" in the history of football. About 15 years of playing backup to arguably the best centre back pairing in club football history. Can play full-back either side equally well. Never see him having a bad game. 

  7. Barcelona are a hideously unlikable club. Always have been tbh. 

    This is why I quite like Real Madrid. They're very unlikable to many for valid reason, but there's no pretension about them. They don't care whether or not you think they're the villian. 

    Whereas Barcelona have this holier than thou, "mes que in club" nonsense going on despite being a cheating, corrupt institution with some of the biggest diving, cheating, sourpussed c***s to have ever played the game. What a rancid club. 

  8. Jackson needs to be given a reducer in training tomorrow morning. 

    Pathetic fucking child, can't enjoy something going well unless he's the one getting attention for it. Hate having to deal with folk like that 

  9. 2 hours ago, GordonS said:

    I think you have more than a slice of recency bias. The idea that the standard is higher now just isn't true. Andy Robertson's basic level of technique isn't great, that's why he wasn't spotted as a top class player at Queens Park, Dundee Utd or Hull. He was always known for quality crosses but that's about it and Liverpool signed him as cover for Moreno. He more than makes up for his limitations through boundless energy and excellent decision making.

    As for Van Dijk, excellent as he is, I saw someone recently suggesting he might be the best Dutch player ever. Apart from the obvious, I wouldn't say he's even one of their two best centre halves - Rijkard and Koeman fill those spots. 


    Do you really think this is true? That the standard of EPL player of today isn't considerably better than the one of 25 years ago? I think you're dead wrong tbh. 

    Its a bit cliche, but sports science, nutrition, and the level of professionalism expected of a footballer today has increased exponentially. The level of finance available to clubs, and the receptiveness of clubs to sign non-uk players has increased the potential player pool, and as a result the skill floor required to be an EPL is also higher. 

  10. 1 minute ago, ICTChris said:

    Saw this tweet generating heated discourse on Twitter, reminded me that there's a thread on this subject on here




    Just posted about this on the twitter thread as well.  


    These are my favourite responses I saw on twitter. How dare all these child hating, woman hating bigoted incels 😡😡


  11. This is objectively the best players in each position in PL history 

    Van Der Sar

    No one - Terry - Ferdinand - Cole

    Vieira - De Bruyne - Gerrard

    Salah - Henry - Ronaldo


    There's not been a right back worthy of being included. Please don't @ me with any 90s plumberball era frauds



  12. 6 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

    Emery as well, he may not have been the best manager (though they never gave him much time to show it) but the racial abuse he got was awful and he didn’t deserve what he got.

    I fucking love that they are the ones to beat them so close to the end of the season. 


    Making fun of someones poor English/accent is not racist. As much as I agree it was totally out of order patter. I'm assuming that's what your referring to 

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