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Blane Fonda

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  1. So you are happy giving Hamilton and Livi money when they bring a handful of fans to our place and rely on away supports to challenge us. You are happy to give Raith money after the COVID debacle and refused to cancel a league game after our physio died the day before the game. You are happy to give Dunfermline money before the transfer window to maybe pinch a player we were looking at. Well, I'm not and I don't give them my cash.
  2. I don't go to football matches, I want to see Falkirk win, and If missing a few away games to give the opposition fewer resources it is a small price to pay. Just think if all Falkirk fans avoided this game and didn't give a penny to Raith, Livi, or Hamilton (Like I won't) - you could increase your monthly donation to the FSS by a tenner. thus strengthing us and weakening them.
  3. I like your thinking, but that is unlikely, the same support we took to Kelty last season would suffice.
  4. Then screw their budget by only taking 1000 or so.
  5. Why are people queuing up to give them money before the transfer window? An end-of-season important clash by all means fill the stand. but 3 weeks until the window shuts, 2500 paying 20 bucks is more money to get a new player. I'm not suggesting a boycott, let the diehards and young team go but there is no need for a mass gathering of all Falkirk fans to swell the Pars coffers.
  6. If we are a fan owned club why are we kept so in the dark vis-à-vis injuries? You think if the Chairman or CEO went to the Manager and Physio and asked when is player X returning and they said no idea boss. That would be acceptable? I do understand corporate responsibility and how saying our two first choice centre backs our injured for months, could mean, players, agents, clubs etc.. could hold our feet to the fire when trying replace them. BUT this is the downside of having 1000 owners not 1 or 2 guys who could offer soft loans If we need players come out and say it, if we the fans, don't pony up the dough we cannot greet if we get bad results.
  7. On leaving the game, I noticed guys in Birmingham City gear, two guys in Bristol City ties and few athletic black guys watching the game They were sitting away from the Dundee Utd VIP section. So I think there will be some movement within the squad.
  8. Reminds me more of Davie Weir, came to full time football via a different path and from higher education and can play across the back line. Darren Barr was always thought of as a decent prospect at youth level. Adams so far is a superb surprise and much like Weir, fans are thinking where has this guy been hiding.
  9. Look at Raith's injury issues and see we've employed their Head of sports science. They have had guys like Vaughan never on the pitch as well as Lang and Spencer barely on the pitch under this geezers reign of terror. Prefer us to sign another player than a Head of performance.
  10. I wish we would use a red and white combo for our away strip. A rip off of either Ajax, Arsenal, Monaco or Atletico Madrid would be perfect. Would prefer Atletico with navy blue shorts.
  11. Just noticed Queens Park are playing at their wee stadium until at least the 5th of September before returning to Hampden. This will more than likely include a good few league home games. How is this allowed?
  12. Just one of the top 5 players of the past decade Gareth Bale and two of the biggest possible signings summer to the EPL in Dezel Dumfries and Frimpong all can and have played at full-back. midfield and winger. McCann could easily play left midfield- if we play any of the Old Firm in the cup, he should play there with Mackie at left back.
  13. An attacking left back could not play as an attacking left midfielder- really?
  14. Everyone seems happy enough with Ross signing, but I'm not so sure - he doesn't improve the starting eleven. Of course it was important to retain the majority of last season's squad. But a lot of our squad haven't exactly excelled in the championship when they previously played there. This is a position I think we could have tried something a bit different, take a chance on a freed youngster from a big club or a random foreign chap. to try and improve the first team. We know what Ross can do, and so do all our opponents in this league, this was a chance to roll the dice, We have Miller - Nesbitt and McCann could fill in this position if needed
  15. First, they came for the clubs without 10,000 seats and I did not speak out as my club had 10000 seats. Then, they insisted on primacy of tenancy and I did not speak out as my club had primacy of tenancy Then, they insisted on 7000 seats and I did not speak out as my club had 7000 seats. Then, they insisted on pitch protection and I did not speak out as my club had pitch protection Then, they insisted on grass surfaces for playing and I did not speak out as my club had a grass pitch. Soon they will insist on a hybrid grass surface with LED growth lights and Geothermal undersoil heating (for the carbon footprint of course) and only the Old Firm, Aberdeen, and the Edinburgh clubs could speak and everyone else was fecked!
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