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  1. it's you seeing as you don't actually go to any games
  2. get that but isn;t it a bit naive in times of rampant inflation over the last year or so to be surprised, unless you're a kid of course and mum and dad are covering all the cost. tbf it doesn't look like that on coyb though.
  3. they are a community club who won their league last year, like us. I'm sure supporters of the premiership clubs view us an an irrelevance, okay maybe not Dundee United lol, but they'd be wrong. I'm sure the last time we played stenny in a competitive game they beat us and beat us well. the fact they don't like us is neither here nor there to me, I get why but it is what it is.
  4. I seldom buy and if people aren't happy they should boycott and express their unhappiness, but the rhetoric on COYB is almost unhinged. the fact is though food inflation in the last year is running at around 2% a month and the minimum wage is up what 10% or so. These costs have to come out somewhere and it's always the consumer who pays. always. i will say the club hasn't handled this all that well this has been blowing up for over a week now and silence,
  5. how many of us venture over to COYB? have you seen the meltdown over the pie prices? just weird.
  6. i agree, but if you offer your opinions then you should be held up to to scrutiny surely as long as this challenge is sensible, or evidenced and not abusive. i see plenty of challenge and discussion and not much abuse unless i've missed it of course.
  7. good points but i would like a little more depth up front and at CH unless the manager feels the youngsters can step up if needed, maybe he does, but who knows. i trust his judgement, we were all worried about yesterday and look at the performance and result.
  8. it was indeed a team effort yesterday with everybody playing their part, but the subject under discussion was how important MacIver is.
  9. i'm not taking sides that's what presented without comment means, people can make their own decision. what nobody is talking about is the tactical change yesterday that saw us being more direct and Ross MacIver playing a vital role in winning the ball in the air. he was really important yesterday
  10. the exact quotes were Presented without comment after listening to it just now, the exact quotes were the priority was "a big strong striker" , "a level above Ross" and then later "a grade above"
  11. that doesnt surprise me because facts don't seem to mean much to you either.
  12. I"m no fan of @BPM, the sense he talks is sometimes watered down by the attack mode he adopts and tries to explain away as banter but he's unquestionably a massive supporter of the club and puts his money where his mouth is. I've no idea who @Captain Chugwash is but if he / she is a volunteer at the club then that deserves respect and the views they express have more weight than the rest of us. There's no justifiable reason to disrespect the anonymity rules here and point fingers the way you did, particularly when it's clear you haven't got a clue what you're talking about. https://spfl.co.uk/news/more-matches-on-premier-sports
  13. dude take your private disagreement elsewhere, thanks.
  14. Was thinking the same thing about Ross MacIver as well. Maybe we should learn to trust the managers judgement and enjoy the ride.
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