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Everything posted by 420

  1. £17 plus travel, a programme maybe, a snack and a drink will set you back the best part of £30 and if everything goes up by, say 10%, we're looking at £33 which - if we're playing well and winning most weeks - will seem like money well spent. If we're not performing, not winning and not challenging that's when the walk-ups stop walking up and the only spectators are those that have bought season tickets and have already committed their entrance fees. The 'cheap' days of football are long gone and they're not coming back (unfortunately) : one look at the crazy wages, transfer fees, admission prices etc. at the top level tells us that. I'm a walker-upper and I make no apologies for it as I'm in low paid work and have to work some Saturdays so I've never been a season-ticket holder which makes it easier for me to say "feck it! I'm not watching that garbage even for FREE" (never mind give up one of the few Saturdays off I get to pay £30-odds to be tortured). The irony is, the better we do and the more promotions we win, the less likely it is that fans on lower incomes who don't qualify for a concession will be able to attend. Let's hope that when that day dawns we have lots of wealthy new fans ready to take the place of those that find ourselves priced-out.
  2. Your punctuation is atrocious! I couldn't even be bothered to read to the end. I'm off to bed now (slept like a log on Saturday night) so sweet dreams clever-clogs and good luck at school this week learning to read and write.
  3. Stair Park itself is OK and it would be a bit hollow of me to be too critical of any stadium (including K-Park) since we have zero stadium and - as yet - zero prospect of one. Who knows? Maybe we'll be getting our own crappy wee K-Park (if we're lucky) that we have to build up over time or maybe we're there, cap-in-hand, begging to share EK's in a couple of years. Stranger things have happened (never thought I'd see us encamped at the home of our bitter rivals, PTFC, but we were). I don't like the trip to Stranraer, don't like the town and have never liked their mouthy fans who never travel. If Stranraer win their play-off, fair play to them and I'll not shed a tear for EK and similarly won't be jumping for joy if Stranraer go down but I'll allow myself a quick smile then get back to fretting about our own future off and on our landlords park.
  4. Me too but, since the idea has been proposed on more than one occasion since the 1960's, I wouldn't bet on it not coming up again in future especially if our big announcement to come this summer regarding a ground of our own turns out to be the usual pie-in-the-sky nonsense we've heard before (Glencairn, Shettleston, EK, Crownpoint etc). EK coming up would put paid to that notion as the town would have its team in the top four leagues and there'd be no desire from the EK residents for us (not that there was some huge demand anyway) and no hankering from us to go there either.
  5. Not a popular opinion, I know, but I can't stand Stranraer and never could and would have hoped whoever they got in the play-off would pump them and relegate them and I'm not going to change my mind cause it's EK. Can't stand Stranraer fans or their ground and don't have any sympathy for their 4th-oldest-club-in-Scotland status : they've done naff all in their entire history. EK are pissing people off because (a) money has been pumped into them and (b) their management team are twats. Is that it? Lots of auld Clyde fans shunted out of Glasgow in the '60's ended their days there and some if their offspring followed the Clyde. Met many people over the years from EK who had a soft spot for Clyde and only ever wished us well. At least if they do come up it might put to bed (once and for all) the chance of us ever relocating to EK and changing our name.
  6. Wasn't at the game today so tell me, did anyone actually throw a punch or swing a boot or is this just another case of a lot of hot air being released amid a bunch of empty threats? I'm guessing it was the usual bluff and bluster.
  7. Five points off 9th place with thirty points to play for and nine points off 5th place and mid-table respectability. Anyone think there won't be a few twists and turns yet? Today's result will be a massive and much-needed confidence boost for the team and should give the support a lift too.
  8. Got no problem with that. Ambitious clubs will want to take ours or anyone else's place in Div 2 just as we (sometimes) eye promotion at someone else's expense. It's the wanting to see another club go out of existence that some people deserve a kicking for. Quite a few clubs I like us beating more than most but I'd take no pleasure out of seeing them die whether they're 19th, 20th or 21st century clubs, quite the opposite : if they die, I need some other team or teams to love beating. Just remember, shite as we are at the moment any pretenders, young or old, still need to prove they're good enough to take us and we might surprise a few people yet.
