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  1. We seem to have a continuous need for dragging fans back down to reality.
  2. The Livi 3 transfer John McVeigh sacking and associated shot at glory/gangsters in stand Ryan's Stevenson playing in goals and our spfl rep director not knowing the rules Paul McManus various transfer sagas Kevin Nisbet contract
  3. You have to reflect back again now at the timing of Murrays sacking. Say we hadn't pulled the trigger then, we may have been able to keep squad morale higher, fit returning players into a known system and perhaps attract new signings into a stable environment with a manager in place. Results may have improved and squad strengthened. Worst case, we would still be where we are today but external perception would be different. Out of 2 cups, bottom of the league, one penalty goal scored and strong squad. We would then likely be more attractive to players and managers that something was changing with just cause. Timing and foresight is everything.
  4. It all smacks of a team with no direction, little confidence, confused setup and low morale. The formation didn't work. The players looked lost. Not at fault for the goals, but Kev just looks nervous any time the ball comes near him now. This can't help. Throwing Murray in after missing a few couldn't help either. Especially to that messy formation. Hanlon and Stevenson are being dragged down by the setup. They both look deflated. Right back position is a farce. Whats the point in Freeman. Teams also have now spotted we will chuck everything down the left. We have no engine room without Brown or Stanton. (Hoping it's just a niggle with Stanton, but that's the third time he has appeared and disappeared from the squad. This can't be well managed injuries, just like Hamilton previous). There is a massive gap in the setup between defence and attack. Easton is trying, but nothing is working. Or has done for a while. We are all one dimensional. There is no pace. Nor do we have decent options from the bench. Well we do, but clearly not fit. Our set pieces are now terrible at both ends. Upfront, there is nothing. Two unfit strikers (Vaughan and Hamilton) and two out of position wingers. There is no decent service anyway. Last two games have been the strongest squads we have had available since preseason, and it's been a disaster. Ultimately, poor tactics, failed recruitment in key areas and destroyed team morale. We need reinforcements ASAP from somewhere. On paper the squad should be doing significantly better, we just don't know how to use it.
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