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  1. Unsure if situation much different at the Glens both have had good backers in years gone by however although they are still supporting the club they are not to the same extent. Typically Glens go for an ex senior player as a manager.
  2. Cumnock are the same, must be something in the water. Unsure who I see filling this post. McInally would be a good choice however he normally likes a team with money to spend. Could Craig McEwan step back in or is he happy as an assistant now? Other than those two I am not seeing any obvious candidates.
  3. Is the poor discipline record a sign of a team under pressure? I would imagine out of the WoS teams Johnstone Burgh must have the worse discipline record, Pollok can't be too far behind
  4. I would imagine they will go down again this season. It is not talking the SoS league down, I think you'd struggle to find anyone arguing the SoS is on a par.
  5. I have seen my fair share of SoS games also I have seen results with East and West sides against SoS teams. You are barking up the wrong tree if you believe the SoS is on a par with WoS prem or EoS prem. You are deluded to suggest otherwise. Look at Threave they haven't achieved back to back promotions which tell you how the strongest SoS team compares in WoS.
  6. untrue regarding the pitch, one of the committee members of Clydebank commented on their own fans facebook group when a discussion was had over what is required to achieve bronze, they stated pitch is not compliant with bronze level and a resurface would be required. I am sure you will be able to find that post yourself. The issue with doctors even if it is a fan insurance needs covered which can be expensive. As soon as you achieve bronze a doctor must be in attendance at all games unless the home team are happy to cover the doctor for both teams. Until bronze is required or the realistic chance of promotion to SPFL I personally don't see why you would get it
  7. The same clown that secured the league sponsorship? Whether he is associated to the Junior association or not, I think he goes about things well. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I was not alone in my opinion that Bamford should have been replaced, a couple of votes the other way would have seen a change. The fact it came as close as a couple of votes demonstrates that nearly 50% of the set up are not in favour of the leadership Bamford offers.
  8. I have never advocated to go back to Juniors. SoS league would remain at Tier 6 the standard in SoS does not merit tier 5. Teams in LL would be allocated to tier 5 league either East or West
  9. Not a Junior Zealot I advocate for a better tier 5, absolutely. I don't see why you cant have a 3 league tier 5 with no B teams. For me it should be HL, EoS and WoS at tier 5, the LL teams then get allocated to the prem div of either EoS or WoS wherever they fall. I fundamentally believe all clubs should be able to host a Saturday match whenever the match secretary casts fixtures without the need to move games across multiple leagues. Football at professional level/semi professional level should be played on good quality grass pitches, the argument for the facilities being a "community facility" have a separate community facility for training purposes or youth set up however glorified cages or sports complexes have no place in achieving higher standards or facilities. South Challenge Cup if that is to be the biggest non-league cup in Scotland then it's value and significance has to be greater than the Scottish Junior Cup. The prize pot has to be greater. You just need to look at the attendance at the final there 300 fans, the competition has no standing. I understand your self-interest as your club play on a shared council funded pitch with an astro. To get into the SPFL the standard and requirements need to be higher, I also think the WoS need to have far better entry requirements as well.
  10. I think the standard for bronze should be higher imo not less. Perhaps if clubs stopped paying inflated wages and spent more on infrastructure then long term all teams in a healthier place.
  11. I have no doubt swifty is under pressure as well, Cumnock had an overhaul in the summer and weren't shy in spending money with some players reported to be on big money. Cumnock have a track record of pulling the trigger on the manager. He is in a position now where he needs wins. That said I do believe Maxi is under mounting pressure and rightfully so.
  12. I am talking about the same situation in WoS Beith never had entry license required for LL, in the LL very few have a bronze license required for SPFL. My point was the teams in the WoS who could achieve bronze the easiest and I said Talbot and Medda seem to be the most geared up should they wish to go for it.
  13. The club closest to this in the West would be Talbot and Medda, I am sure there main issue is having a doctor at all home games from when they achieve license. I can't see any of WoS teams currently close to this however when you factor in EK at bronze and Caley braves then perhaps some not as far away as it seems. I am sure the most likely team to come up this season is Clydebank have quite a bit of work to do to achieve bronze, this includes a new carpet for the pitch and seated provisions along with the doctor required. I feel the LL will have many teams trapped for some time.
  14. As often critical of the WoS committee as I am, I think ultimately they were put in a lose-lose situation. Declare the result and have Pollok up in arms, replay the game and have Cumnock up in arms. Perhaps better guidance to the referees over what action to take in similar situation where something isn't directly effecting the game being played. While the main thing is the fan is ok, should the game have been stopped, I understand it if it was an on field or coach issue i.e. player getting serious injury then to me that is different. What was stopping the ref once it became apparent that the fan was ok restarting the game. I still think Maxi had a influence on the decision his team was down to team men and down a goal. He is a manager no doubt under pressure. That said it would be interested to hear what the Cumnock manager had said to the referee at the time, did he approve this etc...perhaps assuming Cumnock would have been awarded the tie.
  15. I personally can't see how the result could have stood with time left. As unfair as at may seem to Cumnock how many games are won in added time etc... Card issue would be interesting.
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