  9. Whatever happened to the old mantra "we won't give up the fight till it's mathematically impossible" to avoid the play-offs? Doesn't anyone remember beating all the odds to survive relegation at Firhill in the late eiighties sending Killie down instead? Haven't stranger things happened in football history? Great escapes happen all the time and I can't believe the doomsday scenario predictors don't have a wee part of them that thinks we might just scrape by by either avoiding the play-offs entirely (admittedly, unlikely on current form) or win the play-off. Auld Mattha Gemmell said that it took a heart made in a foundry to support Clyde and he wasn't wrong and its not just the team that are being tested at the moment it's also the patience and resolve of the support. We're no deid yet and I'm not giving up on that wee bit of logic (not hope) that tells me survival at this level is possible and should we beat the odds I'll raise a large glass to all these maggot fans of other clubs who are rubbing their manky hands at the prospect of our demise.
  10. I'm a bit out of touch with what's gone on behind the scenes at the club and hadn't realised the wee man was no longer involved. Like most Clyde fans, I've known Lewis, Laura and Ian (R.I.P) since his parents ran the club shop at Broadwood (until the rug was pulled from under their feet) and his love of and commitment to all things Clyde was evident in abundance - the wee fella absolutely lives for his Saturdays following the Bully Wee. I can't believe he'd have done anything to warrant being given the 'your services are no longer required ' line nor can I picture him suddenly just chucking it so what's transpired? Even if he was no longer needed in his previous voluntary role surely there are a bunch of areas in which he could have been utilised. Are we so well off for volunteers that we can afford to lose any? Positive, supportive friendly young guy who was a credit to himself and the club. No agenda, no ulterior motives just loyalty and enthusiasm. I really hope we haven't seen the last of him at the club.
  11. What an absolute semen stain you are to accuse us of bigotry. Whenever we employ ex-Celts (Sean Fallon, John Clark, Billy McNeil, Latchford, McCluskey, McGarvey to name but a few) we're accused of bias. Similarly, we employ some ex-Gers (John Brown, Graham Roberts, Albertz, Miller and McSwegan again, to name just some) and the same accusation gets levelled by tha same halfwits in different colours. So what if we put on a bit of an exhibition match to boost the coffers? Don't remember upsetting you moral crusaders when we invited Man Utd to play us at Broadwood some years back to provide some much-needed funds. The history of the game in this country is full of pre-season 'glamour' friendlies. Next you'll be telling us we were unpatriotic to allow an English man, Sir Stanley Matthews, to pull on a Clyde Jersey against Everton many moons ago in a charity match. We've stood accused of many things over the years but bigotry? Get a grip.
  12. Stranraer fans at their own midden have always been cowardly wee scrotums and - frustratingly - they never leave their forgotten, grotty, miserable wee dive of a town to travel to away grounds (unless they're playing their big team at Ibrox). I would have loved to see them try to come wide with Clyde fans at any of our various grounds over the years but unsurprisingly they never have, never will.
  13. If money were no object and we could pick any design, any site what would we actually want? In an ideal world I'd love to demolish Shawfield and build New Shawfield with a 5000 capacity (for reasons widely understood and previously discussed, that's a non-starter but hey, this is fantasy). Personally, I love some of those stadiums you in the EFL lower leagues. With that in mind, I'd love something like Fleetwood (capacity circa 5k) or Burton Albions place. A seated stand for 2000, a covered terracing for 2000 and 2 uncovered terracing (for those few sunny Saturdays we get in a Scottish season) each holding 500-1000 would suit us.
  14. 'Clyde hopeful of new stadium approval by summer' according to BBC teletext (old skool).
  15. Mixed emotions at the news that Crownpoint is off but the overriding one is that of relief. Much as I would like nothing more than a move back to the East End of Glasgow, the thought of having to mingle on the Gallowgate with fans of one half of the Old Firm (and both when the pair clash at Celtic Park) on Saturdays we're both at home isn't a pleasant one. There's hardly a pub within a mile radius that isn't a dyed-in-the-wool Celtic or Rangers pub, we'd be surrounded by unfriendly natives and parking would have been an issue especially for the bigger cup ties and besides - what do we know about running a sporting facility? We've had no experience of running our own stadium since the Shawfield days and no experience of owning a stadium of our own since we sold it to the greyhounds. If somehow we're able to get our hands on the hockey stadium (and I've not seen or heard anything to suggest GCC would welcome a bid for a Community Asset Transfer) then we'd be doing exceptionally well to rebuild and run that as a football stadium without biting off way more than we could have chewed with Crownpoint.
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