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  1. First goal is a complete miss hit from a cross they often find the net when that happens, keeper not at fault for me. Think the second goal is scrappy again keeper not at fault. The third I think McPherson has to go clear his lines, instead he hesitated thinking the goalkeeper was coming and got punished.
  2. I’ve already stated in this the committee down at meadow is a shambles, too many of them want to be the manger or have to much to say on other things rather than trying to improve things on the park and if it’s not the committee having too much input it’s other coaches and physios trying to undercut the manager. Allowing mcginty to walk was the start of their problems. Then went with inexperienced managers or the cheap options for years after him, the downfall at meadow is crazy to see in such a short space of time.
  3. I watched the highlights and agree it looked like both teams had plenty of chances. your point on the JB game makes no sense though, Pollok couldn’t break down 9 men in that game, I’m wondering if the could break down 11 men being a man down at the weekend. From what I’m seeing it’s scoring goals or finishing teams off that’s the problem for Lok at the moment. as I’ve said I wasn’t at the game can only go on what I’ve read.
  4. Like I said I’m only going off what I’ve read online and it seemed cumnock where the better team, that’s coming from Lok fans. I wasn’t at the game so can’t comment too much. With there being 85 mins gone and Lok down to 10 men will be interesting to see what the decision is.
  5. How long do we think this management team has before there is massive changes again at meadow?
  6. Would be a complete let off for Pollok if the game is replayed again. Down to 10 and playing poorly from what I’ve read online. Maxi must be coming under serious pressure to get his squad firing, been seeing a lot of disgruntled Lok fans on the way the team are playing. Took in the JB game a few weeks ago and they couldn’t beat a 9 man JB and actually nearly lost the game, team looked lost on that day, wondering if it’s still the same a few weeks later? Pollok have a good squad there, maybe not as much money as some of the other teams but should definitely be in the top 5-6 this season, early season form would suggest otherwise.
  7. Is it a case of players being greedy or medda simply not giving good players what they are worth? They had no issues throwing money to players coming in from whittlets after letting others go. Do you think Grierson would take the job on again? He had the team flying, feel he was getting the best out of us mostly due to his experience I’d say, everything seemed to be running smoother and more organised when he was in charge. Current management have been backed you’d think with the amount of incomings, especially the likes of McLennan and Paton I’d imagine they would be on decent money to drop down a league. It would be catastrophic for medda to even consider another crap season and risk relegation again
  8. Said in my previous post, they should get George Grierson (if he’s fit and healthy) back or somone who is more experienced to steady the ship.
  9. Weren’t you on George Griersons coaching staff? It’s baffling to think even you don’t think the committee take money in for everything other than the playing squad. The sales of Wardrope, Gow, Graham and faulds to name a few and who do we go out and buy, 5 players who can’t get a game for whittlets.
  10. Bit more context needed to, Irvine vics are sitting rock bottom of their league, how this medda team is getting beat off them is baffling. Got the likes of McLennan, Sharpe Barclay and Paton in the team, all played prem last year. To touch on the physio if Ben goes, I wonder if he just hangs around again for the next management team too? Something definitely off about that. As I said in my first post the football under Spence and Latta was terrible too people have a short memory, the job came too soon for them as it has with Ben now, need to go get an experienced manager similar to the Grierson appointment to steady the ship.
  11. Beat off irvine vics tonight in the Mary mass derby, typically known for medda domination in it, what’s going on down at meadow? Wouldn’t surprise me if Ben decides to walk, how many managers will this committee see off before they start realising maybe they are the problem? Wouldn’t surprise me if the physio has his name in the hat already..
  12. Good to see big Gowzer doing well at pollok by the sounds of it, watched him a lot when he was at medda he was a top defender for them too. Diver is a top striker and will get plenty of chances at St cadochs but feel he was more suited to beiths style and playing under strain too.
  13. It’s not hard to work out is it, 15k paid in transfer, few grand to the player plus his wages = close to 20k. It’s really not a major difference, both spending a fortune hoping it pays off. Will be interesting to see if Clydebank have their usual after Christmas downfall after their fans have shouted from the rooftops that they are going to win the league.
  14. So use didn’t pay close to 20k for syme? Nothing ridiculous about it word gets about pretty quick. Use don’t want to admit to the fact use are trying to bankroll the league after slagging off darvel ect for doing the same.
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