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Posts posted by highlandmac

  1. 3 hours ago, superbigal said:

    Apparently it has only taken a week for a  squad of detectives to crack the case.

    No Shit Sherlock

    Jaywick dogs that killed Esther Martin confirmed as XL bullies


    Two dogs that mauled and killed 68-year-old Esther Martin in Essex were XL bullies, police confirm.


  2. On 06/02/2024 at 11:36, funky_nomad said:

    Just finished a 3-day binge watch of Miners Strike 1984: The Battle For Britain on Channel 4. Really good doc - pretty well balanced but thoroughly fucking depressing at the same time (particularly the Battle of Orgreave episode), and a great reminder to all those who think Maggie wasn't as bad as people remember that she was that she was a hateful human being.

    Also, how rotten to the core were South Yorkshire Police in the 80's?

    Tbf I think it was the entire machinery of state&the establishment that were rotten to the core,not just South Yorkshire police

  3. 11 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

    That was in an interview with Dan Wooton. Imagine doing an interview with him and coming out looking like the bigger c**t.

    Anyway, Prince Andrew is an ephebophile rather than a paedophile, but to avoid confusion, I just call him a nonce

    This is a Scottish football forum,stott rather than nonce surely

  4. 11 hours ago, Forest_Fifer said:

    Please no more interminable days of national mourning...I wonder if they will learn from the last time.

    Why would they?

    It's in their interests to enforce the charade of a country deep in mourning

  5. 22 hours ago, itzdrk said:

    I went to the cinema to watch this today.  I thought it was fascinating and I don't think I've ever seen a film like it.  The fact there isn't really a story that you are following it's more like a human zoo.  I think a lot of people will definitely not like it on that basis (and foreign language with subtitles).  But I've barely stopped thinking about it since this afternoon. 


    Interested to know if anyone else has seen it or is going to and what they make of it.  

    I'm definitely going to see it when it arrives here

  6. 1 hour ago, lichtie23 said:

    Aye. I completely forgot about that daft rule 

    I wouldn't mind so much if sky actually advertised it as "live broadcast from 1715"but instead they advertise the game,you tune in&get confused because you're getting the league scores coming in instead of the game

  7. 8 hours ago, Eatmygoal said:

    If I'm honest i was grouping peds and cyclists together in my head.

    I took his post to be that because in his mind women don't feel comfortable using it late at night it's fair game to get rid of it. Despite the many (men and women) who cycle, walk, run, push the pram or walk the dog along it every day.

    Perhaps he's just grasping at any straw to justify a decision he's already made

  8. 8 hours ago, Peil said:

    Anyone slightly bemused by the fact that the Faroes and Norway just took a Cat 3 hurricane at the back end of January?

    That seems like a lot of energy in the system, that far north, at this time of year.  I thought hurricane systems were driven by warming in tropical waters in the summer.

    Was it the media that were referring to a hurricane?they've been known to be somewhat slapdash with their reporting

  9. 19 hours ago, Edzellcityfan said:

    Who doesn’t have a covered enclosure? Pretty sure they all do

    From my recollection forres(I don't consider the glorified lawnmower shed there a proper covered enclosure)strathspey&vale don't

    I was thinking broch don't but it's a while since I was there

    Considering this is a league in the Highlands of Scotland playing over winter,it's pretty shameful

  10. On 27/01/2024 at 00:54, invergowrie arab said:

    There are ground regs eg floodlights, changing rooms for teams and officials, covered standing etc 


    A lot of people seem to think floodlights = license 


    Loads in the background that most folk don't consider around legal, healthy and safety, safeguarding and all sorts of other compliance 

    How come existing hfl clubs get away with not having covered standing?

  11. 6 hours ago, TheScarf said:

    I live in a house with a one car driveway and its a 2 car household so I often park on the pavement outside my house as I'm first away in the morning and first home at night.  It saves pissing about and swapping the cars about at 6/7 at night when I can't be arsed.

    I got a notice on my car on Saturday from the Highland Council about pavement parking so what I do now is fully park on the road instead of half on the pavement. Causing the gritters and bin lorries etc aggro as it's a fairly tight street.

    I'd rather you caused gritters or bin lorries aggro than pedestrians

  12. 8 hours ago, Clyde01 said:

    A win tomorrow night could be the turning point of our season. It won’t be easy though as Elgin have also improved a fair bit in the transfer window. Also worth remembering our away record is absolutely honking and Elgin isn’t exactly a happy hunting ground for us at the best of times. Taking all that into account and the fact it’s a midweek game a draw wouldn’t be a complete disaster, it’s more of a must not lose than a must win at this stage


    Disagree about tomorrow night,it's a must win for clyde-youre 4 points behind them&it's almost February,even if you got a draw tonight you'd need to match them game for game as well as making up those 4 points as well,i think you'd run out of games before you could do that.

    I hope you do catch&help relegate them,for the record

  13. 8 hours ago, Autistisches Nilpferd said:

    Ivory Coast looking good into extra time after being shite for 80 minutes against Senegal. They've been minging all tournament but the stars are aligning for the hosts 


    Think they'll go on&win it now after having no business being anywhere near the knockout stages

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