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Posts posted by MyNameIsClarence

  1. On 02/07/2023 at 05:14, accies1874 said:

    I deleted my account at the start of this year/end of last and only searched for a few accounts when I fancied which I found to be pretty useful at blanking out the noise, but that's completely gone now and I'm left up shit creek with a few things especially relating to football (no easy way to find out the Accies scores this weekend and I have no idea what the lineups were). I wonder how clubs and other organisations will adapt as this has changed it as a communication method. 

    I think this is kind of the point, as well as obviously the infrastructure crumbling, of what he's up to. Twitter isn't for lil niche interests like local football clubs and the people who follow them connecting and disseminating information. It's some weird social Darwinian attempt at the "public square" but massively weighted towards the most brain damaged people on earth.

    19 hours ago, ICTChris said:


    That guys gives me the strangest vibes, awful poster too. Upset to be reminded of the sub-twlldun weirdo. No thank you 

    Just read that he's had the incredibly bad idea to write a joint biography of Mussolini, Franco and Hitler. What originality 

  2. 3 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

    Don’t believe everything you read in the internet.

    You're right, I never believed you when you pretended to live in Palo Alto and that random women whose pictures you took off the internet were your girlfriend.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Hoose Rice said:

    Correct.  Tommy acted like a smart arse when we signed all they players last season and people moaned though and hes not got the baws to admit he was wrong by a country mile.

    I mean to give a massive benefit of the doubt Miller and Myko if he comes back I could easily see come good, bit to say they were successful overall last year is wild

  4. 3 hours ago, Tommy Tappin said:

    Hoosey here 👆 hates Hibs more than the Yams do. Might even be one of you.

    For the record though:

    Marshall ✅
    Miller ✅
    Cabraja ✖️
    Hendo ✖️
    Kenneh ✖️
    McKirdy ✖️
    Boyle ✅
    McGeady ✅
    McLelland 🤷‍♂️
    Youan ✅
    Tavares ✖️
    Bojang ✖️
    Myko ✅
    Schofield 🤷‍♂️
    Rocky ✅

    7 good, 6 bad, 2 dunno. Mixed bag, like always. 


    Marshall was nowhere near what would have been expected, miller came on to a game in about the last 3 games but by no means a success overall, McGeady and Myko were both out for far too much of the season to be properly judged. 

  5. On 28/06/2023 at 07:29, The Moonster said:

    Theroadlesstravelled is probably the worst troll on this part of the forum, when will you all learn to ignore this shite?

    Did he not, on a previous account, used to pretend he lived in Palo Alto and regularly post photos of women from the internet claiming they were his girlfriend?

  6. Any news on Laidlaw? I think since the stories at the end of may about Watford and the swiftly deleted insta message there's not been any update, except I think a tiny story in the print EEN about us offering him a contract anyway. Does sound like he's away but I'd be happier with him interchanging with ALF as the second choice striker than McKirdy or a similar punt from down south. Money does need spent on a proper nisbet replacement though. 

    Fish plus another CB. CJ on loan again or another RB. Happy we seem to be getting linked with younger creative CMs. Upgrade on one of the DMs. At least 1 winger

    So I make it 6 necessary signings at the moment, plus hoping a youngster who's pretty much said he's leaving stays. Thanks Hibs!

  7. 4 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

    I'm 38 as well. I assumed "lifetime" really means the part of your life that you've been watching or aware of football and the national team. I have no memory whatsoever of the tournaments from 86-92. I can remember watching 96, and qualifying plus finals for 98. But really for folk my age, your ability to actually critically evaluate players starts somewhere around 2000. Pretty much the exact point in time where we went from being a good team to a poor one.

    I'm about 10 years younger and would say my point for the same is a about 2007/8 so would agree with you there. Comparing teams from then up to now there's:

    Several GKs

    Hutton over Hickey

    Weir (and probably more I forget right now) over current CHs

    Ferguson and Fletcher over McTominay and McGregor

    McFadden, Maloney, Snodgrass and potentially Anya for the role Christie most often plays

    Maybe Fletcher over the CFs but he never really played for Scotland at his (early) peak because of injuries, levein and his own stupidity

  8. I've been in a job that I quite like since last October. There's another, similar job within my firm going, it's better money and in a different area which would remove the things that most piss me off in my current role (tied to a yearly cycle doing the same shit, having to speak to external auditors all the time). I didn't think I had the experience but after speaking to the manager in the new job she said I'd be a good fit and really encouraged me to apply. Is it a bit cheeky to try and move out of a job I've only had for 9 months or so internally or f**k em?

  9. 57 minutes ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

    Anyone who wears a ‘Ghillie’ shirt should be locked up & hard drive checked.

    If anyone wears one to my own wedding they’ll be barred from entry (& reported to the police).

    It makes it look like you spend your weekends alternating between volunteering at the Scottish crannog centre and playing a drum on the high street with Clanadonia

  10. 2 hours ago, 2426255 said:

    He had a good game yesterday, gives us good control in the middle of the pitch and it was a good game for him to come into.

    The team has lots of good midfield options depending on how what we need from the game. Gilmour, McGregor, McGinn, McTominay, Armstrong, Christie as well as Jack, McLean and Ferguson have all got minutes playing different midfield roles in the four games of this campaign so far.

    Interesting looking ahead with a full season to go as well - if he were to get a decent move and/or play regularly David Turnbull could be a very interesting option in that midfield as well.

