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About HotdogTom

  • Birthday 14/06/1978

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    Lowland league

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  1. No fighting here from this proponent of peace. Moffat is a good young coach and he has got of to a flyer in a tough league. Never visited and not had a good time win or lose there. someone is usually the bad guy in most environments and if it’s the Bankies they will play the part well
  2. Seen Clybebank a few weeks ago. They look strong. Organised and very good on the ball. Long season ahead but would be great to see them up. Always a good ground to visit on your travels and a warm welcome from the local custodians.
  3. Hello All, my name is Tom or to others Hotdog. I’m no that braw so no a hot dog in that sense. So hello to one and all.
  4. Interesting work my man! Very well laid out. Small sample pool yes but both South Challenge Cup and LL Cup should be pots the ex League 2 clubs should be well capable off. Again from what am have seen for some folk (not Chris btw to be clear) the cynicism out weighs some major positive of doing well. “Focus on the league” garbage when for the most part it is done or stagger to a 10th finish. Win something take good feeling and a few extra pounds (albeit not life changing into the next year)
  5. I am sure the 10k was useful but the rhetoric and statements released prior to the B team vote is hollow is it no? Where was the grand statement to refuse this Challenge Cup bounty based on sporting integrity as you demonstrated with the criticism of B teams and clubs voting for this? As for open promotion spots both up and down in Lowland League my guess is Rovers and the others won’t be Turkeys voting for Christmas. 2 open spots of relegation puts them in serious risk of West of Scotland Premier in 5 years. I’m not saying anyone of the Ex SPFL wouldn’t get up again to tier 5 but the problem is their very existence is at risk at this level. The problem in this league, not just with the ex SPFL clubs, is the things folk complain about are the things that can often be a safety net they don’t want to acknowledge. If clubs are going to use the morality card they need to be consistent otherwise it looks pretty foolish Also clubs that tend to win the less fashionable cups in the LL sphere are more successful for the most part. I think that’s a given. If your happy to accept 10k why not the extra gates from additional games the further you go? Do well enough you might get close to another 10k with enough games. For the record, I am against B teams so completely get the argument against
  6. I think a lot of Rovers fans have a lot of difficulty comprehending their position now from what I can see. Rovers like the others are down for a reason and should not be hindering others making a coin because they have been in the SPFL. If a pyramid was in place 20 years ago the clubs in question would more than likely be tier 6 by now. There should be no way Rovers or the other ex SPFL clubs should have been admitted when they have been so poor over the course of a league. Merit should always be the principal. If not what is the point. No devine right when others are working harder. And that goes for the B teams too. No need for them at the expense of good community clubs especially in the West. Interesting that no SPFL team has won any of the cups on offer at this level? Are they too big to compete or be arsed? Clubs like Spartans and EK have done this and one is up and other has been close. Perhaps a winning mentality is better than a mentality that wants a few breadcrumbs now and again. Speaks volumes I think
  7. Lots of criticism can be aimed at the LL but this is a tight and competitive league and in Scotland that should not be overlooked. Great to see and EK not getting their way like a lot expected
  8. Doing well. As opposed to last year, everyone thought they were down at the start of this season. Not easy geographically to put together a competitive team so kudos to everyone concerned with the club. Hopefully the people of the town and region get behind them and perhaps draws turn to wins
  9. The East Stirlingshire Facebook page makes for interesting reading this morning. People angry no doubt. A club sliding to the abyss and some finding ways to excuse it. It seems like the statement wanting 50 grand fell on deaf ears. Why would folk blindly throw money into a project that is going to hell in an handcart and clearly being mismanaged? Club ignoring those voting with their feet and digging theirs in by flogging the same dead horse. One way for this club and sadly I stress, it is down unfortunately unless something radically changes
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