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Nat King Goals

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  1. It's simple - it is illogical, Levein is illogical and Levein's time is up. Utterly clueless and I do wonder what level of input, or lack of input, Clelland has in the coaching staff - I suspect none as Levein's ego takes over any form of listening and discussing with Clelland. I'm sure Clelland is frustrated and angry at what he is witnessing at the hands of the chuckle brothers. Remember Clelland immediately brought ostracised players back in, instilled stability, tactics and players understanding their role when taking over from Macca. Based on Levein's interview we can expext to see May ostracised again whilst Connor Smith, Josh McPake and Cammy McPherson and co carry on regardless. Absolute disgrace and Levein is killing this team.
  2. If we end up signing Neilson and Denholm, having already signed Connor Smith and mhak Kirk, we are as well re-registering in the lowland league as Hearts B team. If this is the genuine solution of signing aspirations for Levein, after Alloa game, when it's glaringly obvious that experienced, quality and ready to slot into starting 11 players are what's desparately needed, then it sounds loud alarm bells for Stan Harris and Mr Webb, surely...
  3. I'm sure a manager, such as McCabe, would agree with you on that. Stevie May is an intelligent player and could absolutely play in midfield. Re McCabe suggestion - if you don't ask you don't get. I could be wrong but believe he is on a flexible, rolling contract. Club need to show some ambition rather than allow this situation to fester. The last Airdrie connection as Saints boss, Coyle, went not too bad...
  4. On that basis you will be calling for Levein to be sacked on Saturday then. Given the history of last season under Levein, scraping to survival on last day, and nothing has changed over the summer, he has to go now. Allowing him to stay after the transfer window closes to then sack him is worse for an incoming manager. Rhys McCabe would be the perfect replacement and allow him to bring players in ahead of transfer window closing. Would rather take our chances on McCabe spending our summer budget rather than Levein. As mentioned in a previous post, he is Davidson 2.0 and signings are just become ex hearts players. If Webb wants his vision of stability and growth to be achieved through entertaining football and increased crowds, then Levein and Kirk have to go. Clelland would be interim until manager appointed and will bring the team together and bring ostracised players, such as Stevie May, back into the team. Look at the difference when McGowan was brought back into the team after being frozen out by Macca. A similar situation here.
  5. Levein has gone from signing Sidibeh, Kimpioka and Keltjens - potential unknoen gems - to now going Calum Davidson 2.0 with jobs for the boys signings. It is glaringly obvious with Connor Smith, Makenzie Kirk, and now potentially Neilson signings. These guys are younger, but its the same worrying principle. It reeks of arrogance and / or desparation. Genuinely think Levein needs to be sacked before he whittles away whatever player budget is left and allow a new manager to come in and make signings before window closes. Surely Stan Harris and co can see the similarities and continued downward spiral that this is going to lead to and advise Mr Webb accordingly. As I say Davidson 2.0.
  6. Craig Gordon or Jon McLaughlin as player coach perhaps but would either want to be here (especially Craig Gordon). What a mess....
  7. This result is on Levein and Kirk. It's their team. In a game where it was vital to get the 3 points, which required more experienced players and potentially play some younger ones in last game, Levein's arrogance has cost us. Is this the sliding doors moment where he realises his faults in terms of signings (specifically Connor Smith and Josh McPake, new contract to McPherson) and quickly realises they need punted pronto and bring in quality - I hope so, but have my doubts. Concerns re goalkeeper that will eat into budget when a new goalkeeper arrives now too. What player(s) in that team today has the desire and will give their all for the Saints shirt? Yet Levein ostracises Stevie May - i know this divides opinion - he may not score the goals but he would lead by example and show the other players up in terms of fight and intelligent play. There needs to be a balance of experience and young players, but only if they are good enough. Levein / Kirk have a lot to think about and sort the squad quickly.
  8. Keltjens and Essels were impressive today and made a huge difference having Wright pushed further up on the wing. How McPherson continues to start is beyond me and hope that once Sven gets game time again, hopefully midweek, then Sven takes over going forward. Cameron's injury ultimately forced Levein into back four, otherwise that turgid back five would have been on show today. Hopefully Levein will be more willing to change formation going forward. Felt Kirk did well when he came on and certainly puts himself about but should have done better with his chance, but plenty to work with on that front. Connor Smith getting game time is a worry and just wish Hamilton would make an offer to get him off the books. Felt sorry for Taylor Steven getting less than 5 minutes given Levein's past comments about giving him and others chance to impress before decisions on loans. All in all, job done, clean sheet and move forward positively to midweek.
  9. I get the opinions about May as a striker nowadays, but believe that he is an intelligent player who would be of benefit playing deeper (e.g number 10 role). He can see a pass / assists and would far rather him being here for that reason. Would like to see May play deeper tomorrow. It could give that attaking spark and confidence the team desparately need. Whether Levein gives him the opportunity in that role is the question, though.
  10. Is this Levein attempting to bamboozle agents, media, players and fans with what he has said re squad size and what he is actually doing with signings. Willing to put some level of faith in what Levein is doing but if players such as May etc leave as a result of Kirk coming in, then I will be concerned as to the strategy towards improving performance and league position on last season. Is Levein juggling the numbers for ins and outs by immediately loaning out Kirk and Cocks and then bring in two starting players. Maybe Levein thinks the new owners struggle with maths.
  11. One thing about Levein is he seems quite clever when providing information to media, whether that be player injuries, signings etc. It may be that the likes of Parker, Bright etc go out on loan (as the numbers referred to for numbers of signings coming in) but that the wage structure will not reflect those youngsters going out and is more akin to wages of players considered as starting 11. Could be completely wrong though.
  12. Got to laugh at comments going from utter desparation to some form of positivity. We are a team in transition with signings still to come and players to return from injury (Sprangler, Keltjens, Clark, Ikpeazu etc). First competitive game following pre-season matches against highland league and League One opposition. We will improve game by game. Today is about winning - of course we want it to be quality viewing - but a win is a win at this stage. As I said in an ealier post, glass half full vibes are needed and let the good times get going.
  13. 1st half far from great, but once likes of Sidibeh, Steven and May are introduced in 2nd half, we will be fine. Glass half full is the way to go.
  14. Looks like it - step brother / cousin of Max perhaps when Levein was looking at the family tree for signings... If only Levein could see that May, played in number 10 role, could work, rather than McPake.
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