    I'm interested to see Ferguson too, haven't seen much of him in Italy but heard at one point he was playing pretty far forward - could be a good alternate for McGinn in our system as, arse aside, think he has some similar qualities to be the AM who is primarily extremely annoying

  11. 42 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

    The two are quite clearly linked, though. 

    1. Sign a load of players who they can't afford

    2. Use Todd Boehly's contacts in Saudi Arabia to sell off their unwanted players at vastly inflated fees, to help them get around 1 while falling within FFP limits.

    It's pretty farcical, just as it is that the likes of Man City and PSG have owners who are effectively allowed to sponsor their own clubs to get around the rules.

    That isn't to say that Neville isn't a massive hypocrite for shilling for Qatar, because he is. 

    True, but have you considered that it is funny that he's upset?

  12. 11 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

    Cubans hate left wing politics because they lived with communism and want nothing to do with it.

    Cubans are generally very happy with their government, quite rightly considering how well they've done in spite of the pressures they've been placed under. Psycho gusanos living in Miami whose grandad was chief nail puller for the Batista regime or a foreman on a sugar plantation, less so. 

  13. 26 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

    Personally, I think we're more than capable of matching up to Wales of '16. That's not to say we'll absolutely get to a Euros semi. Wales really weren't one of the best four sides in Europe back then. They were just good enough to take that opportunity when it fell to them.

    Realistically, they beat one quality side on the road to the SF - Belgium. They were a side who you'd fancy against middling-to-good sides and were capabale of going toe to toe with a good side and pulling off a result. I think that's where we are tbh.

    They got to a semi by beating Slovakia, Russia, Northern Ireland, and Belgium. I absolutely don't think that kind of performance is beyond the current side as it is.

    Euro 2016 could have been replayed 10 times and Wales wouldn't have gotten to the SFs once. They were a good side, but they weren't an incredible one.

    I think that's all really fair tbh, and actually Wales isn't really a good example as I think that brief prevailing logic that smaller nations should hope for a generational forward and build their team around them is already outdated.

    Not that I'm saying you're dismissing the overall idea or critique, but would still say a better supporting forward is the one area we're lacking just now. But again, it's to Clark and the players' credit that we've scored 2 goals against Spain Norway and Georgia without having that type of player in there, just as it is for centre halves of their perceived quality giving up a single penalty goal against the same 

  14. 32 minutes ago, ArabFC said:

    Kinda agree. McTominay obviously did well last night, but there are games when we need a different option - like a Fraser/Forrest type used to offer - which we don't really seem to have anymore.

    Armstrong and Christie are decent players, but not quite the same.

    Yeah, someone who can do something explosive for want of a better word - carrying at pace, beating defenders with skill, or having a bit more quality shooting from range or playing crosses/through balls - in case one of those roles supporting the CF and we're a level above where we are now imo. 

    I sound miserable reading this back - I'm delighted with where we are, but I think we're literally one role in that team away from doing what Wales did in '16. What's doubly frustrating is it's not even a Bale we need, literally just a couple of options a little better than what we have. 

  15. 37 minutes ago, 2426255 said:

    Steve Clarke's system has been flexible for years to the point where I've found it difficult and to some extent pointless to try and categorize over a 90 minute game in terms of formations or positions. Mostly the team shape appears driven by the situation while the game is in progress and the players seem to be capable of making small positional decisions on the pitch without needing direct intervention from the manager. 

    Sure you can say in general we played a 3421, 433 or whatever, but I've found it difficult to draw any worthwhile conclusions from that as doesn't factor in the detail.


    I do think it's still useful, bit would agree that especially with the ball it's much more about roles generally and situational in specific moments. Given the level of organisation in defence I think there's an admirable amount of decision making delegated to the players in terms of shape when we attack. 

    I don't think you can discount formation or positions completely though as it's a useful framework for understanding the whole picture

  16. If everyone were fit for the back three I'd be choosing Hendry and Porteous as more technical players primarily for the rcb slot, Hanley and McKenna as more meat and potatoes (not that I think they're big huddies but maybe less comfy taking it out) for the middle spot, and Tierney on his own for lcb as there's no one else who's shown he can do that specific job. 

  17. The Gilmour for Christie change was interesting last night. I know people still have their problems with Adams and Dykes as our striking options, and in an ideal world we'd maybe have better, but that second AM position alongside McGinn has been the most obvious area of improvement for me. We're not struggling to make chances and score at the moment but if there was one player I'd bring in from recent past teams it would be McFadden to offer that combination of technique, creativity and goal threat that I think we're lacking. Armstrong is decent enough, and I like Christie, but while he hasn't looked out of his depth exactly he struggles to regularly impact games in the EPL and with Scotland. 

    Replacing Christie with Gilmour looked like a negative move, but I think it offered us a lot more control in the midfield and the two players offered a bit more freedom by his inclusion scored the goals. It's good to see, as with moving to a 4 at the back at times, SSC's ability to be flexible, even in the context of a preferred system that's already flexible (there was a decent 442 video about the swinging defence and 3421 into 4231 fluidity on youtube recently). 

    I think that position, if we do put someone further up alongside McGinn, is still a bit of a concern, but if Anderson can be persuaded to stick with Scotland and Doak (unlikely in the next year or two) gets a chance to play a lot of games and keeps impressing, there might be better options there while the rest of the squad is at its peak. A bit out of left field/unrealistic as well, but is Harvey Barnes not still technically eligible to switch to Scotland? Know he had a good year and is getting a move but he's not got much hope of playing more for England than in an injury crisis. 

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