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About bigmarv

  • Birthday November 16

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    Katy Texas

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  1. Haley’s husband is serving in the military overseas btw:
  2. The boy here cracks me up, he does both Trump and Biden impressions
  3. Sarah Cooper made her career out of just lip syncing his actual sound clips
  4. They are running out of criteria on how badly the economy is doing: https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/stock-market-today-dow-jones-earnings-01-19-2024
  5. I had no idea that the Birther stuff was back. These wankers are nothing if not consistent (ly racist) https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/17/politics/what-to-know-about-false-birther-claims-about-nikki-haley/index.html
  6. One of the most striking paradoxes of the political right in Europe and USA. Climate change denial and the rejection of immigrants displaced (in many cases) by the effects of climate change. Not to mention the increased hurricane/tornado/flooding activity along the red neck riviera and the southern red states in general.
  7. I’ve lived in USA since 1995. Trump turned many normal people into complete crackpots. My take is that they saw their flawed ideologies slipping away with the back to back Obama wins and got the shock of their lives when Trump came along and “won”. Then they were all in on Trump. He could/can do no wrong. There has never been anything like this bonkers cult.
  8. News that 68% of Republican crackpots in Iowa think that their cult leader had the election stolen from him in 2020. So patriotic
  9. The tried and tested “Biden is too old to be president, vote for someone who will be the oldest ever elected president instead” game plan. .
  10. Add to that the millions of Americans nodding their heads thinking “yup, sounds about right”. Do these people ever consider why Ford pardoned Nixon? Yet again the cult leader should be allowed to rewrite the books, coz “they are all out to get him” or something
  11. Nobody knows more about owning black people than me. Some people say I’m the best owner of black people in the country. And a dozen more .
  12. Did you catch the bit about magnets? . The only thing he knows about magnets is completely wrong? Could not make this guy up.
  13. Donnie still going with the “i’m the master negotiator” pish. That narrative was never true, could have had some merit in 2016, but after four years in government, what exactly did he “negotiate” that benefited the USA? Picture the scene: “So, what do you want southern states?” “We want to have black people as slaves, yankee boy” “OK, deal!”
  14. Same old shit from the Republicans. They have no intention of fixing the immigration system. Nehls just happens to be my member of Congress, what a fine chap:
  15. What a way to run a democracy https://www.vox.com/23899688/2024-election-republican-primary-death-threats-trump
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